The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 588 The Emperor's Means

As soon as Zhu ignored this remark, the expressions of everyone in the field changed.

After more than 20 years of the Spring and Autumn National War, Liyang unified the Central Plains and restored the old Qin unification pattern 800 years ago. Such a situation is bound to leave a strong mark in the history books.

But this stroke has nothing to do with the one in front of him, even though this lord is more wise and promising than the previous emperor.

Just because the eradication of the Eight Kingdoms was the result of the previous emperor's reign, naturally it will not be counted on the head of His Majesty today.

But if Beimang can be destroyed and the territory expanded, it will surely achieve a feat unprecedented in ancient and modern times.

As soon as the emperor's words fell, the people below were all human beings, and they thought of this aspect almost instantly.

All the ministers below couldn't help thinking about it, including Zhang Julu.

In addition to the benefits obtained after the annexation of Beimang, there is also the temptation to leave a name in history.

You know, among the people below, there are survivors from the Eight Kingdoms.

Zhang Julu was the chief assistant of the court, so he was naturally the first to speak.

The emerald green eyes were shining with a faint light, making it hard to see the depth of this person, and he said slowly: "Your Majesty, Beimang has occupied the north for many years, and its national strength is strong. If it's just border harassment, you should retreat back, but If you want to go north to attack the enemy, you need to plan it slowly, and don't act too hastily."

Another person came out and said: "Master Zhang is old-fashioned in seeking the country. Your Majesty, you need to be cautious when attacking Beimang. Why don't you first defend against the enemy, and then gather ministers and businessmen to discuss a perfect strategy, and then go north to attack Beimang."

The emperor listened with a calm expression.

Below, Gu Jiantang glanced at the person who spoke just now, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

The people who spoke just now belonged to the old aristocracy of Liyang, but after nearly 30 years, these people have no longer had the enterprising spirit of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Immediately, he took a step forward: "Your Majesty, judging from the letterhead, the Beimang army's mobilization is quite different. It is completely different from the previous years' kowtow.

"In addition, the battle of the king of Beiliang on the border of Liangzhou has already begun. I have been away from Yang for 20 years to recuperate and start a war with Beimang. It is at this time."

"The final general is willing to go and charge for His Majesty."

Gu Jiantang is a master of swordsmanship, the clanging sound resounded through the imperial study room.

The emperor nodded, and his majestic eyes scanned the people in the field.

His authority has become more and more powerful these years. In the past, when he first took the throne, he needed to use political skills to compromise all parties to seek a balance. But now, the military and political power of the entire Liyang Empire is in his own hands except Beiliang, which can almost be called dry. Outline dogmatic.

Under his emperor's mentality, many forces are more and more in awe of him, and they all bow down and be small, and dare not disobey.

Zhu Wushi had already made a decision in his heart, how could it be changed by a few words.

He stared at Zhang Julu, and said calmly: "The cabinet will discuss with the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Industry, together with Jin Yiwei, and come up with a charter."

Afterwards, his eyes moved slightly, and he said again: "If the event is accomplished, there will be another king with a different surname in Liyang."

The complexions of the people below changed, and strange colors shot out in their eyes.

After the emperor finished speaking, he waved his hands to make everyone retreat.

Zhang Julu and the others bowed and said: "I will obey the order."

After everyone left, the emperor sat in front of the desk, pondered for a while, picked up a pen and waved his hand to write two secret letters, and handed them to Han Diao Temple.

"Use the expedited channel and send it to Xu Xiao."

Han Diaosi bowed his head to accept the order, many thoughts flashed through his mind.


Beiliang, Daying.

Xu Xiao had a hard time during this period. To be precise, the entire Beiliang army and the Beimang army that was facing it were having a hard time.

Having Tuoba Bodhisattva, the God of the Northern Mang Army, sitting in command, is indeed a tough nut to crack.

On this day, everyone was discussing military strategies.


"Come in."

"General Bing, there is a Jinyi guard outside who wants to see the general."

Xu Xiao and Li Yishan looked at each other. The entire Liyang Empire knew what the Jinyiwei represented. He was an extension of the will of the Tai'an City. Coming here meant that there was a will to convey.

After a moment of silence, Xu Xiao waved his hand: "Let him in."

Jin Yiwei is not an eunuch delivering the decree, so in his capacity there is no need to go out to greet him.

Suddenly, a flying fish suit walked in.

Jin Yiwei cupped his hands: "I have seen the prince, His Majesty has a secret order to deliver." As he spoke, he took out two letters from his pocket.

Xu Xiao stood up and took it with both hands.

Jin Yiwei did not delay, cupped his hands and said: "My lord, I have to return to my humble post, so I won't wait any longer, I will take my leave first."

Xu Xiao didn't stay with the other party, just said: "Go slowly."

After the person left, Xu Xiao took a look at the two letters, one was for himself, and the other was for Dai Daojin, which made him a little surprised.

When Li Yishan saw it, his eyes were ponderous, his eyes turned, and he smiled lightly: "We actually need to deliver the letter. It seems that the relationship between His Majesty and that gentleman is not what we thought."

Xu Xiao nodded, opened his letter, and after reading it, his face showed a solemn expression: "The emperor's son is so bold."

Although it is hostile, he still values ​​this emperor very much.

Li Yishan took the letter from Xu Xiao's hand and read it over. The emperor's will was very simple. He needed Beiliang's cooperation to conquer Beimang.

He frowned. In the past, no matter what happened, as long as Beiliang was involved, the emperor mostly focused on comforting him, and he had never used such a strong tone.

It means that the emperor is coming.

He really wants to take this opportunity to completely solve the problem in Beimang.

Xu Xiao looked at Li Yishan: "What do you think?"

Raiding Beimang requires the power of the whole country, and Beiliang is no exception.

But what makes Xu Xiao troublesome is that if, as before, there is a foreign enemy like Beimang, the Beiliang army will always exist, because Liyang needs Beiliang iron cavalry.

But if he really cooperates with the emperor's order this time, the problem in Beimang will be completely solved.

So at that time, Liyang still needed the Beiliang Army?

The emperor's attitude towards the Xu family in Beiliang was almost predictable.

It not only eradicated Beimang, expanded its territory, and achieved unprecedented achievements in ancient and modern times, but also completely pulled out the thorn of the Xu family in Beiliang, killing two birds with one stone.

Xu Xiao sighed for the emperor's tricks.

At this time, Chen Zhibao, Zhu Lushan and others had already read the letter.

Zhu Lushan looked at it with cold eyes: "The war is imminent, and the emperor sends such a letter, isn't it afraid that we will not listen to him and make his great achievements come to an end?"

Xu Xiao frowned and remained silent.

Li Yishan suddenly gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "I underestimated the emperor."

Everyone looked at him, and Xu Xiao also had doubts in his eyes, not knowing what he meant.

Li Yishan pointed to another letter from "Dai Daojin's personal letter" and said with a wry smile: "I thought the emperor didn't even have a channel to contact that gentleman, so we had to rely on us to send a letter to explain the relationship between the two, which is stronger than we imagined." Worse."

Zhu Lushan said in a muffled voice, "Military Master, isn't that the case?"

Li Yishan shook his head and said: "If what I expected is correct, this letter should be used to persuade Mr. Dai to let us obey the emperor's will and cooperate with the imperial court's Northern Expedition."

Everyone frowned, if that person also asked them to obey the court, then they really had no choice.

After a pause, Yuan Zuozong said, "It's fine if we don't hand over the letter to Mr. Dai."

As soon as this remark came out, Yao Jian, one of Xu Xiao's six righteous sons, said, "It's not right."

Li Yishan also said: "The emperor has predicted that we dare not, and we are only guessing about the contents of this letter. No one dares to say whether there is anything else, whether it is important to that gentleman? And privately withhold his letter, It will inevitably cause the original good cooperative relationship to break down. Without the support of that person, coupled with the heavy loss of the Beiliang cavalry this time, the emperor will no longer have any concerns about dealing with us."

Everyone looked at each other.

Xu Xiao frowned into Sichuan characters and remained silent.

Facing the emperor's duoduao plot, Li Yishan also felt a little tricky.

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