In the early morning of Baishui Town, the sun is like a small red pancake, hanging at the junction of the sky and the mountains.

The morning glow is pale red and the sun is warm.

The people in Baishui Town have already woken up early and started a busy day.

In the only inn in the town, Xiaoer had just finished wiping the tables and chairs in the hall for the second time.


On the second floor, a man of medium build walked downstairs slowly. He was about 40 years old, with gray beard and hair, rough and red complexion, and he seemed to be walking outside often.

Xiaoer saw someone coming from upstairs, so he rushed up to greet him.

"Master, do you want to prepare some food for you?"

The man waved his hand, ignored him, walked out of the inn, and went to the street.

Xiao Er watched him off, and only looked away when he could no longer see anyone.

His eyes flashed, and he turned and walked towards the back hall.


Cang Li was walking on the street, under his thick gray eyebrows, his cloudy eyes casually glanced around.

He was ordered by General Tuoba to inquire about the changes in Beiliang during this period.

As a top spy, he not only has profound martial arts cultivation, but also has extraordinary patience.

He has been here for three days. In these three days, except for the first day, he found a good seller to sell the goods like a normal merchant. In the next two days, he concentrated on collecting local products. Prepare to collect in large quantities and sell out.

He walked to a booth and stopped.

"How do you sell this antler?"

The stall owner was a young man. He grinned and said, "You take three taels of silver."

The antlers are small, yellow-brown in color, and the extremities are off-white, with a moist luster, but it is a good thing for warming kidney yang and strengthening muscles and bones.

Cang Lixing is a man of knowledge, so he began to bargain.

"It's okay, but it's too small. I can only pay two taels of silver."

A gleam of light flashed in the boy's eyes, he hesitated, nodded, "Yes."

Cang Lixing smiled, paid the money, and asked casually: "Little brother, I saw a lot of people enter that canyon a few days ago, what were they doing? Could it be some business to get rich?"

The young man put the money into his pocket happily, and said, "I don't know, but Taniguchi used to be able to go hunting, but now the officers and soldiers are in the hands, but I can't get in."

Cang Lixing let out an oh, got up and left without asking any further questions.

The boy looked at his back with weird eyes.


In an ordinary courtyard in the easternmost part of the town, people came in and out from time to time.

In one room, there were more than ten people sitting.

There was a long table among the dozen or so people. On the table, papers with handwriting were placed in piles in an orderly manner.

These people flipped through these papers from time to time, as if they were summarizing and processing certain information.

Not long after, a person got up, holding a paper, walked out of the door, and came to another room.

"My lord, as of yesterday, there were 67 unfamiliar faces who entered Baishui Town and still stayed here, 34 people with cultivation bases, and 52 people who became curious about Taniguchi and asked others."

There was a person in the room, dressed in black clothes, with indifferent eyes, listening quietly.

The visitor continued: "According to the information received, one of them has the highest level of martial arts and has entered the Zhixuan Realm. He calls himself Chen Dahai, he is from Ledu County, and he is a traveling businessman. He has been living in the inn for three days. "

He actually had a lot of questions in his mind. These people belonged to Beiliang's secret espionage organization, but they didn't let him wait for others to go out to inquire when they came here. Instead, they stayed here to deal with these unknown news.

What he couldn't understand the most was that these news came from the people in the town.

There are grandmothers selling vegetables, old men working shifts, and beggars...

Can you believe the news from these people?

This Chen Dahai, who refers to the Profound Realm, was the news delivered by a hunting boy, who swore that this Chen Dahai had the cultivation of the Profound Realm.

But he could see clearly that the boy didn't even feel angry...

Of course, he did not express these doubts, because the long-standing obedience instinct suppressed his desire to explore.

After he finished speaking, the people in the mysterious clothes in the room heard that there was a martial artist in the mysterious realm, their eyes flashed, revealing a shocking sharpness, which was fleeting.

The man in Xuanyi pondered for a while, and said: "I see, continue to investigate."

The visitor bowed, turned and left.


After another two days, Cang Lixing felt that it was almost done.

He asked several people in this small town, but all he got was worthless news.

It seems that in the end, I still have to go to the valley to explore in person.

At night, a black shadow disappeared from the window of the inn like light smoke.

Cang Lixing's stealth technique, with the help of black cover, can basically be silent.He even used secret methods to cover up his aura, so it was difficult for even astronomical masters to find him.

This is also the reliance of his rampage in the world.

But he didn't know that after he jumped out of the window and disappeared, the boss and waiter in the inn lobby looked at his position on the second floor.The middle-aged couple living opposite the inn also stood by the window, looking at the place where he disappeared, and some other people also noticed him...

"Wow wow..."

The wind on the mountain was so strong that the leaves rustled.

Above the entrance of the valley, warriors in cyan outfits were vigilant, while the entrance below was guarded by Beiliang officers and soldiers.

Cang Lixing hid in the dark, looking at the warrior with bulging temples and glints in his eyes, he was secretly surprised that this little guard was so powerful, why had he never heard of such strength in the Pantheon Palace.

As if it popped out of nowhere.

He glanced at the "Panshen Palace" flag that was waving in the wind, and remembered that there seemed to be the head of a Vajra Realm warrior who had been beheaded by the mysterious Panshen Palace master before, thinking about something, his figure was hidden in the darkness Disappear.

Cang Lixing sneaked forward, avoiding several waves of patrolling Panshen Palace warriors.

As he went deeper, he gradually heard the sound of "jingling" in his ears, as if he was digging a mountain.

As the voice became clearer, Cang Lixing became more cautious, this is the experience he gained from half a lifetime of life and death.

After another cup of tea time, the dense forest in front of Cang Lixing disappeared, and he finally became enlightened.

There is a huge square in front of you, simple and rough wooden houses, and the boiling popularity indicates that there are at least 3 people in this place...

Cang Lixing was secretly startled, what exactly does Xu Rentu want to do?

Tibetan soldiers in Kunlun Mountains?Is he going to rebel?

But he immediately denied this guess. The emperor of the Southern Dynasty was not a fatuous master. This place can't even be hidden from us. How could it be possible to hide from the pervasive Jin Yiwei?

Cang Lixing couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it, tried his best to minimize his sense of existence, hid in the darkness, and moved on.

The excavated mountainside, huge altar, strange metal parts, mysterious copper coffin...

After Cang Lixing found out, he quickly withdrew and evacuated. On the way, he couldn't help thinking that all the dignitaries in the Southern Dynasties had a tradition of finding graves for themselves. Could it be that this is the geomantic treasure land that Xu Xiao found for him?

And that copper coffin, why did it make me feel terrified?

Cang Lixing thought about it, looked up at the pale moon in the sky, suddenly there was a trace of coldness behind his back, this is the feeling he never felt after he practiced martial arts more than 30 years ago.

His face was cold and solemn, and he hurried on his way.

Suddenly, he stopped abruptly.

Ahead, in the dense bamboo forest, bamboo leaves whirled, a man in white was holding a dagger in one hand, and a piece of bamboo in the other.

The man in white put away the dagger, held the bamboo sword in his right hand and drew a sword flower, and nodded, seemingly satisfied.

In the dense forest, under the moonlight, the man in white clothes, this picture is quite strange.

Cang Lixing's face was serious, he couldn't feel any martial arts aura from this person.

The man in white looked up at him, with a thin and handsome face, his clothes were very white, and his face was also very white, like snow.

He walked slowly, as if he was not stepping on dead branches and leaves, but the white jade floor of the fairy palace, like the master of the fairy palace descending from the mortal world, like a flying fairy from the sky, descending to the world.

Cang Lixing lowered his arm slightly, and a dagger fell from his cuff into his hand, staring fixedly at the strange white-clothed man in front of him.

Cang Lixing saw the bamboo sword raised in the hands of the man in white.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to see the moon fall...

The extremely gorgeous and extremely beautiful scene reminded him of the pure white fairy in the sky, and the eyes of the woman he loved when he was young, beautiful as spring water, gentle as spring breeze...

The dagger in his hand was lowered by a point, his eyes were blurred, and he couldn't bear to destroy this flawless artistic conception.

Immediately afterwards, Cang Lixing felt a chill in the center of his brow, and then there was darkness.

In the distance, there were patrolling Pantheon Palace warriors, but what they saw was another scene.

A beam of sword light shot up into the sky, like a flying rainbow across the sky, like a meteor falling from the sky, like the wrath of a thunder god, swift as lightning.

The sword light was flawless and flawless, but it was also extremely brilliant.

When they arrived here, they saw only a man in black raised his head slightly, with a smile on his mouth, his eyes were dead, and he had lost his breath of life.

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