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In the early morning of the next day, in front of Tingchao Pavilion, Dai Daojin leaned on the railing to watch the lake.In this season, just after the Qingming Festival and before the Grain Rains, the Qingliang Mountain where the Wang Mansion is entrenched has a large lake with a lot of water vapor rising, causing the fog to fill the air.

Maybe it's the bitter cold of Beiliang, and even the fog is different from the places in the south of the Yangtze River.

The fog in the south of the Yangtze River is called milky white, as light as a feather coat, and the fog in Qingliang Mountain is as dense as gray lead, rolling and floating against the great lake, as if wrapping the earth.

Dai Daojin's thoughts were dim, his eyes were fixed on the tumbling fog in front of him, his spirit had already been emptied.

After a while, I came back to my senses.

Looking at the thick fog in front of him, it seems that he is the only one in the whole world, and the sense of alienation and loneliness that does not belong to this world involuntarily seeps out of him. Dai Daojin is no stranger to this feeling, because he is often accompanied by him.

Every time he goes through a world, this sense of loneliness becomes stronger, but he hides it in front of people on weekdays.

The sound of light footsteps came.

Dai Daojin put away his thoughts, and the feeling of loneliness disappeared from his body.

Yuan Zuozong, who came behind him, had a flash of doubt in his eyes, wondering if there was something wrong with his own perception just now.

But then he shook his head secretly, putting aside this doubt.

He cupped his hands and said, "Sir, the general is here to invite you."

Dai Daojin turned and walked forward, Yuan Zuozong followed.


In the study, several people sat down.Dai Daojin glanced at the crowd, Li Yishan's already pale face turned even paler, his eyes were bloodshot, and his spirit was a little sluggish. It was obvious that he had exhausted his mind and didn't have a good rest. I think he was discussing countermeasures with Xu Xiao last night. .

Xu Xiao and Chen Zhibao both have martial arts cultivation, but their expressions are normal.

"Ahem..." Li Yishan coughed violently.

Xu Xiao looked at Li Yishan with worried eyes, and when he noticed his eyes, Li Yishan waved his hand slightly.

Dai Daojin said softly, "Mr. Li, are you in good health?"

Li Yishan's pale face turned a little abnormally red due to his severe cough, and he said with a smile, "Thank you for your concern, sir, it's fine, it's just a small problem."

Dai Daojin nodded and said nothing.

He could naturally see that the other party's body was suffering from chronic diseases, and his life potential had already been overdrawn, and a lively energy in his chest was circling in his internal organs to hang his life, but it was like a rootless duckweed, presumably he had taken some kind of panacea.

If it wasn't for the nourishment of this energy, Li Yishan would have already run out of fuel.

Li Yishan put aside this topic, looked at the black-robed man in front of him, and said with a smile, "Sir, we promise to take over the Kunlun Mountain fortification."

Dai Daojin nodded with a faint smile and looked at the crowd without speaking.

Sure enough, Li Yishan changed the subject and said, "However, with Mr.'s intelligence, he naturally knows that such a large fortification involves very complicated things. The cost of manpower, money and food is more than tens of millions. With Beiliang's family background It's not enough to support it at all, and there are various follow-up things. This is to show the facts and make sense.

The implication is that I agreed to the matter, but you have to help solve the difficulties encountered in the process of doing things, otherwise Beiliang can't stand such a toss.If it is difficult for others, then it belongs to rushing ducks to the shelves.

Dai Daojin nodded slightly, and he also knew that this kind of thing couldn't be forced out by putting a knife on these people's necks.

After a pause, he said, "What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Facing the black-robed man, they always seemed to be looking at the flowers in a fog, not knowing the depth, for fear that the other party would be unreasonable, regardless of the actual situation, and insist on killing Beiliang. .

Li Yishan's tone became less heavy, and he said with a smile, "Sir, you are enlightened. Although the Kunlun Mountain fortifications are huge, they are no different from the usual ones. But it is this hugeness that will cause all the subsequent impacts, which will be very troublesome."

"The first is labor, and the second is money and food. These are the two most fundamental issues."

"Labor can be recruited from the people, but not too much, otherwise there will be resentment among the people. Beiliang also assumes the responsibility of guarding the border and resisting Beimang, so Beiliang cannot be chaotic."

"But the lack of labor will inevitably affect the progress of the fortifications, so the labor issue is one of them."

"Again, it's money and food. Many people work hard, eat and drink wages, and consume a lot. Since His Majesty already knows, I wonder if the court can allocate money for food?"

After hearing this, Dai Daojin murmured, "It's not easy for the emperor to make it clear about the money and grain. He can allocate part of the grain money secretly. How much do you want?"

Li Yishan thought for a while, then stretched out a finger, "1000 million taels per year."

Dai Daojin nodded and said, "Yes."

Hearing that he agreed so happily, Li Yishan secretly met Xu Xiao's eyes, knowing that Liyang treasury only puts in about 6000 million taels a year.

Dai Daojin continued, "As for labor... I will give you another 500 million taels of silver every year. Whether you go to the Western Regions to arrest people or go to Beimang to rob people, it doesn't matter the means, I only see the result."

Xu Xiao frowned, the meaning of the other party's words was obvious, the 500 million taels was your military expenses, it was self-evident for what military expenses you were doing.

But this requires successive wars to grab so much labor, and once the war starts, the follow-up impact will be great.

He was about to say something.

Dai Daojin glanced at him, and said, "You should take all precautions to prevent the emperor from attacking the Xu family and Beiliang. I can also stop this matter for you, so as to ensure that your Beiliang king will not be replaced by hereditary succession, and will not end up in a situation of decline." .”

Then he turned his head to look at Li Yishan, and said, "You don't have to hide in Tingchao Pavilion from now on to write Nalaoshizi's sixteen strategies against the emperor and the six rules of Beiliang's governance. If you reshape your body, you will assist Xu Xiao to complete the fortification of Kunlun Mountain in the future."

Having said so much in one go, Dai Daojin was quite impatient.

Li Yishan's pupils shrank, and he was extremely horrified. He had hardly been out of Tingchao Pavilion for more than ten years, and even Xu Xiao didn't know what he was preparing for the future. How did this person know?

After hearing this, Xu Xiao didn't care about being grateful for Li Yishan's contribution, and looked at the man in black robe and said anxiously, "Can you save Yuanying, sir?"

In the past few years, he has invited countless experts from Xinglin, even the imperial doctor, but none of them can do anything about Li Yishan's condition.

Dai Daojin nodded slightly, and said, "Although it is troublesome, it is not impossible."

Xu Xiao was overjoyed when he heard the words, stood up and bowed to Dai Daojin, saying, "Thank you, sir."

From yesterday to today, he has been in a heavy and depressed mood, and only now is he truly happy.

Seeing Xu Xiao's appearance, Li Yishan couldn't help being moved. Xu Xiao had always treated him as a national soldier, and he always felt that the preparations he had made with all his efforts were what he should do, otherwise he would feel at ease.

Dai Daojin looked at this scene, but didn't react. Instead, his eyes were a little indifferent. He glanced at several people with indifferent eyes, and said calmly, "I have cleared away your worries for the future. I hope you can do things well and don't let me down."

"I will give you ten years. When the time comes, I will see the completed fortification."

Under the calm tone, the suppressed tyranny seemed to be about to burst forth.

Xu Xiao was silent, and the other party didn't say what would happen if it couldn't be completed, but anyone could hear the implication.

He said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, sir."


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