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Red and white came into view, and the smell of raw meat and blood penetrated into his nostrils. His pupils shrank immediately, his body trembled a few times, he tightly grasped his mother's arm, bent over and vomited.

This scene was so sudden that everyone present was shocked.

Xu Xiao's face was ugly. Li Hanlin's father was Li Gongde, governor of Fengzhou, and the four families of Beiliang, Xu, Li, Yan, and Kong were all attached to the Northern Liang Palace.It is attachment rather than parasitism. Li Gongde's son died here, and there will inevitably be troubles with Li Gongde.

But Xu Xiao couldn't speak again because of what the kid said just now.

Not to mention the man in black robe, but even himself, if someone pointed his nose to kill him without knowing it, he had to kill him too.

On the other side, Chen Zhibao and Yuan Zuozong didn't really care about Li Hanlin's life or death. They cared more about the way the black-robed man killed Li Hanlin just now.

Why did Li Hanlin's head suddenly explode when he obviously couldn't detect any fluctuations in Qi?

Thinking of this, Chen Zhibao shook the spear in his hand.

Everyone present had different expressions, and they were all silent, except for Xu Fengnian's retching and panting.

Dai Daojin took everyone's reactions into his eyes. The "spiritual induction" to Li Hanlin just now was just to set the stage. After all, Li Hanlin's Li family is an affiliated force of the Beiliang Palace, so he should take care of Xu Xiao's emotions when killing people.

What Li Hanlin said just now was also to give Xu Xiao a step forward, after all, there are still things to do next.

After a while, Xu Xiao waved his hand and said, "Zuo Zong, tidy up."

Then he turned to Dai Daojin and said, "The people below are ignorant, sir, don't take offense."

Xu Xiao was a little aggrieved, a few people died here, but he was wronged and couldn't get angry.

Dai Daojin smiled and shook his head.

Afterwards, everyone cleaned up and went back home.


Qingliang Mountain is a continuous mountain. Although it is not majestic, it is also lush with trees.

Beiliang Prince's Mansion is built on the hillside, looking up from the gate of the mansion, among the emerald greens, there are pavilions, terraces and pavilions, and the civil engineering is extremely prosperous.

Dai Daojin has been in this world for so many years, and this is the first time he has come to Beiliang.

However, he has experienced in several lifetimes, and he has never seen such an amazing and ingenious civil engineering building, so he didn't respond much.It was the first time Jia Jiajia saw it, and the look in his eyes flickered, which was quite fresh.

After entering the gate of the mansion, Xu Xiao led the way.

When the servants of the palace met Xu Xiao, they all stopped to salute respectfully. They were very curious about the black-robed man next to the prince, wondering who could receive such courtesy from the prince.

While walking, Xu Xiao said with a faint smile: "Sir, it's almost time for dinner, let's take a rest first, and we'll talk later after eating."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile, "Walking around, I wonder if I can?"

Xu Xiao said, "Naturally."

He waved his hand, "Zuo Zong, lead your husband around."

Yuan Zuozong, standing behind, bowed his head and said yes.

The group separated, and only Jia Jiajia and Yuan Zuozong, who led the way, remained beside Dai Daojin.

Dai Daojin walked forward casually, and said with a faint smile: "General Yuan, I heard that there is a Tide Tide Pavilion in the Prince's Mansion of Beiliang, which contains more than half of the world's martial art collections?"

Yuan Zuozong paused, and said: "There is a listening tide pavilion. When the prince was ordered to clean up the rivers and lakes, he collected some martial arts secret books and put them in it."

Dai Daojin said: "Take me to have a look..."

Yuan Zuozong didn't hesitate, and waved his hand sideways, "Please."

The three of them walked through the promenade, I don't know how many courtyards, and the entrance to the eyes suddenly opened up.

The water vapor hits the face, which makes people's spirits shake.

Under the sunlight, it is sparkling. A lake is located there, with lotus and lotus leaves on it. There is a unique scenery. There is a pavilion in the center of the lake.

The three walked around the lake and finally came to the legendary Tide Tide Pavilion.

It is said to be a pavilion, but it is actually an attic with nine floors. Standing on the highest point, you can overlook the entire Beiliang Palace.

Standing in front of the pavilion, Yuan Zuozong said: "Sir, the first floor of Tingchao Pavilion contains [-] volumes of basic martial arts, the second floor contains some isolated books and rare weapons, and the third floor contains more advanced martial arts, most of which are from the township sects of those schools back then." The treasure book, there are some antiques hidden on the fourth floor."

"The fifth and sixth floors are the real treasures at the bottom of the box."

Yuan Zuozong said in detail, he thought that the other party wanted to join the cabinet.

After listening to it, Dai Daojin nodded, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked up at a plaque in Tingchao Pavilion that read "Big and Majestic".

But at this moment, his mental power has already flowed, spread out, and locked on the four directions. The entire palace, including the five feet underground, formed a three-dimensional figure, which should be intuitively in his mind.

Under the perception of his mind, in the lake behind him, a spirit hides, the aura is thick and sharp, obviously there is a top master hiding in the lake.

But Dai Daojin didn't pay attention to this person, because just under his feet, under Tingchao Pavilion, a more secretive, thicker, sharper and hidden aura attracted his attention.

Dai Daojin vaguely guessed who it was.

He climbed up the stairs and heard that the foundation of Chaoting Pavilion was paved with marble, with Buddha and Vajra engraved on all sides, which looked solemn and solemn.

Standing on the platform, Dai Daojin raised his foot and stepped on it lightly.


A very slight vibration came from the ground, the magnitude was not large, but it continued. On the ground in front of the pavilion, the floating soil visible to the naked eye rose slightly, and the lake behind him was full of ripples, constantly rippling.

This shock, if you don't know martial arts, you can't feel it at all.

Yuan Zuozong looked suspicious, he didn't understand what this person was going to do, this place is Beiliang Palace, not any other place.He is hesitating whether to stop...


With a few soft sounds, several gray figures galloped out of Tingchao Pavilion.


These gray figures all have old complexions and pale eyes. It is obvious that they have not seen the sun for a long time. They are the guard slaves in Tingchao Pavilion. master.

The faces of the servants who guard the pavilion are not surprised, because they heard that Chaoting can be called the arsenal of the world. How many masters of the rivers and lakes would risk their way in for the secret books in it, and they have seen a lot.

Before the habitual scolding came to an end, a pair of silver-white eyes greeted the eyes of the guard servants.


In the mind of the guard slave, it seemed as if a giant hammer had been thrown out, directly shaking his mind to the point where it was almost scattered.The spirit and qi are in harmony, the mind is unstable, and the true qi in the body is almost out of control.


The servants guarding the pavilion couldn't help snorting, their pupils shrunk to pinpoints, they were horrified, the guards had been listening to Chaoting for many years, when had they ever seen such a martial artist, they thought the one from Wudi City was coming.

It's a long story, but two breaths.

Yuan Zuozong hurriedly said: "You guys must not be rude, this is a distinguished guest of the palace."

The servants who guarded the pavilion were almost desperate. Hearing this, they were also relieved, and hurriedly cupped their hands, "Offended."

Dai Daojin didn't pay any attention to them except for a glance at them at first.

Seeing this, several guard servants looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to leave, so they stood aside.

"Wow wow..."

In the big lake behind, there was no wind and there were three feet of waves, and the water in the sky was tumbling, as if some fierce beast was about to come out of the bottom of the lake.

The unusual shape of the lake attracted the attention of Yuan Zuozong and the guard slaves.

Yuan Zuozong knew that there was once a master of swordsman imprisoned at the bottom of the lake, could it be that the man in black found him and wanted to force him out?

The lake was tumbling, as if it was about to overturn, and it became more and more violent.

Dai Daojin felt that the person under his feet was still not moving, but the lake behind him was moving a lot, so he frowned.

In the field of vision of several pavilion guards and Yuan Zuozong, the sky and the earth suddenly darkened. On the big lake, a dark and gloomy space seemed to seep in from outside the territory, slowly unfolding, revealing a corner...

An extremely gloomy smell leaked out of this dark space, pressing on the minds of the people present, making people breathless.

After coming out of the dark space, it gently landed on the big lake.

The originally tumbling lake suddenly became quiet, and instantly became as smooth as a mirror without any ripples.

The contrast from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet, and the leaked information made the eyelids of several guards tremble. .

Dai Daojin said softly at this moment: "I'm not looking for you, please be quiet..."

The darkness dissipated, and the world returned to light.

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