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Gao Shulu knew that she heard correctly, but she still couldn't help but instinctively asked again, "Kill the immortals in the sky?"

Dai Daojin nodded slightly.

Gao Shulu was silent for a while, and there was a strange light in the deep eyes under the thick eyebrows. After a long while, he slowly said, with a little strangeness, "Did those guys offend you?" .

Dai Daojin smiled lightly and said, "They have stretched their hands too far in the past few hundred years." Just one sentence, and no more words.

But Gao Shulu nodded. Immortals fishing for luck in the world existed 400 years ago, not just now.Although he is not very interested in these things, he doesn't have a good impression of the group of high-ranking people in the sky. Otherwise, with his strength, he would have been able to open the gate of heaven and ascend 400 years ago.

He regarded Dai Daojin as a so-called defender of morality for the luck of the world.

Stretching slightly, the surging energy in his body gradually subsided, and said: "Although you let me out, you did it on your own initiative, and I didn't ask you to do it. If it's something you can do easily, help me out." That's all for you. But killing the not enough."

Dai Daojin understood that what the other party said was not enough, but he actually meant that he released him, and it was not enough for him to help him kill the immortals in the sky, there were still ten.

He nodded and said with a faint smile: "The Taoist sealed you for 400 years, you don't want to fight him again?"

Gao Shulu's eyes sparkled strangely, and he frowned and said, "Even if his skill is not weak, there is absolutely no possibility of him living for 400 years, unless..."

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "That's right, it's exactly what you think."

He walked slowly to the window, glanced outside, and said, "This world is starting to become more interesting. Even Lu Dongxuan has been reincarnated, let alone Emperor Zhenwu who sealed you?"

Gao Shulu's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes flickered again and again, and then he carefully looked at the young man with white hair and black robe in front of him.

"Emperor Zhenwu? No wonder..."

Dai Daojin asked strangely, "No wonder what?"

Gao Shulu shook his head, 400 years ago when he became a demon, he killed rivers and lakes with blood, and even some gods on land died.Afterwards, he guessed that among the land gods and various masters who died, there might be dark sons from the sky, or even exiled immortals who came down.

The mysterious Taoist who appeared suddenly was young and powerful, and with a bet on one talisman, he would sleep for 400 years.

Thinking of this, he turned his eyes to the man in black robe opposite him again, his eyes were a little strange, and he said, "Who are you?"

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "A person who can send Emperor Zhenwu to you."

Gao Shulu's eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking, after a long while, he said slowly: "Take me three punches, and I'll kill twenty for you." He didn't care about those so-called heavenly beings.

Dai Daojin listened, nodded with a chuckle, "Okay."

He waved his hand, motioning Fengyin to leave.

Feng Yin glanced at the two of them, like a ray of rainbow light, passing through the window and disappearing.

Gao Shulu's aura suddenly became heavy and long, his eyes as deep as the sea exuded a bloodthirsty murderous intent, his right hand was raised suddenly, and the surging energy flowed, instantly smashing the long table beside him.

Immediately afterwards, the coffin not far from the right rear of the body seemed to be crushed by an invisible force and instantly shattered.


Just as the roar sounded, the bronze fist had already reached Dai Daojin's heart.

At some point, the whole room seemed to be divided by the place where Dai Daojin was standing. Everything behind him disappeared, and there was darkness in front of his eyes, as if connected to another world. In the endless darkness, there were faint red lights flickering , it's just not very clear.

Dai Daojin looked at the fist that was about to hit his heart, and took a light step back.

The distance between the fist and the heart widened.

Gao Shulu's face remained unchanged, his arm seemed to be stretched out of thin air, and his fist was imprinted on the black-robed man's chest just as he expected.The only difference is that the position occupied by the man in black is in that strange dark space, and even his right fist is also dyed black.


The black figure that had just hidden was blown away by Gao Shulu's punch, turning into billowing black smoke.

Gao Shulu retracted his fist and stood with a stern expression on his face. The fist was not empty, it did hit that person, but the martial arts practiced by this person was quite strange. With his punch, his body exploded, and his aura disappeared. Even the mental fluctuations are gone.

It's as if... out of this world.

Gao Shulu frowned slightly, without hesitation, strode into the darkness.

When the figure disappeared, the eyes were all dark, and the five senses were lost.


A burst of colorful light pierced the darkness, and I saw where Gao Shulu was standing. Behind him, a colorful spirit body more than three meters high, with blood flowing in it, exuding evil spirit, stood there like a giant. Gao Shulu's celestial soul.

The primordial spirit is vain, like a god.

Gao Shulu's right hand is held empty, and there is a hidden thunder in the palm, and the huge primordial spirit behind him, with eyes like lightning, is extremely majestic.

"Lei Lai..."


Heaven and man sense that there are ten thousand dharmas to accompany them, their words become prophecies, their mouths contain the constitution of heaven, and their words follow the laws. This world's top martial arts celestial finally showed his due demeanor.

In the sky above Nanshan Yizhuang, the stars in the sky were covered by dark clouds, and the thick thunder poured down in an instant.


Under the bombardment of the thunder, the entire Yizhuang collapsed immediately, and the lightning struck the wood to make a fire, and the flames were everywhere.

As far as Gao Shulu's eyes could see, the weird darkness was finally revealed under the thunder. When the thunder touched the darkness, it suddenly became more violent. It destroys and annihilates.



The thick purple thunder pillar slammed into the dark place.


The weird black space was bombarded by the purple thunder, it seemed to shake, and then receded like a tide, and Dai Daojin in black robe appeared in the place where it finally disappeared.

Dai Daojin sighed a little in his eyes, his own horn veins have just formed, after all, they can't compare with this world that has been gestated for an unknown number of years, those purple thunder horn veins can be tolerated by the heavens, but for the future, he still accepts them went back.

He was thinking about this here, but Gao Shulu did not hesitate.

The right fist that was originally held empty was clenched violently, and thunder was entwined on it, and the primordial figure behind him also held his right fist empty, followed him, punched out, and bombarded Dai Daojin.

The fist seemed to turn into a ferocious thunder dragon with teeth and claws, and it pounced.

Dai Daojin's complexion remained unchanged, his feet sank slightly, and took root on the ground. His mind communicated with the Jade Seal of the Chuanguo in the belly of Nanshan Mountain. With the blessing of the power of the earth veins in a radius of [-] miles, he held his right hand on his waist and slowly pushed it out to meet him. Gao Shulu punched.

Gao Shulu's primordial spirit swayed slightly, as if in a trance, he saw the person in front of him pick up the earth veins with a radius of thousands of miles, and smashed towards him with the power of the Wuzhu earth.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Thunderbolt shattered inch by inch, disappearing without a trace.

Two fists, one bronze and one pale, finally came together.

There was a muffled sound, followed by the entire Nanshan trembling a few times.


Gao Shulu took two steps back, his body swayed slightly, the huge primordial spirit turned into streamer and penetrated into the ancestral opening between his brows, his bronze-colored flesh was oozing with blood, which was because blood vessels on the surface of the skin exploded.

The powerful celestial physique is still unable to shake the power of the [-] miles of earth veins.

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