
Facing the oppressive momentum, Dai Daojin remained unmoved. The violent air blasted his hairband, and his silver and white hair danced wildly.

Wang Xianzhi's aura seemed endless, and it was still rising.

He stood up slowly, clenched his fist with his right hand and moved it in rotation, as if stirring the water of the entire East China Sea, and the incomparable momentum gathered on his fist.

There was a sudden silence between heaven and earth.

Fist out!

Dai Daojin's face slowly became serious, and the silver-white light flashed in his eyes.

At some point, the moon in the sky was covered by dark clouds.

Behind Dai Daojin, there was darkness, and it became darker and darker. A world seemed to emerge in the light and shadow changes.

This is the first time he has used the power of the horn pulse heavens.

Wang Xianzhi's fist was slowly pushed out.

The world behind Dai Daojin became more and more clear, the black earth, shadowy ghosts, a corner of this world was exposed, and a dark and erosive force leaked out.

He also swung a punch with his right hand, and the light flickered on the fist, and the world behind him became clearer.


The color of the sky and the earth changed, and there was a roar of thunder, and the city of Emperor Wudi seemed to be shaking.

Wang Xianzhi looked at Dai Daojin's back, his complexion changed, and his fist became more violent.

The two sat facing each other, with Wang Xianzhi's back facing the East China Sea. At this moment, the water in the East China Sea was hanging upside down, the waves were more than ten meters high, and electric snakes were flying through the dark clouds on the sea surface.A corner of Dai Daojin's back was exposed, and above the two of them, thunder gathered, and there was a hidden sign of pouring down.

In this world-like scene, under the gazebo, the fists of the two finally met.

The space is like water waves, with ripples appearing and spreading around.

The pavilion above the head was crushed into powder without sound and disappeared.



The world behind Dai Daojin swayed like a phantom, while Wang Xianzhi let out a muffled snort, and kicked his feet back. The strong force made him almost unable to stop, and finally barely stopped on the edge of the cliff.

Behind is the East China Sea.

"Wow..." The water of the East China Sea, which was suspended more than ten meters high, lost its support and crashed down, making a huge sound.

Dai Daojin also stood up, the stone bench beneath him had already disappeared in the energy of the two of them, and the world behind it quietly disappeared in the darkness.After the dark clouds and thunder in the sky disappeared, as if they had no target, they also dissipated, and the moonlight shone again.

His feet moved slightly, and the next step appeared on the edge of the cliff. Looking at the still rushing waters of the East China Sea, he said softly, "I haven't finished talking yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

Wang Xianzhi remained silent, with a stern look on his face.

Dai Daojin said again: "Do you know Zhao Huangchao?"

Wang Xianzhi's eyebrows moved slightly, "The ancestor of the Zhao family hiding in Longhu Mountain?"

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile, and asked again: "Do you know Zhao Changling?"

Wang Xianzhi thought for a while, and said: "Liyang Xu Xiao's former counselor, he seems to be dead?"

Dai Daojin shook his head, "He is dead but he is not dead. He came from the sky and descended to the mortal world. He is regarded as a banished immortal. The immortals in the sky have already settled down in the human world. Heavenly beings like Zhao Huangchao on the ground are also seeking luck in the world. "

"And you." Wang Xianzhi said coldly.

Dai Daojin smiled without denying it, and continued: "In the Spring and Autumn Nine Kingdoms, the general trend of the Liyang Dynasty's unification has been achieved. After destroying the Eight Kingdoms, it will be able to swallow the luck of the entire Shenzhou and reproduce the style of the Qin Empire 800 years ago. The luck gathered in the dynasty Tang, there must be a shortage in the rivers and lakes."

"The decline of the rivers and lakes is inevitable."

"The empire is getting stronger and stronger, and there must be a battle with Beimang in the north. If Liyang wins, there will be a real prosperity. The world will have peace for at least a hundred years. However, this is not what the people in the sky want to see. They want to see What matters is not that the people live and work in peace and contentment, but that the world is divided and united, and the wars are endless, so that they can fish for luck."

"Two to thirty years is enough to recuperate."

Wang Xianzhi frowned and said, "What exactly do you want to express when you say this?"

Dai Daojin said: "What I want to say is that the gods in the sky covet the luck in the world and disturb the world. Whether it is luck flowing into the court or gathering in the rivers and lakes, they are not happy to see it. It is their original intention to see luck flowing into the court. If they do not match, if they flow into the rivers and lakes, more heavenly beings will inevitably appear, and their interests will also be damaged. What they are most willing to see is a kind of balance, and this kind of balance often means accompanied by war."

"The only way is for the heavens and the world to go their own way."

Wang Xianzhi frowned, but didn't speak.

Dai Daojin smiled when he saw it, "There are two ways to achieve this goal. The first is to destroy the heavenly gate completely, and cut off the connection between the heaven and the human world. Humans and gods will not disturb each other. Get it in order."

Upon hearing this, Wang Xianzhi frowned even more.According to his original intention, after realizing the melee in the Spring and Autumn Period and Liyang being dominant, he erected the signboard of Emperor Wu City to seek the last step of retreat for the people of the Jianghu, and after protecting the Jianghu for the first time, he flew up to the Gate of Heaven and guarded the Gate of Heaven for the human world.

Let the gods in the sky not come to the mortal world, and the gods on the ground can ascend.

So this Jedi Tiantong was not what he wanted.

Dai Daojin continued: "The second is to be more thorough. The next is to conquer the upper, and gather the power of the human world to completely destroy the immortals in the sky."

Hearing this, Wang Xianzhi was slightly stunned. Even though he always looked down on the immortals who ascended in the sky, he never thought about hitting them in the sky.

Dai Daojin said: "What do you think?"

Wang Xianzhi frowned and thought, but didn't speak.

Dai Daojin said softly: "The things on the land gods are of great use to me, and I will never give up, so either the land gods in the world, or the gods in the sky, get their real bodies."

"However, if there are land gods in the human world, the number may not be enough. At that time, I will inevitably flow my luck from the court to the rivers and lakes, and give birth to more masters of the land gods. Cutting a few more crops of leeks is nothing more than spending more effort. "

"You already have the air of invincibility in the world, so no matter what you can't get around, it depends on your choice?"

While Wang Xianzhi was dumbfounded, he also had a hard time making a decision. The man's wild words about cutting land gods like leeks made him not know what to say, but the punch just now let him know that he couldn't stop him.

Dai Daojin didn't urge him, and slowly waited for the other party's choice. He didn't lie to Wang Xianzhi with big words. If he chose the first type of Jedi Tiantong, hunting the land gods in the world is a certainty. How uncertain the future is, but at this moment , he will definitely kill this person.

And if you choose the second option, Wang Xianzhi will play a greater role. This person has a great image, and being invincible in the world has an extraordinary meaning to the entire world. In the future, he will gather the martial arts power of the entire human world to fight against the sky. This person is the most powerful person. important part.

Wang Xianzhi hesitated, and there was no concealment of the faint killing intent on the people around him.

He has no fear of death, but he must consider the whole world.There are two roads before him, the first one will inevitably lead to the extinction of the land gods in the entire rivers and lakes, even including the next few hundred years.If you choose the second option, it is tantamount to taking the whole human world to dance on the tip of the knife, but the reward after the event is even greater.

Dai Daojin said softly: "Don't you want to meet all the immortals in the sky for a while to see if they are really capable or not, or are they just useless in clay statues? Don't you want to bring peace to Jianghu for a thousand years?"

There was light in Wang Xianzhi's eyes, and his body was slightly hot.

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