
At noon three days later, Dai Daojin had just finished teaching Xu Weixiong's two primary schools every day.

A person of Yin and Yang has already sent what he needs to the mountain.

In the room, Dai Daojin looked at the items placed on the long case, including various types of paper, silk cloth, skins of different species, and even some turtle shells.

The Yin-Yang Taoist in black bowed and said, "Master, following your order, everything is here."

Dai Daojin nodded, his heart moved, and the room suddenly went dark.

An inexplicable breath leaked out, black light flickered, and Cao Changqing's figure gradually appeared in the room.

The yin and yang person endured the fear in his heart, and lowered his head tightly, not daring to look more.

Dai Daojin looked at Cao Changqing, pointed to the things on the long case, "Try it first and see if it suits you."

Cao Changqing nodded, walked to the long case, stretched out his hand and flicked it, and the thick copper rod appeared in his hand, or it could also become a copper pen now.He took out a piece of paper from many things at random, and the breath in his body surged, and the black breath on the tip of the copper pen became more and more intense, as if thick ink was gathering and dripping.

The paper he brought was a kind of bamboo paper produced in the southwest.


Cao Changqing's wrist trembled, and the copper pen swiped, and a character Cao appeared on the bamboo paper, which was strong and powerful, and seemed to have the meaning of being clumsy.

But almost instantly, the piece of bamboo paper with Cao characters turned from blue and white to black, and then turned into black ashes. This ashes is different from the ashes left after burning, but somewhat similar to the black substance in the horn veins.

Dai Daojin saw him, his eyes moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

Seeing this, Cao Changqing was also slightly taken aback, but he immediately pulled out another piece of rough hemp paper from the paper.

After doing the same thing, the hemp paper, like the bamboo paper above, couldn't bear the Cao characters written with the copper pen, and after it turned black, it turned into black ashes.

Dai Daojin folded his arms and quietly watched Cao Changqing try one by one.




In the end, all paper and cloth cannot be used as carriers, nor can they withstand the power of luck contained in the copper pen and the special substances infused by the horn veins and heavens, and they all tend to collapse and dissipate in the end.

Next, Cao Changqing simply laid out the remaining leather, animal bones and shells one by one, occupying almost all of the long table.

Holding the copper pen in his right hand, he waved his hand, drawing afterimages.


The copper pen stopped, and there was a small black letter on everything on the table.



Some of the animal skins and shells in it are slightly stronger than the paper, and they seem to be resisting the erosion of the darkness in the small characters, making a hissing sound.

But even so, the things on the table collapsed one after another, leaving a trail of ashes.

Dai Daojin frowned, and there was a sneering sound in his ear, and he was thinking in his heart, what kind of thing can be used as a carrier?He doesn't know how to practice magic weapons, create magic paper or something.

But one thing left on the table at the end gave him a glimmer of hope.

Cao Changqing was also a little surprised, thinking that everything would fail.

He picked it up and took a closer look. It was a piece of leather no more than the size of a palm, about half a finger thick, black and red in color, like the skin of some large animal.

Dai Daojin naturally also observed it, and turned to ask the Yin-Yang Taoist: "What is this?"

Only then did the people of the Yin-Yang Dao dare to look up, and after glancing at it, they bowed and said, "Master, it's the skin of a strange beast, it's stored in the treasure house of the Yin-Yang Dao, and I don't know how long it's been there. According to records, it is a strange beast called an earth dragon."

Earth Dragon is the local name of Yin Yang Dao, and there are few records. It likes to hide in swamps, and its attack power is extremely strong.

Cao Changqing frowned and asked, "Can you still find this kind of skin, or earth dragon?"

The yin and yang person looked troubled, and said hesitantly: "The last record of the earth dragon appeared 100 years ago, and there is only this small piece in the treasure house."

Dai Daojin's eyes moved slightly, and he waved his hand to let him go.

Seeing this, the man of Yin Yang Dao heaved a sigh of relief, bowed, turned and left.

Cao Changqing said: "This is the only thing that is useless..."

Dai Daojin shook his head, took the earth dragon skin from Cao Changqing, felt its hard texture, and traces of dried blood inside, and said with deep eyes: "The reason why this earth dragon skin can bear the words you wrote, It's just because its original owner, Dilong, has a huge body of energy and blood, this kind of unique beast is born powerful, and its skin, muscles, muscles and bones are all high-end products..."

Cao Changqing seemed to understand what the other party meant, and said, "My lord, you mean to find the same strange beast and kill it to get its skin?"

Dai Daojin shook his head again.

Cao Changqing asked suspiciously, "What does your lord mean?"

Dai Daojin glanced at him, handed the earth dragon skin in front of him, and said with a light smile: "Would you like to find a strange beast, kill it to get the skin, and see if this thing can be preserved for a long time in Jiuyou Prison. And I have another idea, which saves the trouble of finding strange beasts, and has enough materials."

Cao Changqing didn't ask what the method was, but said: "This dragon skin has been separated from the body for too long, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to preserve it for a long time in Jiuyou Prison. If the skin has just been taken, the qi, blood and divinity are intact, and with my strength It’s no problem to go to accumulate and flush.”

Dai Daojin nodded, "Go back first."

Cao Changqing cupped his hands, and disappeared with the fast dragon skin.

Soon, within three days, Dai Daojin received news from Cao Changqing that the earth dragon skin brought back to Jiuyou Prison had collapsed.

When he received the news, Dai Daojin was lying on a recliner, and the two boys were standing up and growing in the open space in front of him.

His mind was silent in the nebula, and he communicated with Fengyin with his spirit.


The land of the northwest is boundless and desolate.

In the Gobi Desert covered by flying sand, birds are cut off, and only the Ganges Ferry can pass through, traveling between the Central Plains and the Western Regions.Of course, long detours can also be made, but for business travelers in the original west and southwest of Sichuan, the time cost will be greatly increased.

There are bandits at the crossing of the Ganges River, and Zhuang Yubo, the head of the bandit, has superb swordsmanship, is vicious and cunning, and no one dares to provoke him.There are [-] strong men under his command, occupying the mountain as king, and also occupying the Ganges Ferry, collecting protection fees for business travelers.

It is rumored that Zhuang Yubo did not fall into the bandits since he was a child, but he was born in one of the nine kingdoms of the Spring and Autumn Period in the Later Tang Dynasty. His country was destroyed and his family was destroyed, so he fled here.

The strength of the whole body is in the realm of King Kong, but no one knows the real situation.

The high mountain not far from the Ganges crossing has steep cliffs, which are easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the houses on it are scattered.

At night, the moon and stars are thin, and the lights on the mountain can be seen from the bottom of the mountain.

A black shadow seemed to melt into the shadow of the branches, floating up silently.

On the top of the mountain, Zhuang Yubo, the head of the family, lives alone in a small courtyard. He is eccentric and doesn't like to live with people. His subordinates fear him more than respect him.

In the small courtyard at this moment, the sword light was glowing, full of murderous aura.


Zhuang Yubo stopped and held the long sword in front of his chest. The sword was four feet long, which was one foot longer than the three feet in the current sword style.There is a black dragon on the body of the sword, with its teeth and claws, hovering around the body of the sword.

The moonlight reflected from the blade of the sword onto his face, Kou Shouzhuang Yu Bo's face was not vicious, but soft and delicate, but the viciousness between his brows overflowed uncontrollably, which made people fear. .

There was hatred in Zhuang Yubo's eyes, he didn't go north to Beimang to escape like the others that day, it was just for revenge.

He killed people and practiced sword, just to kill General Li Yang who stabbed him to death that day.

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