
"Woooo..." The dull sound of the horn resounded through the world, inspiring people's souls,

At the head of the city of Xiangfan, the soldiers of Dachu held long spears and big knives, and stared at the city indifferently.

Under the city, densely packed Liyang soldiers came like a tide, like a black cloud rolling over, trying to overthrow the Xiangfan City that had blocked them for nearly a year.

As the sound of the horn became more and more urgent, the siege...began!



Roaring and screaming were endless.

The fierce battle continued from day to night, and the sunset glowed on the battlefield. Broken swords and knives could be seen everywhere on the city wall and beside the moat. After the large chunks of dark red blood condensed, they showed a strange dark purple color through the reflection of the rays of the sun.

This kind of battle has happened countless times in the past six months.

Xiangfan City was like a nail firmly stuck in the way of Liyang's army advancing forward.

And the defender of Da Chu, Wang Mingyang, has achieved the ultimate in defending the city. What is a trapped beast that is still fighting, this is a trapped beast that is still fighting.The old and the weak, women and children all over the city participated in the battle, and stubbornly stopped the tiger and wolf soldiers outside the city.

Even though Xu Xiao built up the walls and cleared the fields and besieged Xiangfan City, there was still no sign of food shortage in Xiangfan City within a short period of time.

After months of fighting, they couldn't attack for a long time, and the Liyang army was exhausted.

This was the case on Xu Xiao's side, while Gu Jiantang's side was also blocked by the Great Chu Soldier Ye Baikui at the west wall.


Great Chu, Great Phoenix City, Imperial Palace.

Although the old emperor of Dachu liked to recite poems and fight against each other, he was not stupid, and he also knew that this time had reached a critical moment for the country's survival.

In the main hall, the old emperor sat high on it, listening to the discussions of the ministers below.

He is not familiar with military affairs and is not familiar with internal affairs, so he is often unable to make a decision. Usually, after the ministers below discuss it, the emperor issues a decree and implements it.

After retiring, the old emperor returned to the inner court.

Sitting in the study, looking at the calligraphy on the imperial case, he was not interested.He was a little frightened by the words of today's college student Lian Kangyan. If Da Chu didn't make a plan early, he might be destroyed.

The old emperor trembled, and there was some fear in his eyes. He didn't want to be the king of subjugation.

"Come here, invite the eldest princess."

After a while, Princess Chu, dressed in purple, came to the emperor.

It's strange for the old emperor to say that he doesn't trust many ministers of His Royal Highness today, but he trusts his daughter who is under [-] years old. At this moment, he urgently wants to ask for some opinions from his daughter, whom the prime minister can't see through.

Tang Zichen looked indifferent, entered the study, bowed slightly as a salute, and didn't say a word.

The old emperor and the eunuchs around him were used to it and didn't care.

The emperor looked at the increasingly beautiful daughter, and unconsciously showed a smile on his face, and said, "Chen'er, sit down."

Tang Zichen was also polite, and sat down gracefully. As a child of the royal family, her noble temperament surpassed her nobility.

The old emperor sighed, "Chen'er, you should have heard about the situation on the front line, right?"

Tang Zichen nodded slightly.

With hope in his eyes, the old emperor said, "Chen'er, do you think our Great Chu can turn the crisis into safety this time?"

Tang Zichen looked at the old emperor, hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "The Liyang Dynasty has become a great trend, and it is unstoppable to sweep the world. Even if there are variables, no one will agree to save Dachu..."

When the old emperor heard this, his face turned gray, and he leaned back on the back of the chair, his eyes were a little empty.

He didn't understand why since he came to the throne, he had implemented benevolent government and treated the people kindly, why he had to face all this and become the king of subjugation.

Seeing his expression, Tang Zichen stood up and said, "If you want to leave some blood for Da Chu Jiang's family, Your Majesty should make a plan early. If the army besieges the city, anyone may survive, except the Da Chu royal family."

The old emperor's eyes flickered, took a deep breath, and waved his hands.

Tang Zichen turned and left.

It's not that she doesn't want to save Da Chu, but in the face of the general trend of the world, even she can't do anything, let alone that person will not allow herself to disrupt his plan.


One year later, in late autumn, in a small mountain village in Xichuan County, Beiliang.

To the east of the village, there is a small courtyard. The wall of the small courtyard is half collapsed, and the three earthen houses look dilapidated.

In the small courtyard, there was an earthen platform. A man in shabby clothes and a beard poured the wine from the bowl into his mouth from time to time. His brows were scarlet and his eyes were blurred.

In the corner of the small courtyard, a little girl over two years old, wearing only unlined clothing, pursed her slightly blue mouth, looked at the man in fear, and then turned to look at the room.

Inside the house, there was some movement.

After a while, a man in rags came out of the house with a wretched smile on his face.After tidying up his clothes, the man walked up to the drunk man, took out a few copper coins, threw them down, and walked away.

When the drunk man saw the money, his eyes lit up, he hurriedly picked it up, and walked into the house.

Not long after, men shouted and cursed, and women screamed in the house.

The little girl in the small courtyard trembled slightly, her eyes were tightly closed, and she dared to open her eyes only when she knew the sound of footsteps had gone away. She got up and walked into the house with her calves.She knew that bad daddy had gone to gamble again.

The sun is setting to the west, and the autumn wind is bleak.

At some point, a man in a black robe appeared in the small courtyard, standing in the courtyard, quietly listening to the whispered words of the mother and daughter in the house, like two wounded animals licking their wounds.


The man reeked of alcohol and lost all his money. When he entered the small courtyard, he saw a person standing in the courtyard. His eyes lit up immediately. He walked up to the person and shouted: "It's over, give me the money."

The sound alarmed the mother and daughter in the house, and the two came out.

The woman was thin and thin, a peasant woman with average looks, but she seemed a little weak and weak. When she saw her husband asking for money, she looked at the man in black and knew she had made a mistake. This person didn't..."


Before he finished speaking, the man slapped the woman out, knocking the woman down to the ground, her face was swollen visibly with the naked eye.

The little girl ran to her mother in a hurry, with tears in her eyes, but she didn't dare to cry out.

Regardless of the mother and daughter, the man stretched out his hand again: "Give me the money..."

Dai Daojin's eyes flashed brightly.

The man's body was suddenly pulled into the air by an invisible pressure, as if being strangled by the neck, his face was flushed red, his eyes protruded, and he could not make a sound.


It ignited spontaneously without wind, and the smell of burnt meat was carried away by the wind as soon as it came out.

The man's face was extremely painful, his flesh turned over,

Dai Daojin didn't look at him, but looked at the mother and daughter on the ground with great interest. The mother's eyes were full of relief and fear, and the little girl who surprised Dai Daojin the most was staring at the burning man in the air, without a trace. Fear.

After a while, the fire disappeared, leaving only a few ashes on the ground.

Dai Daojin said to the two people on the ground: "Clean up and come with me."


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