
Wu Su's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he fell silent.

On the contrary, Xu Weixiong, who is about three or four years old, looked up at the handsome black-robed uncle in front of him, with doubts in his big clear eyes. She has been learning to read and understand with her master since years ago, so she knows the meaning of what this black-robed uncle said. Meaning, but still don't understand why this uncle accepted him as a disciple.

Xu Zhihu is a few years older, and he has a little understanding of words and expressions. Seeing his mother's expression, he stretches out his hand to pull Xu Weixiong, and leads her to run behind Wu Su.

Zhu Wushi glanced at Xu Weixiong, but didn't speak.

Dai Daojin waited for Wu Su's response with a smile.

Wu Su's complexion returned to calm, and she said quietly: "Xu Xiao has not returned from the battle outside, I can't make a decision on this matter, if Mr. really intends to accept disciples, you might as well wait until Xu Xiao returns to Beijing, before it's too late."

Dai Daojin nodded, "It makes sense. After all, General Xu is not at home, so I still have to ask his opinion. It's simple, I'll do it."

Wu Su frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Everyone brushed over this topic, chatted for a while and dispersed.

On the street, Dai Daojin and Zhu Wushi paced forward.

Zhu Wushi asked, "Why did you accept Xu Xiao's daughter as your disciple?"

Dai Daojin glanced at him, and said calmly, "Although Xu Weixiong is smart, it doesn't matter. After all, there are so many smart people in the world, but not every smart person has a father named Xu Xiao."

Zhu Wushi frowned slightly, "You want to use his daughter to hold Xu Xiao hostage?"

Dai Daojin turned his head to look at the things on the street stalls, and said: "Xu Xiao, there is no need to coerce him. The reason why he accepted his daughter as a disciple is just a reason for doing things for me in the future."

The horn veins of the heavens on the 31st floor have grown more and more completely during this period of time.According to his vision, sooner or later in the future, someone will settle in, paint the land as a city, establish a kingdom of ghosts, and achieve the rule of law.

Xu Xiao was the target he had chosen a long time ago. It was perfect for slaughtering people in the world, slaughtering millions of people, and deterring ghosts. He could barely be the emperor of the ghost kingdom and command the power of the horns for him.

Zhu Wushi didn't understand Dai Daojin's plan, and was a little confused, but seeing that this person didn't intend to elaborate, he didn't ask any more questions.

Dai Daojin stopped in front of an antique stall, took a compass and looked it up in his hand, and asked softly, "Did you find the person I asked you to look for?" It has been more than a month since he was looking for someone.

Zhu Wushi shook his head, "That person is elusive. Although there are some clues, they haven't been found yet."

Dai Daojin nodded, not in a hurry, put down the compass, and walked forward, but still said: "It seems that the efficiency of the Jinyiwei you re-established needs to be improved a lot."

Zhu ignored Momo and didn't speak.

People in Nebula World have a strange relationship with Dai Daojin.Although the souls are all controlled by mysterious runes, these people's personalities are there, and they will not bow down to Dai Daojin because of this thing.

The two are regarded as a cooperative relationship in front of them, but Dai Daojin is more confident and has the ability to turn the tables in the end, but the others do not.So those few people also knew this, and they would not be particularly disobedient to Dai Daojin's request, and they would barely agree to it.

Afterwards, Dai Daojin opened and closed his lips, and his thin words were bundled into a sound line, "Help me pay attention to the jade seals handed down from various countries."

Zhu Wushi narrowed his eyes, glanced at Dai Daojin, and nodded slightly.

The two walked to Zhuque Street and separated quietly. Zhu Wushi walked towards the palace, while Dai Daojin walked slowly back to the inn where he lived.

The imperial city of the Liyang Empire, with the destruction of the other seven of the Nine Kingdoms in the Spring and Autumn Period except the Chu Kingdom, the luck of Shenzhou has flowed and converged. At this moment, it already has the atmosphere of the world's number one city. The flow of people is very lively and prosperous. .

Dai Daojin wandered around and returned to the inn. Before he set foot in the inn, he had a thought and felt that someone was following him. He didn't care. He ate wine and food in the lobby and returned to the house.

After a while, "Boom boom boom"

Dai Daojin sat on the stool, put down the teacup in his hand, "Come in."

"Squeak." The door was pushed open, and a large figure walked in. It was not Zhu Lushan who was fat.

"I have met you, sir." Zhu Lushan closed the door and stepped forward to salute.

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "What did you come to see me for?"

Zhu Lushan replied: "Returning to Mr., since Mr. asked me to help find Huanglongshi last time, the General ordered me to do this. Just when the young master was born, I went back to the General's Mansion. I just heard from my wife I came here specially when I heard the news of Mr.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "I'm in a hurry to see me. Didn't I find that Huang Sanjia?"

Zhu Lushan smiled fatly, and the flesh on his face was squeezed into a ball, "Yes, the little one below didn't dare to neglect your husband's affairs, so naturally he found Huang Longshi with all his heart, and asked him to ask for help. See what he wants and tell him, according to what you want, and nothing else.”

"However, in the process of searching for Huanglongshi, the people under his command discovered that there is another force also looking for it."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile, "Yes, it really has been rooted for a long time and has a wide reach. It is more efficient than the newly established Jinyiwei. You have done a good job in this matter, very good."

Another force, of course, is the Jinyiwei that Zhu ignores.

Zhu Lushan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and said with some doubts: "Sir, if you don't agree on a time and place, how will that person meet with you?"

Dai Daojin smiled, and just about to speak, his eyes moved slightly, he stood up, walked to the window, pushed it open, and said with a soft smile: "If you dare to call yourself a book flipper, such a trivial matter is naturally not a problem..."

On the opposite side of the broad street outside the window, there is a stall selling food. A handsome man with gray temples is sitting at a table with a bowl of soup on it. He looks up and smiles. Then he lowered his head and started eating again.

Dai Daojin smiled, turned his back, and said to Zhu Lushan: "Okay, you go back first."

Zhu Lushan cupped his hands and pushed the door out.

Dai Daojin stood in front of the window, stopped for a while, turned and left the room, left the inn, walked through the pedestrians, and came to the small stall.This small stall sells a kind of sweet water that is very famous in Liyang Capital. It is sweet but not greasy, and is very popular among the people at the bottom.

"Boss, have a bowl." Dai Daojin sat in front of the man.

Dai Daojin carefully looked at the person in front of him. He was not considered a handsome man, but there was a wanton and unrestrained temperament between his brows, which revitalized the whole person, making him look extremely eye-catching. His eyes were clear and warm, as if he could see through the world.

Huang Longshi's position in this world is quite strange. He calls himself "the person who flips through books", and his occasional words and deeds are also incompatible with this world. It really makes people doubt his origin, suspecting that he is a traveler after a thousand years.

The man was also looking at the person in front of him. He was able to mobilize two forces of spy organizations that spread almost all over the world to find him.

When Huang Longshi blocked Liyang's army from the fog in Nanshan, he was curious about the aliens on Nanshan, and even went there, but because he had other matters, he didn't follow up.

After drinking the sweet water in the bowl, Huang Longshi wiped his mouth and said, "Aren't you from this world?" There are two meanings to this remark, one is someone who flips through books like him, and the other is the person in the sky. The heaven and man are coming to the world.

Although he was asking a question, his tone was affirmative. The appearance of this person really exceeded his expectations.

Dai Daojin's sweet water came to the table, he took a sip from the spoon, and then said a probing word.

"We are the successors of communism!"

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