
\(Book title\).+?\{\End*this*God*Lizhan♂\} You can quickly find the book you read on this site.+?

Dugu Qiubai stood at the head of the city, with his hands behind his back, his eyes fell on the high tower.

In the void of the surrounding sky and earth, dense sword intent spread like sea water, flowing towards Wudi City.

"The city lord has come out." In the originally silent Wudi City, someone yelled.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a tall man in white clothes appearing at the top of the tower at some point. Because the distance was too far, the people below couldn't see clearly. They only saw the white robe grinning along with the high-altitude man. The strong wind dances like a fairy.

Everyone's mind was swaying, but they didn't dare to make loud noises, for fear of disturbing that legendary figure who was like a god and a demon, dominating the rivers and lakes.

Dugu Qiubai looked at the other party quietly and kept silent.

The majestic Wang Xianzhi looked at the young man on the top of the city not far away, and he was very happy. It is a good thing that there are talents from all corners of the world.But he was still a little surprised by the purity and richness of the sword intent on this young man.

The opponent is walking the way of swordsmanship, and even though he is young, he has already gone very far.

Dugu Qiubai was silent in his heart, and the other party seemed to be indomitable and overbearing. It was obviously different from the traditional Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

"Ding" the sword sounded again.

Dugu Qiubai said in a voice: "City Lord Wang, I came here today to prove my swordsmanship, and I invite you to go out of the city to fight." The voice was like the sound of swords, clanging and resounding above Wudi City.

Wang Xianzhi spoke out, "Okay."

Dugu Qiubai heard the words, soared up, turned into a sword light, flashed in the mid-air of Wudi City, and floated out of the city.

Wang Xianzhi looked at it, raised his eyebrows, opened his hands wide, and his white robe was grinning, as if a roc spread its wings, and ran out of the city with an afterimage.


"Leave the city quickly..."

"Shocking news..."

Immediately, the gathered martial arts figures began to rush out of Emperor Wu's city. Looking down from mid-air, one could find that the crowd was like a torrent, flowing towards the gate of the city.Some people in the rivers and lakes can't be crowded, so they use lightness kung fu to fly over the eaves and walls, which is quite spectacular.

Dugu Qiubai's figure flickered, after leaving the city, he didn't stop, he continued to move forward, and stopped after another ten miles, stopped on a small hill, turned and looked back.

But when he turned his head, he found that Wang Xianzhi was already standing on the short hill opposite him.

Dugu Qiubai looked solemn, although he was a man in two lifetimes, but the tyranny of the person opposite him was still the only one he had ever seen in his life.If it was in his previous life, even in his peak period, when he fought life and death, there was a high probability that he would die.

It is really because the true qi and blood in this person's body are too vigorous, and the martial spirit is too domineering.

Of course, this is also because the world of the previous life has its natural limitations. It is extremely difficult for the inner family's true qi to be innate, let alone like this world, which is almost mysterious.

Now, in the same world, no one knows where the upper limit of Dugu Qiubai is.

After all, Dugu Qiubai is in the world of divine carvings, but he claims to have fully realized the universe in the sword.

Wang Xianzhi didn't act in a hurry, instead he said: "Little brother, did you just use the Wu family's sword flying technique?"

Dugu Qiubai nodded silently.

Wang Xianzhi nodded. He has a lot of knowledge, so he naturally recognizes the Wu family's Sword Tomb's sword control skills. This young man's flying skill has the shadow of Wu's Sword Tomb.That's why I asked this question.

At this moment, scattered people from the rivers and lakes in the distance came close and stopped to watch. Some people with deep inner strength also heard the conversation between the two, and secretly speculated which Wu family it was.

Seeing that he didn't have a sword in his hand, Wang Xianzhi asked, "Little brother, where is your sword?"

Dugu Qiubai looked at him quietly, and said softly: "The sword has been discarded."

When Wang Xianzhi heard this, his expression froze slightly, and he looked at the young man carefully.

There are more and more people in the rivers and lakes in the distance. Hearing the conversation between the two, they can't help talking.

"This kid is so arrogant that he doesn't even use a sword..."

"Back then, Li Chungang was such a fairy, the famous sword leader, he fought against others, and he also had a three-foot green sword in his hand. Did this young man think that he didn't need to use a sword to fight Wang Xianzhi?"

"Jian Jiuhuang, the old swordsman, has several swords in the box."

Dugu Qiubai naturally ignored the words of these people, stared at Wang Xianzhi seriously, and said softly: "In my life, I have only had four realms of swords, sharp swords have no meaning, software is impermanent, heavy swords have no fronts, wooden swords have no companions, and post-skilled swords have no edge. Cultivate the way of swordsmanship, and go to the point where no sword is better than having a sword, and there is no self without a sword."

"In a state with me, observe things with me, and the old things are all in my color; in a state without me, observe things with objects, so I don't know what is me and what is the object."


Dugu Qiubai spoke in detail, the more Wang Xianzhi listened, the more dignified his expression became, the radiance burst out from his eyes, and his expression moved.

This young man actually wanted to "sit and talk" with himself!

Although Wang Xianzhi originally wanted to support the younger generation, but at this time his mood changed again and again. Looking at the young man in front of him, he no longer regarded him as a younger generation, but treated him as an equal.

Wang Xianzhi listened for a while, and then spoke out, "Wang Xianzhi is more than fifty years old, a martial artist who beats his body, intends to prove the way with strength, walks on the sea every day, chops the waves..."

The two started to chat, as if they were two good friends, exchanging their martial arts experience.

The people in the nearby rivers and lakes, the more they listened, the more their faces changed. Some people couldn't help but move forward, getting closer, sometimes meditating, sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling, as if they had gained a lot.

The sword demon Dugu strives for defeat all his life, except for the pride in his heart, he can give up the sword in his hand. Naturally, he doesn't bother to hide these sword skills.

As for Wang Xianzhi, a tycoon in the Jianghu, a martial arts master who sits in the Jianghu, his heart is comparable to that of the East China Sea, so he will naturally care about these people from the Jianghu.

After a long while, those Jianghu people found that the more the two talked, the more confused they became, and it was something that had nothing to do with martial arts. After being puzzled, they had to let go and memorize it secretly. It is almost impossible to have the next opportunity.

At some point, both of them stopped talking.

Between the two low mountains next to each other, there is gurgling water and breeze blowing.

The water wave frailly rises, and the herring descends leisurely.

The one closest to the two was an old man with deep eyes. When he was frowning and thinking about what he just heard, he suddenly felt his hands turn cold, and he couldn't help but look down. He saw a thin line of thin lines appearing on the face of his left hand at some point. There was blood oozing from the wound.

He was slightly startled, and there was a rustling sound in his ear, and he turned his head to look.


On the ground, the sand, gravel, grass and trees seemed to be pierced back and forth by small dense swords, and countless small holes appeared.

The old man's eyes were fixed, his back felt cold, he kicked his feet suddenly, flew back and retreated, and at the same time he said in a low voice: "Retreat!"

At the top of the mountain, Dugu Qiubai and Wang Xianzhi faced each other silently, and they were silent, but their energies complemented each other, becoming more and more powerful and scattered in all directions.The supernatural powers of the two of them are either wrapped in sword intent, or martial arts divine intent.

Start colliding, confrontation.

The heaven and the earth have feelings, but the air mechanism changes, and the situation changes.

Everyone felt that something was wrong, and retreated a certain distance.

Ordinary warriors compete with each other, the inferior ones use their desperate strength, the middle ones have speed and skill, and only the superior ones compete with each other with spirit and energy, and use their gods to guard against them to the best of their abilities.

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