The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 539 Looking for someone, going to the city


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Zhu Lushan murmured in his heart, and his mind was tense. This kind of old monster who looks at the young and destroys the city at every turn is not a good thing. If he kills himself casually, I am afraid that the general will do nothing. .

Dai Daojin naturally didn't know the many thoughts in the fat man's mind in front of him. Since the first battle in Taichuan City, he needs to pay attention to the changes in his physical body and hidden veins, and since that temptation, he will be more cautious in doing things in the future. grasp.

These days, he has made some changes to his previous general plan, but he is not very mature yet. To be on the safe side, he wants to see someone.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin looked up at the fat man in front of him, and said lightly, "Your name is Zhu Lushan? Are you Xu Xiao's adopted son?"

Zhu Lushan straightened his expression, and said seriously, "Mr. Hui, that's right."

Dai Daojin nodded and said, "I heard that Xu Xiao's family is in charge of the espionage organization in your hands. If this is the case, can you help me find someone?"

Hearing the words, Zhu Lushan hesitated for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "Sir, can you tell me who this person is? I'd better go back and report to the General, and let the General decide." Although he has a vicious and violent personality, he is the only one who treats Xu Xiao the most. loyalty.

Dai Daojin said, "You should have heard of this person. His surname is Huang, and his name is Huang Longshi."

Zhu Lushan frowned, Huanglongshi's name is not only heard, but it is not an exaggeration, he opened his mouth to stir up the flames of war in the world, he is one of the most hated people left by the destroyed Spring and Autumn countries, he is a little confused about this person What to do with Huang Longshi.

He cupped his hands and said, "Sir, when I go back next time, I will be General Bingming."

Dai Daojin lay on the recliner, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

Zhu Lushan was a little dumbfounded. He came here to invite someone, but no one was invited, and he was asked to find someone.But he looked at the black-robed man, but still didn't speak again, cupped his hands, turned and went down the mountain.


Wudi City, the city wall is majestic.

On this day, as usual, the gates of the city were full of people coming and going, most of them were people from the rivers and lakes with swords and swords.

Two young men, who had been walking for a long time, finally came to the Emperor Wu City, one gray shirt and one green shirt, and the green shirt looked up at the city wall of Emperor Wu City, thinking about the meaning of this city in the rivers and lakes, and feeling even more emotional Thousands.

The gray-clothed boy cast his eyes behind the city wall, turned his head to look east, the endless clear water, the endlessly rolling East China Sea,

The line of sight shifted slightly, looking towards the southeast direction of Emperor Wu City.

Dugu Qiubai felt a force similar to the vast ocean of the East China Sea, thick and vast, like a huge rock that will not move for thousands of years. He didn't know that there was Guanhai Pavilion, and there was a person there, facing the sea all day long, cleaving through the waves.

Although he didn't know it, he also guessed it.

Zhao Zhi turned his head and said, "Brother Wu, let's go, let's go into the city."

Dugu Qiubai nodded silently, and walked towards the city gate.

The two of them passed through the city gate, walked through the bustling main road, and came to the inner city. On the city wall, all kinds of swords and weapons were densely inserted into the city wall, and there were some broken swords. On the above, it can make people look cold, it can be seen that it is a rare sword and sharp weapon. .

Zhao Zhi was fascinated, "Wang Xianzhi is really number one in the world. Over the years, people who have lost every time have to leave their weapons behind. Look, how many have been left on this city wall..."

Although he was looking at the weapons on the city wall, he was speaking to the people around him.

Dugu Qiubai's eyes moved slowly from bottom to top, never stopping, except for the dark green long sword inserted at the top, which made his eyes stop for a while, and then his eyes fell behind the city wall tower-like building.

Zhao Zhi saw him, smiled sweetly, and explained, "Brother Wu, the top floor of the tower is where Wang Xianzhi is, but not everyone can see Wang Xianzhi. If you want to fight Wang Xianzhi, you must first To climb this wall."

"And this city wall is guarded by twelve martial slaves. These people were all top masters in the Jianghu. They lost to Wang Xianzhi and became slaves for life, but their martial arts are all very powerful."

Although she has never been to Emperor Wu City, she is very friendly to these people.

Dugu Qiubai's eyes were clear, and there seemed to be a radiance flowing in it. He raised his feet and walked forward. There were strands of inexplicable aura on his body, which began to spread out soundlessly.

Seeing Dugu Qiubai walking forward, Zhao Zhi raised his foot to keep up, but suddenly a thin hand grabbed his arm.

"Miss, there is something wrong with that kid, don't go over." A low voice came.

Zhao Zhi turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in a brown robe standing next to her. He was tall and thin, shaped like a bamboo pole, with black and shiny hair on his temples, but his face was clean and clean without any wrinkles. His appearance was magnificent.

Zhao Zhi obviously knew the middle-aged man, and said happily, "Uncle Qi, you are here."

Uncle Qi withdrew his palm, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, obviously he had a good relationship with Zhao Zhi.

Zhao Zhi remembered just now and asked, "Uncle Qi, what are you talking about?"

Uncle Qi turned his head to look at the back of Dugu Qiubai, with a strange light in his eyes, and explained in a low voice, "Miss, I was wrong, I always thought he was a young boy who just came out of the rivers and lakes, and like most newcomers, he wanted to borrow Wang Xianzhi's name To be famous in the limelight, I didn't expect to be a hidden one."

Zhao Zhi was quick-witted, and immediately understood what it meant. She stared at Dugu Qiubai's figure with wide eyes, looked and looked, but still didn't see anything strange.

When Uncle Qi saw it, he said with a smile, "Miss, you are not a martial arts practitioner, so you can't see it, and even if you are a martial arts practitioner, you might not be able to see it." He thought to himself, if this kid didn't take the initiative to show his breath, I can't see it myself.

Dugu Qiubai passed through the gate and entered the inner city. Looking up, he saw people holding swords or knives, or spears, or bare hands, or sitting or Stand, close your eyes and adjust your breath.

The people who walked by, chatted back and forth, didn't care about it at all, and they were obviously used to it.

Dugu Qiubai's true energy flowed faster and faster, he raised his foot to walk towards the steps at the corner of the city wall, merged the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and lightly squeezed the sword finger.

"Haha, look, there is another kid who doesn't know how to live or die..." Before Dugu Qiubai reached the stairs, someone saw his movements and couldn't help shouting.

"Watching a play, watching a play..."

"Hey, what's there to see, the lady of the Chen Family Medical Center will be busy again later."

It turned out that near the inner city wall, there was a big teahouse, and there were many people sitting in the teahouse, looking in the direction of Dugu Qiubai.The location of this teahouse is very good. The reason why the boss opened the teahouse here is probably because it is so lively. After all, every time someone challenges, it will definitely attract people to watch, and the business of the teahouse must not be bad.

As for the "Chen Family Medical Museum" mentioned by the people who eat melons, it is just opposite the teahouse, a small shop, and people occasionally go in and out of it, and the words "Chen Family Medical Museum" are written on the plaque. female doctor.

Dr. Chen is a kind-hearted person. Whenever someone from the Jianghu challenged him and was seriously injured after failing, he would always help him.

Dugu Qiubai heard the voices behind him, ignored them, and walked straight to No.1 on the steps.When he stepped on the first step, the first martial slave suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes were full of cold light, extremely cruel.


The tip of the spear in this martial slave's hand touched the stone steps, and a handful of sparks shot out.

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