Hearing Dugu Qiubai's inquiry, the fortune teller stroked his beard and smiled and said, "There are historical records, which can be traced back to the Yin and Shang Dynasties 200 years ago. I have read more books. Naturally, I know the history of 200 years. Known for 200 years.."

Zhao Zhi and Dugu Qiubai were surprised when they heard this.

You must know that in this world, not only martial arts classics are precious, even ordinary books are hard for ordinary people to read, let alone being able to read all the thousand and two hundred years of history.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that the fortune teller is bragging.

Zhao Zhi also became interested, and said with a smile, "Then old man, what do you mean by knowing 300 years later?"

The old fortune-teller raised his chin slightly, and said calmly, "This old man is proficient in gossip, divination, and divination. It is not difficult to understand the changes of the future generations for 300 years."

Zhao Zhi frowned and said nothing.

Dugu Qiubai's eyes flickered strangely, he was more than 100 years old in total in his two lifetimes, although he only dabbled in Taoist mysteries, such as Zhou Yi, he knew that there were still experts in this field.In this even more bizarre world, he dared not underestimate the people of the world.

However, he is a master of swordsmanship, and he is obviously not very interested in the changes in later generations.

Unless at some point in the future, his kendo needs to use Ziwei Doushu and Fuxi Bagua, he probably will pay attention to this aspect.

As for why he stopped to talk to the old man, it was not because of his phrase "know 200 years before, and 300 years after", but because when the old man approached, his almost psychic Sword Dao Spiritual God Trembling slightly, looking at it with God, I found that the old man seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of fog, and he couldn't see clearly, so he stopped and said a few more words. .

But I can only say a few more words. Compared with others, Dugu Qiubai, like all swordsmen, often trusts the sword in his hand the most. Any ghosts and ghosts will naturally be cut with one sword.

Due to the abnormality of the sword spirit, Dugu Qiubai's strong zhenqi became active, he pressed down the activated zhenqi, and walked forward.

Dugu Qiubai had some thoughts in his mind, this world really has its own special place, among the countryside, hidden dragons and crouching tigers.Then it occurred to me that during these years in the Sword Tomb, I spent most of my time cultivating warm and thick zhenqi to control the sword in my envoy's hand.

As for the way of swordsmanship, his last life "Dugu Nine Swords" broke through the world's martial arts, and it can be said to have reached the pinnacle of martial arts, while "Tao" is the state of no sword, and the state of mind has already reached, all that is lacking is enough support in the body .

Of course, these years of retreating at Jianzhong also gave him a lot of inspiration. After all, in the last life, no one could turn true qi into stellar qi, soar three feet outside the body, and no one flew with a sword, and the flying sword technique took the head hundreds of miles away.

But in this life, Dugu Qiubai is not a stubborn and inflexible person. The environment is different, and his swordsmanship and swordsmanship will naturally change.

Zhao Zhi saw the gray-clothed boy entering the city silently, smiled at the old fortune-teller, and followed. .

The old fortune-teller raised his chin slightly, and turned around in a depressed mood. Looking at the backs of the two of them, he thought to himself, don't young people nowadays have any curiosity at all?

After entering the city, Dugu and Zhao Zhi randomly found a restaurant and walked in.

Seeing a guest, Xiao Er hurried over to say hello, "You two guests, please come inside."

After sitting down, Dugu casually ordered two small dishes, stopped Xiao Er who was about to leave, and asked, "Brother Xiao Er, how can I get to Wudi City?"

Xiaoer smiled, and the young boy asked Wudi City, he was not the first one he encountered, so it was no surprise, he said with a smile, "Guest officer, you go out of the east gate, go east, and when you arrive at Tianhua City, you will be there soon." Arrived at Emperor Wu City."

Dugu nodded his thanks.Xiao Er then turned and left.

Zhao Zhi didn't speak. She was born in a wealthy family, and being able to observe words and demeanor and people and things is an essential skill developed since she was a child. The young man in front of her was unsmiling, exuding an unspeakable temperament, which made people unconsciously develop a kind of This person doesn't feel like joking with you.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help thinking that the person in front of her once said that she would go to Wudi City to find Wang Xianzhi to testify the way of swordsmanship, and she had such a shred of belief.

Shaking her head, the girl smiled wryly in her heart. Even if this person is more qualified than Wang Xianzhi, but he is only in his teens, is it possible that he is better than that Wang Xianzhi?

Dugu Qiubai's spirit is clear, and he senses the ups and downs of the girl's spirit. It can be seen that she has a lot of thoughts, but her complexion is normal, which shows that she is not a pure-hearted person.

Not long after, Xiao Er brought the food and wine. There were six dishes and two jugs of wine. Dugu Qiubai only ordered two dishes, and Zhao Zhi ordered the rest.

Dugu Qiubai poured himself a glass of wine and drank it slowly.

Zhao Zhi was depressed, she found that this man was really hateful, he actually only ate the two dishes she ordered.


A figure approached and slumped onto the table between the two of them, whoever it was if it wasn't the fortune teller.

Zhao Zhi was in a bad mood, but his self-cultivation was still there. He frowned and did not make any sarcastic remarks. He just said softly, "Mister, you..."

Before she finished speaking, the fortune teller stared at her and said seriously, "The girl has a bright and broad forehead. She comes from a wealthy family. Her luck favors her. She looks like a phoenix perched on a phoenix tree. It can be seen that she must be extremely honorable in the future, and her mother's rites are unknown to the world."

Zhao Zhi was stunned for a moment, forgetting that the other party called his daughter, and asked in a daze, "You think I will be the queen?"

The old man smiled and looked at Dugu Qiubai without answering.

Dugu Qiubai naturally listened to what he said just now, his face remained unchanged, he took a sip of wine calmly, and looked at the old man.

The old fortune-teller looked at him for a while, frowned, and said, "Your Excellency's fortune-telling is particularly strange. He seems to be a dead person, but he has extremely good luck, even worse than this girl. Just now you asked about the road to Emperor Wudi City. I want to find Wang Xianzhi to prove my martial arts..."

As he spoke, he sighed, "My little brother will probably achieve higher achievements than Wang Xianzhi in the future..."

Zhao Zhi was shocked when he heard this, he immediately classified this old fellow as a liar, saying that he would become a queen, and said that this person will surpass Wang Xianzhi in the future, so is it possible that he will be number one in the world?

Dugu Qiubai smiled, shook his head, and did not speak.

Seeing that he ignored him, the old fortune teller stopped his hilarity and touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed. He couldn't help but wonder if he said too much.

Dugu Qiubai ate his order, picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass, took out a bit of silver from his pocket, still on the table, and went out.When Zhao Zhi saw it, he didn't care about not eating, took out his silver and put it down, and followed him out.

The old man glanced at the two, then picked up another jug ​​of wine, poured a glass, took a sip, and smiled.

He whispered, "Fortune-telling or something is not fun at all, but playing chess is more interesting."

But then, he sighed again, playing chess and chess, chess pieces, naturally have to pry the pieces, in order to follow the elusive trajectory and complete his own layout.

This Jianghu and the world seem to be a little different from what he expected. There are more and more heterogeneous people. He originally thought that he would just wait for the result after he settled down, but now he has to run around and work hard.

"Could it be that the way of heaven is really unpredictable?" the old man muttered in a low voice, and took a sip from his wine glass.


Xu Shi had a drink in his mouth, and the bah sound was quite vague.

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