More than two months later, ten miles away from the town of Nagqu in Tibet.

There was a sound of horseshoes stomping on the ground, which could be faintly heard at first, but then came from far and near like thunder, and in a blink of an eye, there were about twenty or thirty horsemen galloping towards them. It gives people a sense of thousands of troops, and its elite level can be seen.

The leader is a big man, dressed in dust, with a cold face, his eyes are open and closed, making people afraid to look directly at him.

The town was approaching in no time, and the big man raised his hand, and the thirty riders reined in at the same time, neatly and uniformly, showing extremely high riding skills.

The people who entered and exited the town hurriedly dispersed, for fear of blocking the way of these uncles and causing trouble.

The big man glanced across the town, and said in a deep voice, "Tutuo, how long is it?"

A fine rider next to him clapped his hands and said, "General, this is Nagqu Town, and the Potala Palace is still three days away."

The big man nodded lightly and said, "Get off the horse and go to the town to buy some food."

However, he has no intention of entering the town, which shows that he is cautious.

Tutuo obeyed, got off his horse, and headed for the small town.


The turmoil in Tibet can't be hidden from Dai Daojin, Zhu Bigu of Tibet.

Inside the pagoda hall, Dai Daojin closed his eyes slightly, listening to his subordinate's report, but did not speak.

After the big lama who reported finished speaking, he sat quietly and waited for instructions.

Dai Daojin opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of thunder in his eyes. The lama's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly lowered his head, feeling terrified.

Dai Daojin didn't pay attention to the thoughts of the lama in front of him, his eyes flickered slightly, he thought for a while, and said, "Go, get ready, and welcome the guests."

The big lama listened and nodded knowingly. His Holiness's words meant that Tibet and Mongolia would have a strange handover and cooperation, or it could be regarded as surrender.

He is the person in charge of the Potala Palace's news network that radiates throughout Tibet, so he is naturally clear about the news that Mongolia wants to take Tibet.

At the same time, he also knew that except for Zhu Bigu, the big lamas below did not want to confront the Mongolians head-on.

Zhu Bigu's words to welcome the guests now also let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Dai Daojin watched the lama leave without changing his expression. He could feel the spiritual fluctuations of the lama, but the reason why he did so was not because he was afraid of being deceived, but because his current spiritual state had already surpassed the difference between Han and Yi. .

In a previous life, he was also passionate and tried his best to protect the survival of the Han people.

But today, his spiritual realm and what he pursues have undergone earth-shaking changes. It doesn’t make any difference whether he is a Mongolian or a Han.

This is also part of the way of heaven, but it is not the way of heaven that Dai Daojin pursues.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin's eyes flickered, and a tyrannical aura burst out of his body, vast and vast, like mountains and seas, but it disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

He slowly closed his eyes, went to meditate again, and went to practice.

Some big lamas in the Potala Palace felt something in their hearts when Dai Daojin's aura broke out, and they all looked at the Spirit Pagoda Hall in unison to soothe their palpitations.

Three days later, thirty elite riders arrived at the Potala Palace.

The big man in the lead got off his horse and walked outside the square, followed by the soldiers behind him.

The big man looked at the majestic Potala Palace, his eyes were a little dignified. He came here with the mission of the Great Khan, because of the particularity of the region and the particularity of the Tibetan beliefs, he must be careful to play it by ear.

When the group walked to the square, an old lama in red came up to him, clasped his hands together, "General Borhu came from a long way, but he failed to meet him from afar. I hope the general will forgive me."

Boer smiled faintly, and there was a strange smile on his cold and serious face, and said, "Master's words are serious, and Boer came suddenly without invitation. I hope the master will not be offended."

The old lama smiled, his eyes fell on the weapons carried by Boerhu and the others, and hesitantly said, "Here..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but the implication was that Borhu and the soldiers behind him understood that they were going to hand over their weapons.

Those big soldiers didn't care where they were, and what kind of situation they were affecting. They all looked at the old lama with cold eyes, holding the handle of the knife.

For a while, there was quite a bit of tension.

Boer suddenly smiled and said, "The guest is up to the owner. Since we want to untie the sword, we must obey..."

The old lama's eyes moved, and he suddenly turned around to look at the Potala Palace and bowed in the distance. Then he turned around and looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "No, your lord has an order, and you don't need to take off your weapons."

Boer's eyes suddenly flashed. There is still nearly three hundred feet away from the Red Palace of the Potala Palace. Could it be that the Venerable is really as the wizard said, able to communicate with heaven and earth, and his martial arts have reached an unimaginable state?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to transmit sound into secrets at such a long distance?

As for the fact that the great lama is arbitrarily arbitrarily in charge, Borhu is sure that he does not dare. It is true that this venerable has a very high status, how can this subordinate dare to be tyrannical?

The old lama smiled faintly, "General Boerhu, please, His Holiness has been waiting for a long time."

Boer nodded suddenly, and walked forward.

Naturally, it was impossible for all the people behind to follow, and they were taken to other places to rest.

Dai Daojin did not meet the visitors in the Spirit Pagoda Hall, but chose another hall.

Footsteps sounded, and the old lama came in with Borhu.

The old lama knelt down on the ground, paid his respects, and said, "My lord, General Boerhu has brought you here."

Bor suddenly looked at the red figure sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, his eyes were full of exploration, his mind was sensitive, and he could always sense the opponent's aura whenever he faced the enemy, and he could detect the weakness from the change of the opponent's aura, and finally killed the enemy , but at this moment, he only felt that this person did not exist, and he could not feel any aura of this person at all.

Boer suddenly felt a little terrified in his heart, he couldn't detect the depth of this person.

Dai Daojin opened his eyes, his warm and kind eyes looked at Borhu, and a strange light burst from his eyes.

Bor suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and felt a fierceness that suffocated him, wrapped himself up, and seemed to be penetrating into his soul. He is not very old, but he is a veteran in the battlefield, but at this moment, he is surrounded by the spirit in his heart. It was as if the bloody smell of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood was so strong that he was about to spit it out.

Just when he felt that he was going to die and become a part of this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

The blood in his eyes faded, and his mind returned, and he saw a pair of eyes that contained all the compassion in the world, as if a mother looked at the child with pity, distress and love, as if turning into a pair of invisible hands, soothing the trauma he had just suffered.

Boer suddenly felt that his mind had just been soaked in the cold sea of ​​corpses and blood, but now it was like the embrace of his mother when he was a child, warm and kind. A little more refined.

"General Boerhu..."

A low, magnetic voice woke him up.

Boer suddenly came back to his senses at this moment, looking at the red-clothed monk who was looking at him with a smile in front of him, the clothes behind his back were all soaked, at this moment he only felt his hands and feet were cold, and his heart was chilling.

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