The Spirit Pagoda Hall is the No. 13th floor of the Red Palace, and it is also the highest floor. Except for Zhu Bigu who can freely enter and leave, no one is called, and idlers are not allowed to enter.

The sun slanted westward, and the golden sunset shone into the hall. The light moved slowly, and finally enveloped the figure in red.

Under Dai Daojin's two thick eyebrows, his eyes were closed tightly, his handsome face was glowing with jade color, his tall and broad back was straight, and his whole person exuded an immobility like a mountain.


The sound of qi and blood flowing faintly came from his body, like waves crashing, sometimes dull like thunder, sometimes loud like a tsunami.

Dai Daojin sat still, but his inner viscera were already extremely strong under the thousands of times of qi and blood washing, and the blood in his body was also slowly changing.

At the same time, among the three meridians and the seven chakras, the three meridians have already penetrated, and the seven chakras are used as places for energy accumulation, and the five chakras have already been expanded to the extreme by him. The Taoist Niwan Palace is equally important, and the brow wheel is like the Taoist ancestral orifice. He needs to be careful not to be careless.

And he has been preparing for a long time, today is the time to get through the brow chakra and crown chakra in one go.

Dai Daojin's entrance has been opened, coupled with the experience of his predecessor Zhu Bigu, after half a year of preparation, it will naturally come to fruition.

A stream of life energy rises from the three channels and five chakras, and gathers more and more. At the same time, Dai Daojin's tyrannical mental power is no longer retained, and the energy of life is wrapped in the center channel, straight up, and hits the chakra between the eyebrows.


As if feeling a light sound, the ancestral orifice opened, and the breath of life entered, slowly stabilizing the opened brow chakra, Dai Daojin's mental power also flowed, and then there was a feeling of fullness between the brows.

It was like a basin of water was about to overflow.

Dai Daojin's mind moved, and the power of his mind kept going. He charged up again and directly hit the crown chakra.


Dai Daojin's mind trembled for a while, and suddenly a sense of coolness filled his mind, as if he had opened up the sense of bondage, penetrating through the gate of the flesh god and the world, his spiritual power seemed to be excited and cheered, and the remote perception seemed to rise infinitely, connecting with the universe.

Just when Dai Daojin penetrated the crown chakra, it was already pitch black outside.

The sky is full of stars, and the vastness and mystery of the universe are presented to the world, but no one can explore it.

Dai Daojin seemed to have opened his eyes and saw the starry sky in the sky. In the sky, the Qinglong Qisu Jiaokang’s Fangxinwei Ji formed a large dragon across the sky in the night sky in the northwest, especially the Xinsu Huangmang. Dasheng.

He carries such a treasure as the nebula, and often feels the vastness of the starry sky in the nebula, but for some reason, there is always a lack of feeling.

Seeing this magnificent scene today, I can't help feeling a little bit, the starry sky is boundless, vast and mysterious.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and a part of his mind slowly rotated the nebula world. The nebula rotated more and more quickly, and finally it was magnificent, and the big dragon in the sky seemed to light up suddenly, as if the two were responding to each other.

Dai Daojin's mind slowly turned, and his whole body seemed to be in a strange state, as if he had turned into a star in the sky, looking down on the earth from afar.

Just when Dai Daojin was immersed in that special state, in the far southeast, on Longhu Mountain, an old Taoist frowned and looked at the starry sky.

Next to him stood a young man with a long sword in his hand. He was also looking at the starry sky. His dark eyes reflected the stars, as if everything in the universe was contained in it. Although he was young, he gave people a feeling that his wisdom was as deep as the sea.

The old Taoist sighed faintly, "The Mongols gained power, and the Han people lived on meagerly, and now there are frequent visions in the northwest, which is a disaster rather than a blessing."

The young man listened, his expression unchanged.

The old Taoist smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Come from the east, if you have the heart to help the world, the Great Song Dynasty may not be able to make a comeback."

The old Taoist priest is a contemporary celestial master in Longhushan, proficient in easy learning and extremely high in martial arts, but towards this young man, the old Taoist priest has a tone of fellowship, and when he said that this young man can overthrow Meng Ting, he obviously valued him very much.

Hearing the old Taoist's words, the young man's expression and breathing remained unchanged. Obviously, his determination was extremely firm, and his eyes never moved away from the starry sky.

Immediately, the sword in the young man's hand trembled automatically, and the young man's eyes burst into light, and he looked to the northwest, and said sonorously: "To pursue the road of heaven, you should imitate the sages in the world and sharpen yourself."

The old Taoist asked, "Are you going to the northwest?"

The gleam in the young man's eyes was introverted, disappeared, and returned to pitch black and bright again. He said flatly, "It's not the time yet. I'll go out to hone my skills after I've learned something."

The old Taoist remained silent.

In the far northern grassland, not far from the water, there are many yurts, and there is a sense of soldiers before they get close.

From time to time, there are teams of soldiers in armor and sharp eyes, patrolling past with vigilant eyes.

These soldiers have big arms and round waists, are powerful and aggressive, and they are shrouded in an evil spirit, but they are extremely elite soldiers of the Mongolian Khan.

In one of the largest yurts, several people were discussing matters at this time.

The person sitting in the middle, with his hair tied back, his eyes like blades, his whole body is like a lion, but with the momentum of swallowing the world, sitting behind the table, looking at the person in front of him with a faint smile , said: "Wizard, you want to see me in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

Shamans are a component of the Mongolian regime, mainly for divination, astrology, and praying for prey, wind and rain, and their methods are quite strange.

The wizard looked at the person in front of him respectfully, and said in a respectful voice: "Dear Khan, my subordinates watched the stars at night and found that in the northwest, the stars were shining brightly, and there were abnormalities. can."

Temujin suddenly remembered something, and said: "I heard that there was a Zhu Bigu in Tibet more than half a year ago, could it be that this person caused the vision?"

To be honest, Temujin didn't think much of these people who made troubles in the rivers and lakes, but some things couldn't be accomplished with a wave of the army, and they still needed the assistance of these people.

Moreover, Zhu Bigu in Tibet is even more special, he is the spiritual leader of Tibet.

Temujin thought for a while, then turned his head to look at the other person, a tall young general, and said, "Borhu, it's up to you to go there, Tibet must not be lost, do you understand what I mean?"

Boer's eyes opened and closed suddenly, he was obviously a master, and he bowed and said, "Yes, sweat."

He is a new general in Mongolia, and he is highly valued by the Great Khan.

Except for these two places, some masters of Yi Xue in the world have discovered abnormalities in the northwest.


The sun rises in the east, and thousands of golden lights shine directly on the Potala Palace, bringing a burst of vitality. The sun means life.

Dai Daojin also opened his eyes at this time, but the light in his eyes flashed away. He stood up, walked out of the hall, faced the sun, and turned to look east.

Under the sun, Dai Daojin was wearing a red cassock, with a majestic body and a vast sky. His complexion was as white as jade and rosy, carved like a crystal. People's hearts have a strange charm that is close to that of gods and demons.

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