After Dai Daojin came back from South China Sea, he became an otaku again.

Drink tea, read books every day, or climb high and look far away with Jiang Shaman, and play games in the mountains and forests.

Half a year passed like this, until a man in white clothes came from the foot of the mountain.

This person was dressed in white, but it wasn't Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng.

It was Dai Daojin's "Second Primordial Spirit", who came back from the far southwest after receiving Dai Daojin's spiritual inspiration.

In the small courtyard, Dai Daojin and "Dai Daojin" sat facing each other.

Dai Daojin felt the turbulent qi, blood and true qi fluctuations in the opponent's body, which was not weaker than the body he was in now, and nodded in satisfaction.

The two got up at the same time and walked into the house.


The two doors closed automatically, and at some point, Yue Yang's figure appeared in the small courtyard, looking around vigilantly, guarding the people in the house.

Dai Daojin and "Dai Daojin" sat cross-legged on the bed, facing each other.

The two of them closed their eyes slightly at the same time.

Dai Daojin's mind was silent in the nebula, and then the huge spiritual power was like a silk cocoon. First, a ray of spiritual power entered from the eyebrows of the person in front of him, and then another ray after another, endlessly.

He poured the power of mind carefully and slowly, not daring to take it lightly, as if he was a little careless, he would end up scattered.

The whole process lasted for a long time until late at night.

Sunset and moonrise, moonlight swaying.

At this time, a cluster of light slowly seeped out from the center of Dai Daojin's eyebrows, and finally jumped out suddenly, hazy, emitting a hazy white light, and inside the cluster of lights were dotted with stars, mysterious and unusual.

Dai Daojin's feeling at this moment is very strange. With his current state, it is similar to "being out of his body", but the real out of body is far from what he can do now. He can "be out of his body" with the help of Xing Yun ".

If not, his soul might be harmed as soon as he leaves the body. It is for this reason, for insurance, he calculated the time, and it happened to be night at this time, so as to avoid the yang energy from eroding the soul during the day.

It can be regarded as cautious.

The light group moved slightly. In his perspective, two people sat opposite each other and "looked" inside the house. A novel feeling arose, but there was a chilly feeling in the mind. There is always wind on the mountain at night. , even inside the house, it's just very small.

Feeling it for a while, not daring to delay, Dai Daojin burrowed into the eyebrows of "Gong Jiu".

He only felt a sudden darkness, and then he sensed his mind, and the second soul swayed and connected, and slowly drifted towards a mysterious place.

After a while, Dai Daojin opened his eyes suddenly, turned his eyes, turned his head, exhaled slowly, got out of bed, moved his hands and feet, and felt no discomfort.

He turned his head to look at Huamanlou, smiled, and said in a low voice, "Having been a tenant for so long, your physical strength should be considered rent."

He stepped forward, stretched out his right hand, and touched Huamanlou's ear, a mask was removed, revealing a handsome face, who else is it?

Dai Daojin turned around and opened the door.

When Yue Yang saw him coming out, he bowed slightly and didn't speak.

Dai Daojin smiled lightly and said: "Go in, tell this person to be sent to the inn in Suzhou City, give him a room, wait for him to wake up and leave, and then come back to report, you don't need to meet him."

Yue Yang bowed and said, "Yes, sir."

Stepping into the house, Yue Yang picked up Huamanlou and walked out, left the small courtyard, walked down the mountain, and walked towards Suzhou City.

Dai Daojin stood in the small courtyard, with his hands behind his back, looking up at the jade plate in the sky, his eyes gleaming, thinking about the feeling of being out of his body just now.


time flies.

In the winter of this year, there was heavy snow and the cold wind was like a knife.

The strong wind rolled up the snow on the ground, soaring into the sky, and then the snowflakes whirled and fell down.

Outside the city of Beijing, there is a piece of white. Looking down from a high altitude, you can find where the barracks are located. There is no snow color, like a scar on the ground.

This is where the "Dragon Guard and Blood Guard" is located. The essence, qi, and blood are soaring to the sky, like a huge oven. The snowflakes are evaporated before they fall, so the barracks looks extremely dry.

A tall man with a cold face, wearing a chain mail, with deep eyes, restrained light, and a straight waist with a charming temperament, walked towards the central school field with a long knife hanging from his waist.


The firm steps show that this general is a very assertive and determined person.

When they came to the school grounds, a soldier bowed and said, "General Deng."

Deng Yongjun's face remained unchanged, he strode up to the high platform, turned around and looked at the audience.

The 5000 people in the audience stood silently, and a feeling of oppression spread out, and everyone silently stared at the people on the high platform.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps came, and another group of people strode forward.

The leader is none other than General Zhu, the coach of the "Dragon Blood Guards", followed by a man who is not tall and has a short stature, but has a thick neck and a thick back, a face like cast iron, a leopard's head and eyes, and huge copper bell-like eyes shining brightly. God, the flash of light is unstoppable.

This is Lei Tianzheng who is as famous as Deng Yongjun and has reached the eighth floor of the blood guard. No one dares to underestimate the double hammer weighing eighty catties on his back.

General Zhu stepped onto the high platform, with Deng Yongjun and Lei Tianzheng standing on both sides.

General Zhu's white temples are conspicuous. Even his five-level cultivation base can't stop him from aging, but he looked at the blood guards under the stage with a hint of pride in his eyes.

Recalling that 15 years ago, he used three thousand blood guards to force back the "Sword God" Ximen Chuuxue and "Sword Immortal" Ye Gucheng, maintaining the face of the court, and he was even more proud.

No one in the world dares to use force to offend Tianwei.

From the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of the two beside him, with a hint of a smile on their faces. These two were cultivated by him, and they were the two great masters of blood cultivators who stood in the army and shocked the world.

For more than ten years, there have been many blood cultivators in the world, but there are only seven people in the world who have trained to the eighth level.

This time, the routine training will continue as usual.

The wind and snow between the sky and the earth became bigger and colder.


Jiangnan Huafu, in an attic not far away.

In the house on the second floor, a stove makes the house warm and cozy.

The two people in the room felt the same way.

Lu Xiaofeng picked up Daughter Hong who was warming on the stove, poured a cup, poured it into his mouth, closed his eyes slightly, and enjoyed it comfortably.


Hua Manlou looked at the old friend in front of him with a smile in his dark eyes.

Lu Xiaofeng put down his wine glass and stroked the black beard on his lips. Although he was over forty years old, he hadn't seen any signs of weather, and his eyes were still full of vitality.

He looked dazzled, stared into his eyes, and said with a smile: "Your eyes have recovered, why do I feel that you haven't changed anything?"

Hua Manlou smiled and said, "How do I need to change? My eyes are restored, and I'm still me."

A trace of inexplicable color flashed in Lu Xiaofeng's eyes, thinking of some traces that he had investigated, he couldn't help but look deeply at Dazzling Manlou, sighed in his heart, and planned to rot everything in his stomach.

Hua Manlou looked out of the window, his crystal eyes gleamed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

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