The flowers bloomed and then lost, and when they failed, they bloomed again. It took another three years.

In today's arena, it seems that a prosperous age is ushering in, and masters emerge in endlessly.

The blood element cultivation system is now more abundant, the wisdom of the people in the world is so thick, and gradually evolved various martial arts, secret skills, movement skills and so on that are compatible with blood cultivation, which makes this system more and more rich .

In addition, the imperial court offered rewards to the world. If someone creates some unique methods and martial arts, which can be promoted in the army, there will be heavy rewards.

People's desire is nothing more than fame and fortune.

That's why it is said that the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

With profit as the driver, it is natural to do anything with half the effort.

Just half a year ago, all major drug dealers in the world jointly launched a kind of elixir called Xueyuan Pill.

According to them, this blood essence pill was developed with great effort, and it contains some Chinese herbal medicines, which can replenish lean blood, which is very good for blood cultivators to practice "Blood Nerve", and there is no future trouble, but every blood cultivator only has The first few are useful, and more are useless.

But even so, the price is still extremely expensive. A small pill the size of a longan costs 50 taels of silver, but even so, the supply is still in short supply. The price on the black market has directly reached nearly 500 taels, a tenfold increase.

Someone once imitated it, and even the imperial court sent all the imperial doctors of the imperial hospital to analyze the composition of its medicine to see if it could be made the same.

But it was all in vain, and finally found that it contained a very strange thing, not a drug.

The imitation blood essence pill has no effect at all, and it cannot assist the cultivation of "Blood Nerve" at all.

This Blood Yuan Pill was launched jointly by all the medicine merchants in the world, even the imperial court did not dare to resort to domineering methods rashly, but the world medicine merchants were very knowledgeable, so they recruited the imperial court to supply the Blood Yuan Pill at a low price.

Since then, the Blood Yuan Pill has become an outstanding figure of the imperial merchants, and the jealous people in the world dare not compete with it.


In a mansion, Lin Qingshan was dressed in fine clothes, sitting cross-legged on a bed, holding a porcelain vase in his hand.

Peeling off the cork and taking a look, inside the white porcelain bottle lay a crimson elixir quietly, it was the blood essence elixir.

Lin Qingshan had a black beard on his face at this time, and his whole person inexplicably became dignified. He poured out the elixir and opened his mouth to swallow it.

He is an ambitious person, and he has been patient until the "Blood Nerve" reached the fifth floor and was about to break through the sixth floor. Then he planned to use the blood essence pill, intending to break through the sixth floor in one fell swoop.

The elixir entered the belly, and then melted, the power of the medicine spread, and a stream of warm current penetrated the whole body.

Lin Qingshan calmed down and didn't dare to be careless, he carefully circulated the blood in the blood vessels, absorbed the power of the medicine, and felt a sense of swelling.

After a while, he suddenly found a little red gold in the blood vessel, but it was very little. He wondered if it was brought in the elixir. After thinking about it, the blood element wrapped it, and the red gold disappeared immediately, as if into the blood element.

Later, he found that the huge blood in the blood vessel seemed to have a chain reaction, becoming more solid and more spiritual.

Not daring to be negligent, he immediately operated the mental method of the sixth layer of "Blood Nerve", and slowly sensed the blood element with his mind scattered, as if he wanted to combine the blood element with the mind.

Half an hour later, Lin Qingshan stood up with his achievements back, with doubts on his face, just now he seemed to see a pair of silver eyes in a trance.

Shaking his head, he dispelled this nonsense, feeling the surging power of the blood in his body, and the blood began to run rapidly as soon as his mind was moved, like a finger, and it moved more freely from the heart.

There was a smile on Lin Qingshan's face. After reaching the sixth floor, "Blood Nerve" could be regarded as a real breakthrough. Among the blood cultivators in the world, he really had the capital to stand out from the crowd.


Just when Lin Qingshan broke through the sixth floor.

In the small courtyard with gray walls and green tiles, Dai Daojin and Jiang Shaman sat opposite each other, sipping fragrant tea.

With a thought, he looked to the northwest, with a faint smile on his face, and said in a low voice, "It's the third one."

Jiang Shaman glanced at him, his eyes unchanged, and didn't ask any more questions.

Dai Daojin put down the teacup and said with a smile: "Shaman, if you talk about one thing, once you create the first one, will the second, third, or even thousands of them be far behind?"

Jiang Shaman's beautiful eyes were a little puzzled, but he still said: "Everything is naturally difficult to do for the first time, but once it is done, it is naturally much easier to do again."

Dai Daojin stood up, looking at the lush green mountains outside the small courtyard, and said with a smile, "Yes, there are thresholds for doing anything. I hope people in this world can give me a surprise."

Jiang Shaman was used to not being able to understand what this man said, so she didn't ask further.

Being very still and thinking about moving, Dai Daojin planned to go out for a walk. When he came to this world, wouldn't it be a pity not to appreciate "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky".

He looked at Jiang Shaman and said with a smile: "Shaman, let's go, let's take a trip."

Jiang Shaman stood up and said with a smile, "Where are you going?"

Dai Daojin smiled lightly: "Go to the white clouds and watch the immortals dance swords."


Three months later.

Only then did Dai Daojin know that there was no such a city on Feixian Island in the South China Sea.

That person called himself "White Cloud City Lord" because he likes to wear white clothes like Ximen Chuuxue, has a beautiful appearance, lives in the clouds, and he can comprehend the best swordsmanship like a fairy in the sword.

The extremely brilliant sword move of "Flying Immortal Outside the Sky" is even more famous all over the world.

Immortals... naturally live in the clouds, far away from the world, and stay with the white clouds.

The area of ​​Feixian Island is not small, larger than that of Knights Island. The environment on the island is quiet, and most of them are places that humans have not set foot on.

There are also some inhabitants on the island, and there is a small town.

Dai Daojin was wearing a green shirt, followed by Jiang Shaman, and Yue Yang followed behind, walking slowly on the streets of the town. The town is naturally small, but it has all the internal organs, including inns and restaurants.

Perhaps because of Ye Gucheng's reputation as the "Lord of Baiyun City", there are also many Jiang Hu people with swords and swords in the town.

The three came to an inn and stopped.

Dai Daojin looked up and smiled, Baiyun Inn, interesting.

Lifting his foot into the inn, Xiao Er immediately greeted him.

"Among the three guest officials, I wonder if the three are on the top or staying in the hotel?"

Jiang Shaman said indifferently: "Here are some good side dishes, and prepare two upper rooms."

That Xiao Er was used to seeing people from all corners of the world coming here, so it was not surprising, but he was still horrified by Yue Yang's evil spirit, he nodded in response, turned around and went to work.

The three found an empty table and sat down.

Dai Daojin looked around with a smile on his face.

After a while, Xiao Er brought four or five small dishes, all of which were seaside specialties such as fish and shrimp.

Dai Daojin called Xiaoer to stop, and asked with a smile, "Brother Xiaoer, do you know where the Lord Baiyun lives?"

That Xiao Er was not surprised at all, perhaps because he had encountered many times, he replied skillfully: "Master, you go along the town, the highest mountain is the place where City Lord Ye lives."

"But I would like to remind you that City Lord Ye has a bad temper. Those who went to look for him only went up the mountain but never went down the mountain. Afterwards, the number of people looking for him became less and less."

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