The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 362 Rewarding the Good and Punishing the Evil

In the lobby, Dai Daojin was sitting on a chair, and in front of him were returned Yue Yang and He Shangshu.

Dai Daojin closed his eyes slightly and sat quietly.

Yue Yang and He Shangshu waited silently in front of them.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Although Yue Yang and He Shangshu didn't turn their heads back, goosebumps appeared on the skin on their backs. They only felt that there were eighteen auras behind them. Everyone's qi and blood were surging, and they felt like eighteen little suns in their perception.

The eyes of the people behind fell on the two of them, even with their martial arts, their scalps couldn't help but feel a little numb.

Dai Daojin opened his eyes and looked at the Eighteen King Kong behind the two with a smile on his face.

The previous steward had changed a lot. When he walked in front of Dai Daojin, even if he bowed down, he was more than a head taller than Yue Yang and He Shangshu.

The manager said like thunder, "I've seen the big island master."

Dai Daojin nodded, took out two pairs of brass tokens from his pocket, and handed them to Yue Yang and He Shangshu.

The two took it in their hands and looked at it. There was a word "evil" written on the token, and when it was opened, there was a word "good" written on the back.

Dai Daojin did a full set of things, and also satisfied his bad taste, and said with a smile: "These two tokens are called rewards for good and punishment for evil. The two of you take them to the Central Plains and bring back the people on this list."

As he spoke, he took out another piece of paper and handed it to He Shangshu.

He Shangshu held it in his hand and looked at it. There was a list on the paper, a total of eight people, Fu Zhengping, the owner of "Burning Sky Valley", Fan Hetai, the Northwest thief... "Red Shoes" Gongsun Lan.

He Shangshu thought for a while and said, "Old Master, some of these people are missing, how can we invite you here?"

Dai Daojin said lightly: "You still look for that person from last time, he will help you."

"In addition, you bring these 18 people with you, and the action is a little bigger. We invite people in an open and honest manner, and there is no need to sneak around."

Yue Yang and He Shangshu nodded.

Yue Yang said: "What if these people don't want to come?"

Dai Daojin said lightly: "If you don't want to come, you will kill them. I have investigated these people, and they are not good people. If anyone dares to stop them, they will be killed."

The two nodded. Those who could be entered into the Invisible Person Organization by Wu Mingzhao were good people.

Dai Daojin turned his head and said to the manager: "Let's go to the Central Plains, you follow the orders of the two of them."

The steward bowed and said yes.

Dai Daojin stood up and said, "Okay, let's go now."

After speaking, he lifted his foot and left.

After crossing the Jiuqu Bridge and the promenade, Dai Daojin returned to the attic.

When Jiang Shaman saw Dai Daojin coming, he greeted him and poured tea and water for him like a wife.

Dai Daojin sat on the couch, Jiang Shaman sat down obediently, put Dai Daojin's head on her lap, and brushed Dai Daojin's shoulder with plain fingers to pinch him.

Dai Daojin closed his eyes, but his mind was not on Wen Rouxiang, but concentrated his mind power to perceive Gong Jiu downstairs.

In the room on the first floor, Gong Jiu closed his eyes and lay quietly on the bed.

In Dai Daojin's perception, Gong Jiu's three souls and seven souls are attached to and hidden in the internal organs. These days, he feels the penetration of spiritual power every day.

At this time, under his perception, most of the whole body is still reddish, and the red, black, and gold in the internal organs are gradually infiltrated.

These days, some pictures would flash in his mind from time to time, some were a child, some were a teenager, and sometimes even turned into a baby, the pictures were scattered.

Dai Daojin knew that this was because the spiritual energy in his blood beads began to gradually penetrate Gong Jiu's soul and viscera, and it had already begun to have some effects, gradually accepting some of Gong Jiu's memories.

But because the degree of penetration is very shallow, these memory images are very scattered and unsystematic.

But he is not in a hurry, take his time.


At the port where the fox den is located, a three-storey large ship slowly approached the pier.

The merchants coming and going and those who are about to go to sea can't help but turn their heads to look at this ship. Although this is a port, such three-story ships, such as fortress-like big guys, are relatively rare.


The boat docked, but everyone was still staring at the big boat to see where the rich and powerful were making such a big show.

Not long after, I saw a young man and a middle-aged man walking out side by side, followed by big men dressed in black and over eight feet tall. There were eighteen of them.

The onlookers didn't feel anything when they saw the two in front, but they couldn't help admiring secretly when they saw the eighteen behind, what a big man, and there are eighteen such big men.

Yue Yang and the other two led the Eighteen King Kong out of the boat.

Yue Yang was a little uncomfortable with the eyes of the people around him, but He Shangshu was fine, he had expected this situation.

The two did not delay after getting off the boat, and went directly to contact Huo Xiu secretly.


In the forest, a figure ran forward.

Lin Qingshan held the long sword in his hand, panted heavily, and glanced behind him from time to time.

After running for another half an hour, I leaned against the big tree, rested for a while, looked up at the gradually darkening sky, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Qingshan felt a slight heat in his body, and his face couldn't help being happy. Thinking of what happened in the past month, he sighed again, and didn't know if it was worth it for him to do so.

One month ago, after Emei banned "The Twelve Forms of the Blood God", he only remembered that there was a copy under his bed, so out of curiosity, he dug it out and began to practice in secret.

Lin Qingshan has been acting in secret all along, even the juniors who live with him don't know about it, but the matter is still exposed.

Panicked, he wounded two inner disciples and escaped.

With his back against the big tree, he couldn't help recalling the surprised looks of those inner disciples in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel a little relieved. After practicing for only one month, he was able to defeat the senior brother who had the true inner energy. Then in the future...

Thinking of this, Lin Qingshan felt a little hot in his heart, his physical strength recovered a lot, and he started to run forward again.

He had to leave Emei's sphere of influence to be safe enough.

Lin Qingshan swore secretly, Senior Sister, when I achieve great martial arts, I will come to you in an open and honest manner.

In the middle of the night, the moon is covered by dark clouds, and only stars are left.

In a cave, Lin Qingshan was lying on the ground with his body stretched forward, his right hand wrapped behind his knee, the posture of the whole body was weird but so harmonious.

With his eyes closed, he felt the blood in the blood vessels rushing through the blood vessels like water, and then returned to the heart, and the heart sent the blood to all parts of the body. The body gradually heated up, and the fatigue of the day was swept away.

After an hour, he stopped practicing, clenched his fists, felt the increase in strength, and showed a smile on his face.

Lin Qingshan took out a book from his arms, it was "The Twelve Forms of the Blood God", he turned to the ninth page, it was exactly what he did just now, looked at it, and then turned to the next page, his eyes revealed eager.

He felt a little pleased, the comparison between the hardships he experienced when he practiced Emei's inner strength and the rapid progress he made today made him realize that he was also a genius.

Then he thought about the cost of this month, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, and sighed, this martial art is good, but the energy added is too much, and it costs a lot of money.

. m.

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