Yue Yang said indifferently: "Oh, this Jin Jiuling's martial arts is very high?"

Huo Xiu said with a smile: "The martial arts are good, and people in the world call him the number one master of the six sects in the past 300 years. It's just strange that with his status today, how could he be so unwise and commit such a serious crime."

"I just don't know my lord, how did I know that this embroidered thief belongs to Jin Jiuling?"

Yue Yang said lightly: "Since the big island master said he is, then he is."

He Shangshu was silent, and smiled at Huo Xiu: "I need to trouble you to help arrange it."

Huo Xiu smiled and said, "Naturally."

After getting Yue Yang and He Shangshu settled down, Huo Xiu started to move.

Your Majesty wants to print "The Twelve Forms of the Blood God" and distribute it to the world. There are many things involved in it, and you need to be careful and careful.

Next, Huo Xiu secretly mobilized resources. In order to prevent others from finding out about him, he contacted Yan Tieshan, mobilized the power of Tsing Yi Building, and even activated the hidden hands that had been planted.

It is necessary to get things done without sticking to yourself.

The people who turned around and pushed to the front line didn't know what they were doing, how many times they changed hands, they only knew that they accepted the deal and paid for the money they earned in three years.


Two bungalows, connected to a small yard.

In the small courtyard, Lu Xiaofeng looked at Jin Jiuling, to be exact, what he was looking at was not Jin Jiuling, but a room of white clothes in Jin Jiuling's hand.

The clothes belonged to Xue Bing, that beautiful girl who liked to pull his ears.

Lu Xiaofeng's face was ugly, the acid water in his stomach was bubbling out, and he felt a little dizzy.

Jin Jiuling's face was also very heavy, and he said, "Can you recognize this is Xue Bing's clothes?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded, Xue Bing was wearing exactly this dress when he and Xue Bing parted ways.

He said: "Since her clothes are here, the person must be here too. Have you seen her?"

Jin Jiuling shook his head with a serious expression.

Lu Xiaofeng sighed, and said in a low voice: "Hua ManLou is gone too, if he were here, things would definitely be easier to handle."

Jin Jiuling said: "Huamanlou, is that the seventh child of the Hua family?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded.

Jin Jiuling said, "What about others?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "He went to chase a girl, after he went, he never came back, what happened?"

Immediately, he said again: "Don't mention him, how did you find this place?"

Jin Jiuling shook his head and said, "We didn't find this place."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Snake King?"

Jin Jiuling nodded: "It's the Snake King."

Lu Xiaofeng remained silent, and then the two discussed the case for a while before breaking up.

Jin Jiuling looked at Lu Xiaofeng who was going away, with a faint smile on his face.

He was a little smug in his heart, and quite enjoyed the futile appearance of these people after committing a perfect crime, especially since he personally participated in it, which made his mood even more pleasant.

Turning around and leaving the small courtyard, he came to a mansion in the city.

After entering the house, two beautiful maids undressed him, and then prepared delicious food and wine for him.

Although Jin Jiuling was born as a policeman, he loves gorgeous things very much, and the food and clothing are the best, including women.

This is a person who knows how to enjoy.

On the table in front of you, there is "Sunflower with Xuemei" made of shrimp balls and meat-filled egg dumplings. Green peppers, peas, shrimp tails, etc. are used as inlays, and it is made of whole shrimp and minced mud. The "golden fish playing lotus" is inlaid on the fish-shaped embryo, and the "yellow braised shark's fin" is golden and bright, and has a soft taste.

The pretty maid next to him filled him with fine wine from time to time.

He eats seriously and enjoys it.

After the meal, the maid began to prepare fragrant soup for him, and it was his habit to take a bath after the meal.

Sitting in the bathtub, Jin Jiuling closed his eyes, looked happy, and hummed an unknown song.

"Dong dong dong" knocked on the door.

Jin Jiuling frowned, everyone around him knew that he strictly forbids anyone to disturb him at this time.

The knocking on the door continued.

Jin Jiuling narrowed his eyes, stepped out of the bathtub, put on his clothes, and walked slowly towards the door with a look of vigilance.

Outside the door, Yue Yang's eyes were cold, He Shangshu's face was solemn, and the two stood quietly in front of the door.

The three faced each other silently across a door.

Yue Yang's eyes froze, and he clenched his right hand and slammed it out.


The wooden door was instantly shattered, followed by a flash of sword light.

At the same time as Yue Yang's fist blasted out, Jin Jiuling retreated at the same time, extremely fast.

He is fast, Jian Guang is faster.

The skin in Jin Jiuling's throat was tingling, and he was terrified, thinking that the person who came was a swordsman like Ximen Chuuxue.

Just as he was avoiding the sword light, he caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of his eye, and then felt a pain in his waist.

Immediately afterwards, another sword light flashed.

Before Jin Jiuling's consciousness fell into darkness, the last image in his eyes was a pair of official boots on the ground.

Those were He Shangshu's boots.


Lu Xiaofeng squatted down, carefully inspecting Jin Jiuling's body.

After a while, he stood up and sighed.

The honest monk clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha."

Lu Xiaofeng rubbed the center of his brows, his frown was slightly relaxed.

The honest monk said: "Any clues?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "There are two wounds, the waist and the throat. The cause of death is the sword wound on the throat, and he died with one sword."

The honest monk said: "And looking at this room, there should be two people."

Lu Xiaofeng nodded and said, "Not bad."

The honest monk said: "Can you and Sikong Zaixing work together to kill Jin Jiuling within two moves?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "No, there is almost nothing that can be done in Jianghu."

The honest monk said: "Amitabha."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed again, it's a troubled time, the embroidered thief vaguely pointed at the red shoes, Jin Jiuling was killed suddenly, there was one more thing to be busy with.

Just as Lu Xiaofeng was running around about Jin Jiuling and the Embroidered Thief, booklets began to spread around the world.

Two months later, the whole world was discussing a martial art, "The Twelve Forms of the Blood God".

Moreover, this kind of discussion is not limited to the rivers and lakes, and the imperial court and military are faintly paying attention.

In fact, this martial art is too widely spread, and the threshold of cultivation is too low.

People in the world have discovered that martial arts does not necessarily require the cultivation of internal energy, but can also use the energy in the blood to condense the blood to practice.

There are so many people who can't practice their inner qi in this arena.

Originally, under the impetus of caring people, this matter began to hit the rivers and lakes like an undercurrent.

However, one month later, an incident broke out that completely ignited the attention of everyone in the world on "The Twelve Forms of the Blood God".

Qingfeng Village, ranked ninth among the eighteen villages in the green forest in the south of the Yangtze River, and the owner of the village, Duan Qingde, is a pair, and their strength is not low.

But not long ago, the whole village was slaughtered, leaving no dogs or chickens behind.

When checking at the six gates, it turned out that Qingfengzhai once robbed a village and killed the whole family of the murderer.

This man accidentally obtained a copy of "The Twelve Forms of the Blood God" and recruited him to practice.

You have to admit that some people are really talented. The twelve forms of the blood god were practiced by that man, and they made rapid progress. After practicing the ninth form, they broke through the tenth form and condensed blood essence.

So he went to Qingfeng Village to take revenge.

After avenging his great revenge, this man left his hometown directly and went to the northwest, where he joined the giant bandits in the north and ran rampant.

Old story, old ending.

But the most indispensable thing in this world is people who like this kind of story, those low-level people who are secretly depressed and aggrieved, seem to have discovered a glimmer of dawn to break through class.

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