Next, Dai Daojin explained some more things, and everyone dispersed.

Suddenly, only Dai Daojin and Wu Ming were left in the lobby.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "I will leave the rest to you."

Wu Ming asked strangely, "You want to leave?"

Dai Daojin shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that I want to leave, but someone is coming out. Please, if I wake up tomorrow, you must stop me and don't let me leave this island."

Wu Ming didn't understand what he was talking about.

But on the second day, Wu Ming knew what he meant.

Looking at the quiet Hua Manlou in front of him, his eyes moved slightly, and he finally understood what it meant, thinking to himself: Schizophrenia?

Hua Manlou felt that something was wrong. After waking up, there were maids serving him, and someone bringing breakfast specially, telling him that he was no longer in the small wooden house by the sea.

What the hell did that person do?where is this

Why do these people call themselves big island masters?And the tone is full of fear?

He doesn't like it.

Hua Manlou sat in the pavilion, sighed, looked forward with empty eyes, the sound of waves in his ears told him that this place was not far from the sea, and smelled the scent of flowers nearby.

Wu Ming walked into the pavilion, stood in front of Huamanlou, and looked at it carefully. His silver eyes disappeared, and he was indeed a different person.

Oh, interesting!

Hua Manlou sensed that someone was standing in front of her but didn't speak, so she took the initiative to ask, "Your honor?"

Wu Ming said with a smile: "Little old man's name is not worth mentioning. Now everyone on the island calls me the second island master."

Hua Manlou was stunned, thinking of those maids calling him the Great Island Master just now, and thinking about everything, the old man in front of him knew everything, so he couldn't help but wryly smiled and said, "Have you seen that person?"

Wu Ming said with a smile: "I have seen it, and I have fought against it."

Hua Manlou thought of the palpitations before, and was a little stunned. He nodded and said, "It turns out that you were fighting that day."

Wu Mingdao: "After the fight, you will become the big island owner of this small island."

Hua Manlou was silent, he really wanted to say that it was that person and not himself, but when he thought of the special situation of the two of them, he shut his mouth.

He said quietly: "What does that person want to do?"

Wu Ming smiled and said, "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Hua Manlou smiled wryly, although he is the master of his body, if the two of them want to talk, they still have to rely on that person, and it's useless to worry about it by themselves.

Wu Ming looked at his expression and said thoughtfully, "You should stay here for a while."

Hua Manlou rubbed the center of his brows, was startled suddenly, touched his face again, then rubbed a little bit of cortex from his cheek, and then gently lifted it, a fake mask appeared in his hand.

In front of Wu Ming, a gentle and handsome Mr. Jia sat there quietly.

Wu Ming smiled and said: "If I were you, I would take the human skin mask back. In this case, everything here is done by a man named Dai Daojin. It has nothing to do with Huamanlou, and it will not be given to the Central Plains." Huajia brings any trouble."

As for Dai Daojin wearing a mask, with Wu Ming's eyesight, he can see it naturally, so he is not surprised.

Hua Manlou thought for a while, smiled wryly, and honestly took the mask back.

He is very smart, thinking of these things, he smiled bitterly: "Did he ask you to stop me from leaving this island?"

Wu Ming smiled, but did not speak.

Before leaving, he comforted me, "You stay here well, it's isolated from the world, and the environment is beautiful, it's a good place."

Huamanlou likes this kind of place very much, but he has Shangguan Feiyan in his heart, so how can he stay there?

At night, Hua Manlou was sitting alone in the attic, listening quietly.

Suddenly he smelled a familiar fragrance, and before he could think about it, he went up to the attic alone.

The fragrance became stronger and stronger.

Beef Tang put the bowl on the table, lowered his head, not daring to look at this person, the fear in his heart still did not dissipate.

Hua Manlou finally thought of the bowl of beef soup in the cabin, and that strange girl.

He smiled and said, "So it's you?"

Beef Soup froze for a moment, then whispered, "What?"

Hua Manlou felt her fear, and couldn't help but softly said: "Why did you come here to make beef soup?"

The beef soup is bitter, why do I make beef soup, you didn't ask me to do it.

Seeing that she was silent, Hua Manlou said softly: "Thank you for the beef soup that day, don't worry, if he captures you, you can just leave, I am the big island owner here, let you go There should be rights."

Niu Niu Tang was stunned again. No one could understand what this man was saying. He couldn't help but look up at the person in front of him. The person was still the same person, but there was a different change. Those eyes... were no longer silvery white. turned into a void.

Hua Manloujia still didn't speak, she sighed, waved her hands and said, "Go down."

Beef soup was furious in his heart, he really made himself a human.

She walked quickly and went down the attic angrily.

Hua Manlou couldn't laugh or cry, and he was relieved when he thought that the first time the two met was like this.

In this way, at Dai Daojin's request, the beef soup would send a bowl of beef soup every other day, saying that she wanted to check whether her beef soup made any progress.

Beef Tang was already smart, so she also realized something was wrong. In the past two months, she found that the big island owner seemed to have changed sometimes. Sometimes his attitude was cold and hard, and sometimes his temperament was gentle, and his tone was extremely soft.

She was a little scared, thinking to herself that this person is a psychopath?


Three months later, in the grottoes in the northwest of the island, Dai Daojin and Wu Ming stood with their arms behind each other.

Wu Ming's eyes were shining brightly, staring at the characters and pictures on the stone wall, he murmured: ""Suction Dafa", "Dugu Nine Swords", "King Kong Immortal Skill", "Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill", "Pure "Yang Wuji Kung Fu", "Da Yi Quan Jing", "Nine Yin Manual", "Life and Death Yin Yang Knife Chapter" the first six moves..."

His mind was shaken, and after a while, he let out a breath slowly to calm down.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Brother Wu, how are you?"

Wu Ming's eyes were bright, and he praised: "Any one of these martial arts is a rare and supreme method, and it will cause a bloody storm if it is thrown into the world. in the grotto."

Even though his current martial arts are unfathomable, the martial arts on the stone wall is greatly touched after seeing it. The martial arts ideas and mysteries in it have opened his eyes and gained extraordinary benefits.

Dai Daojin smiled lightly: "Then if you see these martial arts methods, Brother Wu, will you be willing to leave this place?"

Wu Ming immediately said: "Of course not."

As soon as the words fell, his eyes moved, he came to his senses, turned his head to look at Dai Daojin and said, "You want to use these martial arts to attract the masters of the Central Plains martial arts."

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "That's right, internal strength, external strength, fists, feet, legs, swords, guns and sticks are all inclusive. No matter he is a swordsman or a swordsman, he can find what he needs from here."

Wu Ming continued: "Thus, these people in the rivers and lakes will definitely be attracted and board the boat to enter the island. In this way, there will be an endless stream of martial arts masters, and there will never be less materials for us to deduce the exercises."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile... Mobile website: m.

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