Niu Niu Tang blinked his big eyes and asked doubtfully, "Who is Wu Ming?"

Dai Daojin also blinked his silver eyes, and said with a smile, "You don't recognize Wu Ming?"

Beef Soup shook his head, "I don't know."

Dai Daojin said: "Then you can recognize Gong Jiu?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Niu Tang's eyes, but he still shook his head in confusion, holding the bank note tightly in his arms, for fear that Dai Daojin would go back.

Dai Daojin sighed and said, "I killed Gong Jiu."

Niu Niu Tang was unmoved, happily lowered his head and counted the bank notes in his hand, as if he hadn't heard what he said.

Dai Daojin stared at her in a daze, smiled suddenly, nodded and said, "Okay, as expected, it was cultivated by Wu Ming, and she is really capable."

He stood up, walked to Niu Tang, and patted her on the shoulder.

His eyes flickered, he stared at Beef Soup's eyes and said, "Very good."

A trace of solemnity flashed in Beef Soup's eyes. She clearly wanted to avoid this person's palm just now, but found that no matter how she moved, the slender palm seemed to be waiting for her in front of her, and she could only watch it fall.

Seeing the weird man sit back on the chair, Niu Niu Tang pouted and said, "What's wrong, if you're okay, I'll leave."

Dai Daojin took a sip from the teacup and said with a smile, "Of course."

Niu Niu Tang frowned, she always felt that this man's smile was weird and a bit malicious.

But she turned around and walked out.

Dai Daojin looked at her pretty back, and said softly: "If you feel unwell, please go home quickly and let your adults take a look."

Niu Routang trembled slightly, but walked forward as if nothing had happened. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see anything unusual.

Dai Daojin chuckled, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Next to him, the old fox seemed to be hiding in the dark, without saying a word, and lowered his head.


Beef soup returned to the residence, closed the door, and his face became solemn in an instant.

Casually leaving the 55 bills in her hand, which was fifty-five thousand taels of silver, was still on the bed. She sat cross-legged on the bed and closed her eyes.

Calm and concentrated, the true energy in the body is flowing, exploring the whole body.

Two Sundays later, Niu Niu Tang opened his eyes, his eyes were full of doubts, and then he took off his clothes and looked at his left shoulder, which was where the mysterious person took the photo.

The left shoulder was still as tender and white as before, and when I pinched it, there was no pain.

Beef Tang remembered the last sentence the man said, and his eyes were a little strange.

She is not as obsessed with martial arts as her ninth brother, but what she has learned and practiced are all advanced martial arts, and her vision is extremely high. In addition, the people on the small island are all masters. The various martial arts can be regarded as understanding.

Is it poisonous?

Beef Soup shook his head.

She thought about it left and right, but couldn't figure it out, so she simply stopped thinking about it and lay down to rest.

But until dawn, she did not fall asleep.

Although she hasn't slept all night, she is still full of energy. After all, she is a martial arts practitioner, so it's not a big problem if she doesn't sleep for one or two nights.

Beef soup is still carrying a bowl, walking among the guests.

From time to time, someone laughed and said: "Yo, beef soup, I was very happy last night, and my face is full of red today."

Niu Niu Tang scolded the other party loudly, and left amidst the laughter of the crowd.

However, people still said from time to time that she was in good spirits today and her complexion was rosy, even the oil stains on her face could not hide her good complexion.

Beef soup returned to the house, looking at himself in the bronze mirror, his face was indeed glowing red.

She frowned, and searched her body again, but still found nothing.

For the next seven days, she, who had never been afraid since she was born, felt a little scared.

In the middle of the night, the waves beat against the shore, and there was a sound of rushing.

Inside the house, Niu Rou Tang was lying on the bed with her eyes wide open. She was very sleepy, but she just couldn't fall asleep, and she was still in good spirits.

It has been seven days, and she has been insomnia for seven days.

Beef soup feels like I'm going crazy.

She never thought that one day, she would want to sleep so desperately.

People without insomnia will not experience the pain of insomnia.

Niu Niu Tang finally understood the meaning of the last sentence that the mysterious man said, "If you feel unwell, please go home quickly and let your adults take a look."

Thinking of this sentence in his mind, Niu Tang sighed.

This little girl who has never encountered setbacks finally decided to return to the island.


The old fox bowed and said: "My lord, the beef soup has left, do you want to send a boat to follow?"

Dai Daojin drank his tea leisurely, and said with a smile: "What do you mean by sneaking around, it's not what a gentleman does. Just wait, someone will come to invite you."

The old fox bent over and backed away. When he turned around, he murmured in his heart that he had played a trick on the little girl, but he was talking about a gentleman and hypocrisy here.

Dai Daojin naturally didn't know what the old fox was thinking, but he was looking forward to it at the moment, looking forward to whether Wu Ming could give an answer to the question he asked.


Three days later, an ordinary island in the vast sea.

In the east, north, and south directions of this small island, there are hidden reefs near the coast. If a boat passes by accidentally, the ship will be destroyed and people will die.

The vegetation on the island is lush, but there are many houses hidden in it.

In a large room in the middle, the original beef soup was sitting here.

The dirty clothes on her body were no longer there, and she changed into a luxurious dress. With dark eyebrows and light shaved eyes, bright eyes and white teeth, a dirty beef soup transformed into a princess.

At this moment, the princess is sitting on a chair, with her left hand outstretched, and someone is feeling her pulse.

The one who took the pulse was an old man, with an ordinary face, with some kindness, frowning slightly at this time.

The old man let go of his hand and said lightly: "Please tell me the whole thing again."

Beef Soup immediately exchanged some of her questions for 5000 taels, as well as the conversation with the mysterious man, saying every word without missing a single word.

The old man was silent after listening.

He asked again: "You said that you checked yourself that night, and there was nothing unusual?"

Niu Niu Tang nodded, "No, I circulated my true energy that night. After two weeks, there was nothing abnormal, and my true energy has improved a bit..."

"Wait..." the old man interrupted suddenly.

Beef soup looked at him suspiciously.

The old man thought for a while, and then sighed, "The problem lies in the improvement of true qi. Even if you are very talented, you can feel that the level of energy is so outrageous without running for two weeks."

Beef Tang also suddenly realized, and then asked: "But what's wrong with me?"

The old man's eyes were full of wisdom, he thought for a while and said: "The human body is nothing more than spirit, energy and spirit. There is no problem with your 'qi' and 'spirit', so the problem lies in the 'spirit', and he did not. What kind of nourishing food has been given to you, then..."

Beef soup said: "Then what?"

The old man flicked out a finger and made a clanging sound like a sword, "Stretch out your hand."

The beef soup didn't understand what it meant, but still did it.

The old man moved his finger like a knife, across his palm, blood flowed out immediately.

The old man caught it with his left palm, first sniffed it with his nose, then stained some blood with his right finger, tasted it, and his eyes flashed strangely from time to time.

The beef soup stopped the bleeding, seeing his expression, he said happily: "Find the problem?"

The old man nodded.

Beef soup said: "Can it be solved?"

The old man frowned, hesitated, and did not speak.

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