Shangguan Xue'er tightly covered her mouth, her body trembling with fear, she was a little pitiful in the dark night, like a young tree in the wind and rain.

Her eyes stared out through the crack of the window.

Under the cold moonlight, a man in black with wide sleeves stood proudly. It was him. Shangguan Xue'er could see clearly, and subdued the "heartbroken swordsman" Xiao Qiuyu with one move, and then Dugu Fang rushed forward, and the man was silent. Without a breath, with a wave of his big sleeve, Dugu flew upside down and fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Xiao Qiuyu and Dugu Fang are Shangguan Danfeng's assistants, and their martial arts are also ranked first in the Jianghu, but they have never done a single trick in this person's hands.

Shangguan Xueer was terrified, Shangguan Danfeng went out with Lu Xiaofeng, her sister Shangguan Feiyan disappeared, and now she is the only one left.

The man in black turned around, like grabbing a chicken, took Xiao Qiuyu and Dugu Fang in his hands, and walked out.

Shangguan Xueer breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, the man stopped.

Shangguan Xueer was so startled that she even held her breath.

The man in black glanced at where she was hiding, and left.

Shangguan Xue'er waited for a while, but when the person returned, she stood up tremblingly.

When the sky is slightly bright, run outside.


In an ordinary room, Dai Daojin casually put the two of them on the ground, found a chair to sit down, and poured a cup of tea.

After a while, Xiao Qiuyu and Dugu Fang woke up leisurely.

The two are strong in martial arts and have rich experience in the world. After waking up, their expressions changed. Looking around, they saw a figure sitting on a chair in front of him on the right, and then those silver-white eyes came into their eyes.

Surprised in their hearts, they secretly lucked out. The two found that there was nothing wrong with their bodies, and even the zhenqi in their meridians were moving normally.

Xiao Qiuyu and Dugu Fang looked at each other, thinking of what happened last night, knowing that the martial arts of the person in front of them was unfathomable, and disdain to do anything to them, obviously they are extremely confident in their martial arts, and they are not afraid of the two of them running away.

The two of them thought it wrong. The reason why Dai Daojin didn't prohibit the two of them was because he didn't want the experimental results to be biased.

Xiao Qiuyu's face was serious, and he cupped his hands: "Your Excellency brought us here, I don't know why, I have committed a sin I have never remembered."

Dugu Fang also looked at this young man in dark golden brocade with a serious expression, secretly wary, although he couldn't beat him, it was not his character to catch him without a fight.

Dai Daojin smiled and waved his hands, "Sit...sit, you're welcome. I take the liberty of inviting you over here, but I just want to ask you for a favor."

Xiao Qiuyu's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Please tell me, Your Excellency."

Seeing that they didn't sit down, Dai Daojin didn't care, and said with a smile: "I recently created a martial art, which uses essence and blood as a bridge to connect spirits and gods. The state of interest..."

Dugu Fang and the other two frowned, their faces were bewildered, they couldn't understand,

Seeing Dai Daojin, he didn't say any more. He stretched out his right hand and spread his palm. In a blink of an eye, his right hand turned crimson, and traces of blood mist swirled around. A few breaths, a blood bead condensed.

Xiao Qiuyu and Xiao Qiuyu were dumbfounded, what is this?

Dai Daojin got up, walked to the two, stretched out his hand and said, "Look, isn't it beautiful?"

The two of Xiao Qiuyu looked down and saw the blood drop floating in the palms, there was no smell of blood in the nose, but a faint fragrance, the blood drop was as red as amber, shining red.

The two of them raised their heads to look at those silver-white eyes again, feeling a faint chill in their hearts, this man is so wicked.

Dugu was daring towards the direction, and at this moment he also felt hesitant, hesitatingly said: "It's very beautiful, but what does it have to do with the help we two have given?"

Dai Daojin sighed, and said: "I accidentally discovered the usefulness of this blood bead. A few days ago, I injected it into the body of an ordinary person, and found that the spirituality in it was still there, and it still swallowed the person's life essence and blood." Strong, as you know, ordinary people don't cultivate the inner family, even if they devour it, they won't get much blood."

"So, I caught some ordinary gangsters, followed the same pattern, and discovered a very interesting thing."

His silver-white eyes flickered slightly, and his tone seemed quite happy.

Continued: "I used a special method to inject this blood bead into the body of a master who cultivated the true energy of the inner family, and the spirituality contained in this blood bead is still closely related to me. Afterwards, the blood bead melted Open, covering all parts of the person's body, still the same, devouring the essence and blood."

"Because of the stealth, it's hard to detect, and..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Xiao Qiuyu and Xiao Qiuyu. There was something hidden in their silvery white eyes.

Dugu Fang swallowed, and said dryly, "And what..."

Dai Daojin smiled strangely: "And as I refine my blood and blood every day, the spirituality in this blood bead grows stronger, and I can almost control the speed at which it devours the host's essence and blood."

"If I am willing, the host can assimilate its qi and blood along with the blood beads. The essence can be filled with blood, and the blood can be prospered with essence. The two are interdependent, and the essence and blood must be sufficient. With the cultivation of true qi, the kung fu is bound to advance by leaps and bounds."

"Conversely, you can..."

Xiao Qiuyu and Dugu Fang were dumbfounded, their bodies trembled slightly, all martial arts practitioners know that essence and qi transform into each other, essence and blood come from the same source, qi is the master of blood, and blood is the mother of qi, if what this person said is true, then find another way to If you start with Qi and blood, I am afraid that the top masters in the world will be killed if they don't pay attention.

But on the contrary, if this person wants to pull together a group of forces, he can quickly cultivate a group of masters.

Dai Daojin said with a smile, "Actually, these are nothing. The blood beads contain my spiritual power. With a special secret method, the spiritual power penetrates the internal organs. The liver hides the soul, the lungs hide the soul, and the heart hides the spirit. The spleen stores the mind, the kidney stores the essence, quietly devouring and assimilating his spirit and soul, even if it is to achieve a second self, it is not difficult, with a second, third, fourth..."

When he said this, he stopped suddenly. At this moment, he suddenly thought of a practice, which is "Dafa of Dao Heart Planting Demon". The method he created now is quite different from "Dafa of Dao Heart Planting Demon", but there are some things But they are interlinked, and he suddenly wants to experience this supreme magic skill.

Xiao Qiuyu and Dugu Fang were terrified at this time, how could there be such a strange martial arts in the world?

Seeing this mysterious person looking at them, I don't know if it is a psychological effect, but this person's body is like jade, almost transparent, like a carved glass crystal, with those silver-white eyes, like a demon god.

They didn't know that what Dai Daojin said earlier was true, but the last paragraph was just a joke. It was just his idea, and he hadn't tried it in detail.

Dai Daojin saw them stupefied, and suddenly said: "Do you know why I told you this?"

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