Dai Daojin naturally didn't know about the conversation between Huo Xiu and Yan Tieshan, even if he knew, he didn't care.

He didn't have the intention of building an organization, he just took it and used it.

The life and death talisman is just a means to control the two.

As for things like loyalty, he didn't care, as long as he was obedient and acted.

Back at the inn, Dai Daojin sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes slightly closed.

Qi and blood and true qi circulate in the body. Qi and blood slowly rise, and true qi flows. There seems to be a special connection between the two.

With a deep mind, every detail in the body is clearly visible. The dark red blood is slowly flowing in the blood vessels. If you observe carefully, you can find that the blood seems to be shining with a slight red light, full of a kind of spirituality, and slightly viscous .

And this blood with spirituality, while running in the blood vessels, continuously penetrates the small meridians, or stimulates, or broadens, nourishing these huge and complex meridian networks bit by bit.

At the same time, the true qi in the body also merges with the blood qi to assist each other, constantly transforming every part of the body.

After a long while, Dai Daojin felt that it was almost done, and Dai Daojin's heart moved.

The breath became extremely long, and at the same time, it seemed that a faint silver-white light could still be found flickering through the eyelids.

As the real air circulates, it connects with a little innate essence in the insignificant, densely connected, and continuously nourishes and replenishes this innate essence, and at the same time washes away the blood, refines the blood, and endows it with spirituality.

At this time, Dai Daojin's whole body's Qi and blood were fused together, soft and soft like drunk, his limbs and bones were filled with a gentle vitality, and every time he exhaled and breathed, the pores and acupoints all over his body opened and closed correspondingly.

At the lower dantian, vitality is growing and growing stronger.

The mind is even more empty and clear, emptiness is extremely quiet, faint and dark.

After more than an hour, Dai Daojin slowly opened his eyes, the silver-white pupils were more warm and soft, and he felt comfortable all over.

Feel it, in addition to the slight increase in the true qi in the body, the qi, blood and physical body have improved significantly at the same time. The seventh round of "Nine Revolutions of Yin and Yang" "Glass Jade Body" has improved a little, and it seems that it is moving towards the eighth round. trend.

After silently comprehending for a while, Dai Daojin spread out his right palm. The white palm is so well-proportioned that even women would be envious.

Dai Daojin's face was expressionless, and with a movement in his heart, the blood in his right palm was congealed and slowly turned red, like a hot iron, a wave of heat was generated and dispersed around.

He didn't pay attention to the change, just stared at the palm.

The acupoints in the palm of the hand opened, and the qi and blood surged. Slowly, traces of red blood mist gathered in the palm, and then more and more, slowly condensed into a drop of blood, suspended in the palm.

Like a red agate, the blood bead the size of a round bead shone with red light. Against the sunlight coming in from the window, it shone with dazzling brilliance. It was magnificent and unusual, like a fetish.

When Dai Daojin saw the blood bead, a smile appeared on his face, feeling the spirituality and energy contained in the blood bead, his silver-white eyes flashed, and he thought in his heart: It is stronger than last time.

He couldn't help thinking that Huo Xiu's physical changes after taking these three blood beads surprised him at the time.

Squinting his eyes, he glanced at the gleaming red blood bead, thinking of Huo Xiu's ecstasy at that time, his eyes were slightly weird, how could this blood bead be so easy to bear.

He didn't have the habit of wasting. As soon as he let go of his true energy, the blood drops back into his palm, like water meeting a sponge, and being absorbed by his palm in an instant.

He got up and got out of bed, walked to the window, looked at the gradually setting sun, his eyes were blank, thinking about the next plan.

In the past six years, in addition to observing the connection between Hua Manlou's spiritual soul and physical body every day, he has continuously strengthened this body, from the aspects of physical body, qi, blood, and true qi.

Because he needs a strong and perfect body to support what he will do in the future.


Huamanlou went back, back to Huafu.

His grandfather's [-]th birthday, the family found him and had to go back.

The Hua family is the leading top family in the south of the Yangtze River, whether it is in the Jianghu or in the business world.

Rich has distant relatives in the mountains, and no one asks the poor in the downtown.

Not to mention Huajia.

On the day of the old man of the Hua family's birthday, all the influential forces in the south of the Yangtze River were present, and many wealthy families from the north also came.

Dai Daojin was also a little surprised. He hadn't really understood the size of the Hua family in detail, and he couldn't imagine how powerful it was.

However, he was slightly surprised and didn't care.

Although he wants people, a lot of people, money, a lot of money.

But the Hua family didn't think about it, after all, Huamanlou would not watch him harm the Hua family.

The bustling birthday banquet lasted for six or seven days before it stopped.

Hua Manlou returned to the attic, even with his current spiritual cultivation and mental strength, he couldn't help but feel a little tired.

He is the seventh young master of the Hua family. Although there are six brothers and sisters above who are responsible for handling affairs, as the seventh young master of the direct line, he also needs to do some necessary entertainment.

Huamanlou is tired, so naturally he needs to take a good rest.

So, Dai Daojin came out again.

Because of the special nature of the two, in order to prevent Yingyu and Mengqiu from noticing the clues, Huamanlou simply let them return to Huafu, and the whole small attic became her own.

Dai Daojin changed his appearance and left the attic quietly.

Like green smoke, it enters the forest and disappears.


A hundred miles away from the attic is an ordinary mountain with dense trees.

There is a village at the foot of the mountain. There are not many people in the village, only forty or fifty households.

Dai Daojin was dressed in a black robe, with a handsome face at this time, with a smile on his lips, and with his hands behind his back, he came here slowly as if taking a walk.

At the entrance of the village, under the big tree, a small old man seemed to have been waiting for a long time. When he saw the person coming, he saw the familiar pair of silver eyes, his eyes were happy, and he hurriedly greeted him.

Just as he was about to salute, Dai Daojin waved his hand, but the old man stopped immediately.

This old man is Huo Xiu.

The two entered the village together, and the villagers in the village seemed to have not seen the two outsiders, and they were still doing their own things.

Dai Daojin nodded slightly.

The two entered an ordinary farm house in the village and entered a secret road.

The secret passage is flat and spacious enough for three or four people to pass at the same time, and the ground is covered with bluestones.

The two walked straight forward, turned a few turns, and passed through several organs before arriving at their destination.

Walking out of the secret passage, Dai Daojin looked up, it looked like an underground hall, divided into different stone rooms, some of the stone rooms had doors, some had no doors, and some strange tools were vaguely visible on the walls of the stone rooms .

Huo Xiu said: "My lord, according to your instructions, here is from that village to the mountainside, and the things inside are also prepared according to your requirements."

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "That's right, you've worked hard."

Huo Xiu said with a smile: "This subordinate dare not dare, what's next? Please show me the master."

Dai Daojin stepped into a secret room, stood in front of the stone wall, and reached out to pick off the things on the wall.

It was a knife, a very peculiar knife, if there were modern people here, they would be able to recognize that it was a scalpel.

There are scissors on the wall, and paper and pens in the corner.

Dai Daojin held the knife in his left hand, and touched the blade with his right index finger, a red mark appeared.

Secretly satisfied, he put the knife back casually, raised his head and said to Huo Xiu: "Go, within ten days, prepare for me one man and woman aged 30 to 50, one man and woman aged 50 to [-], and one man and woman over [-] years old. One person, these must be ordinary people who do not know martial arts."

"Just get it from the death cells everywhere, keep it secret, with your ability, it should be fine."

After hearing this, Huo Xiu glanced at the tools on the stone wall, swallowed, and bowed: "This subordinate understands."

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