Tie Dan Shenhou threw away the things in his hands with trembling hands, shook his head repeatedly, and looked crazy.

His eyes were full of grief and hysterical anger, and his body was staggering and precarious, as if he was about to fall.

At this time, although everyone didn't know what happened, they still knew the basic fighting qualities. Gui Hai Yidao and Xue Ji left Liu Sheng but Ma Shou, and Duan Tianya forced a breath of true energy regardless of internal injuries.



Three long knives were inserted into Shenhou's chest, back, and waist.

Shenhou was in severe pain, his mind was clear, and the true energy in his body exploded.

"Boom" sound.

Guihai Yidao, Duan Tianya and Xue Ji were immediately bounced off by the Gang Qi, causing more injuries.

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou looked around, but did not see Liu Sheng's ten soldiers responding, anger flashed in his eyes, seeing that there was nothing he could do, and everyone's attention was on Shenhou, so he stepped down and left.

It was true that everyone did not pay attention to him, even Gui Hai Yidao also stared closely at Shenhou.

Shenhou didn't look at them at all, but glanced at the thing on the ground, his expression trembling in disbelief, and he murmured, "Why? Su Xin, why are you doing this to me? Why?"

After throwing the box, Yun Luo ran to Cheng Shifei's side and helped Cheng Shifei up.

Cheng Shifei didn't see clearly what Shenhou was holding, stood up at this moment, and finally saw the things under Shenhou's feet, although he didn't see his face, but thinking of Shenhou's crazy expression just now, his face changed and his lips pursed , turned to look at Yunluo.

Yun Luo's eyes darkened, and he nodded sadly.

Cheng Shifei immediately burst into tears silently, and walked towards the head.

Shenhou turned around at this time, as if he didn't dare to look, he staggered forward, towards the Dragon Guard Hall.

Cheng Shifei squatted down, took off his clothes, wrapped the head inside, and held it tightly in his arms.

Everyone was silent, watching his movements.

Afterwards, Cheng Shifei carried the package and walked up.

Everyone followed behind, and when they arrived at the Dragon Guard Hall, their expressions changed slightly.

The god of iron gall is gone.

Duan Tianya frowned, staring at the large bloodstains on the ground, "Shenhou is so injured, there is no way he can survive. I just saw him walk into the Dragon Guard Hall, why did he disappear?"

Gui Hai asked doubtfully, "Could it be Liu Sheng but Ma Shou?"

Xue Ji shook her head, "It can't be father, the matter failed, he just left, it can't be him."

Gui Hai gave Xue Ji a cold look, but didn't speak.


At this time, in a house less than [-] meters away from Hulong Mountain Villa, the Lord Tiedan was here.

At this time, he was lying on the ground, soaked in blood, his eyes were slack, he was breathing in less and exhaled more, obviously he was about to die.

The figure standing next to him was wearing a black robe and holding a long knife in his arms. When he left with the Marquis just now, he knew that his viscera were damaged and the gods could not save him. up.

He knelt down and said in a low voice: "Su Xin abandoned you, she treated you so cruelly, don't you want to ask her face to face why she treated you like this?"

The gloomy divine light in Shenhou's eyes flickered slightly at this moment, but dimmed again in an instant.

The man in the black robe smiled silently, and whispered in his mouth, like a devil whispering, "Let go of your mind, give your soul, and I will take you back into reincarnation to find your prime heart."

Shenhou's eyes seemed to flicker for a moment, and then he blinked with all his might.

Afterwards, Shenhou saw a piece of starlight twinkling, it was a vast starry sky.


In Hulong Villa, everyone searched carefully, but they still haven't found God of Tiedan.

Even the bloodstains disappeared in the Dragon Guard Hall.

But the matter has come to this point, and everyone has no choice but to ask the emperor to send someone to look for it.

Everyone was wounded, and they searched again, exhausting their minds and energy, and they were all physically and mentally exhausted at this time.

Cheng Shifei hugged a cloth bag with a sad face, and Yun Luo accompanied him sadly.

In this battle, they won, but lost again.

Guihai Yidao spoke out at this time, his voice was cold, "Duan Tianya, Haitang was killed by Liusheng Shibingwei, I will never let him go, I must avenge Haitang."

Duan Tianya had sad eyes, not knowing what to do.

Xue Ji looked at Duan Tianya, and immediately said: "Tianya, what father said may not be true, there is no evidence, I don't believe that elder brother killed Haitang." The words were a little weak, even she didn't believe it.

Guihai Yidao's expression was cold and serious, he cast a cold glance at Duan Tianya and his wife, turned and left.

Duan Tianya shouted: "One knife..."

Gui Hai made a knife, but he didn't turn around, nor paid attention to him.

Tianya was helpless, turned his head to look directly above the Dragon Guard Hall, and remained silent.

But at this moment, two figures walked in, facing Gui Hai head-on.


The long knife in Guihai Yidao's hand fell. This swordsman who regarded the knife as his life and never let go of it lost the knife in his hand at this time, because he saw a person he thought he would never see again, a person who made him A person who thinks like crazy.

Gui Hai picked up the long knife without hesitation, just stared blankly at the figure approaching in front of him, his lips trembling: "Haitang...is that you? Am I dreaming?"

Shangguan Haitang was still wearing the green shirt when she disappeared, she was still beautiful, she smiled and said: "One knife, I'm not dead, I'm still alive."

In the Dragon Guard Hall, everyone heard the movement and came out.

When Cheng Shifei saw the person beside Haitang, his eyes widened and he shouted loudly: "Mother, are you still alive?"

Su Xin still had a gentle look, and said with a soft smile: "Fei'er, mother is fine."

Cheng Shifei yelled, rushed over happily, hugged Suxin tightly, laughed and cried at the same time, Yunluo was also very happy beside him.

Guihai also hugged Shangguan Haitang with a single stroke, hugging him tightly, as if the person in his arms was about to disappear again.

At this moment, Duan Tianya finally opened his brows and revealed a smile, Xue Ji also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, the sun in the sky was just right, bright and soft.


After everyone sat down, Shangguan Haitang and Su Xin told the whole story.

It turned out that that night, after the flash of the knife, Shangguan Haitang only felt a pain in his arm, then his body went numb, and then he lost consciousness.After waking up, I found myself in a room, so weak that I couldn't even speak.

Every day, someone delivered food and fed it to her.

Su Xin said: "I originally wanted to commit suicide, so I ignored him, but just as I was doing it, a man in black walked in, smiled at me, and knocked me out with a wave of his hand, oh yes, he When I came in, it seemed to be carrying a woman's body in my hand."

Cheng Shifei smiled and said: "Mother, have you seen the appearance of the man in black?"

Su Xin recalled, "He was wearing a black robe, holding a long knife in his hand. The long knife was black, and he walked slowly. Although he was smiling, his eyes were still a bit scary..."

Shangguan Haitang said: "I know who it is."

Xue Ji smiled and said, "It's my elder brother."

Shangguan Haitang smiled and said: "That's right, it's Brother Dai."

Yun Luo asked suspiciously: "But sister Xue Ji's elder brother, didn't his father say that he took refuge in Shenhou?"

No one answered him, and when Shenhou was mentioned, everyone was silent. Among the people present, three were his adopted sons and daughters, and one was his lover. Now that the man has gone, only emotion remains.


Three days later, there was another grave next to Cao An's tomb.

The tombstone reads, "Zhu Ping's Tomb."

Dai Daojin looked at the two graves and said with a smile: "You are also considered opponents, so let's be companions in the future."

Then he turned and left, suddenly thought of something, turned his head to look at Xinfen and said, "Oh, yes, I have done the third thing I promised to do for you, you let me do everything, I saved you The most important person is a safe plan."

Smiling, he turned and left, the setting sun slanted, falling on his body, and also falling on the black scabbard.

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