The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 323 Dealing with Government Affairs

Shangguan Haitang wore a long green dress, reverting to her daughter's attire, adding an extra layer of femininity.

She was a little exhausted during this period of time, with a sad look on her brows, she nodded and said: "Brother Dai, Haitang knows that this matter has nothing to do with you, but the Lord of God is planning to commit treason now, although Brother Dai is not Citizens of Ming Dynasty, but from the perspective of a friend, Haitang still hopes that brother Dai can help Haitang to prevent Shenhou from continuing to make mistakes."

Dai Daojin was silent for a while, and finally shook his head.

Shangguan Haitang sighed, his eyes were full of disappointment, but he still forced a smile and said: "Since that's the case, Haitang is not reluctant, and I will leave first."

Dai Daojin said indifferently: "Master, go slowly."

Shangguan Haitang cupped her hands, "Farewell."

Dai Daojin got up to see him off, looking at the thin figure under the cold moonlight, speechless.

Shangguan Haitang walked through the path, walked out, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and a picture flashed in her mind. It was the days when she was trained in Hulong Villa since she was a child. The stern and upright adoptive father has now turned into a sinister prince. , things change.

With a sigh in his heart, Shangguan Haitang walked on the deserted street, feeling uneasy.

Just as he was passing through an alleyway, Shangguan Haitang was suddenly startled.

"Knife Qi!"

There was a flash of light in the darkness, blood appeared, and then it returned to darkness.

Shangguan Haitang has disappeared, leaving only one of his shoes and a pool of blood on the ground.


The next day, the news of Shangguan Haitang's disappearance was finally discovered.

Guihai Yidao held the shoe tightly in his hand, frantically looking for people everywhere.

Cheng Shifei, Tianya and the others couldn't stop him, so he had to let him go, but Yunluo said: "Yesterday, when Haitang left, she said she was going to visit Dai Daojin."

Gui Hai's eyes turned cold, he took his shoes and went to find Dai Daojin.

Duan Tianya hastily stopped him, he knew exactly what kind of temper his uncle had, if Gui Hai lashed out in front of him presumptuously and angered him, he might draw his knife and slash someone, so he hurriedly dissuaded him: "One knife, you Don't be impulsive, I believe that Haitang's disappearance has nothing to do with him."

"Step aside!"

"One knife..."

Cheng Shifei also said: "Yi Dao, calm down first..."

Gui Hai didn't say a word, just pulled out the knife in an instant, and the blade was half out of its sheath.

When everyone saw it, they had to get out of the way.

Not long after, everyone arrived at Dai Daojin's residence and stepped into the small courtyard.

Dai Daojin was dozing in the small courtyard, but when he heard the sound, he opened his eyes and saw so many people, he couldn't help getting up and laughing, "Yo, it's so lively?"

Xue Ji was also among the crowd, fearing that her brother would get angry, she first asked: "Brother, did Haitang come to your place last night?"

Dai Daojin nodded, "Yes."

Tian Ya said: "Hai Tang disappeared, not far from the entrance of the alley, only a shoe and a pool of blood were left at the scene."

Dai Daojin raised his eyebrows, then glanced at everyone, especially Guihai Yidao with gloomy eyes, and said calmly: "If you don't go looking for someone, why are you looking for me? Looking for Zhang Jinjiu is better than looking for me. "

Gui Hai took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "Does Haitang's disappearance have anything to do with you?"

Dai Daojin smiled lightly and said: "Whether it matters or not depends on what you think. I said it doesn't matter, you have to believe it. Also, why don't you doubt the God of Tiedan? You are now a thorn in his side."

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help being silent, and Gui Hai's eyes flickered when he stabbed.

Xue Ji looked at the crowd and hurriedly said: "I believe my brother will not hurt Haitang."

Dai Daojin didn't want to argue with them, so he lay down again, closed his eyes, and continued to doze off.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Tian Ya said: "Haitang is missing, I have to look for it, one knife, you go to Zhang Jinjiu, Cheng Shifei and the princess go to Shuntian Mansion for help, and ask someone to help you find it, Haitang is very lucky, she will be fine. "

Yi Dao heard this, turned and left, and everyone went to find someone.

However, no matter how many people were dispatched, Shangguan Haitang could not be found after all.


Tie Dan Shenhou finally got the soldier talisman of the top ten generals, the ambition in his eyes could no longer be hidden, and he began to show his fangs to his enemies.

The power in the hands of the emperor was naturally not enough to fight against the marquis, so in desperation, he turned to the four secret agents for help.

Everyone gathered together to discuss countermeasures. In terms of military strength, the top ten generals had already bowed their heads to the Marquis of God, and those idiots in the imperial court dared not stand up and oppose it openly.

After much deliberation, everyone found that there was no other way except to use force to kill the God of Tie Dan.

So he began to decide to use force to besiege and kill the Lord of Tiedan.

But Xue Ji said, "I'll go too."

Duan Tianya directly refused: "No."

Xue Ji insisted on going.

Duan Tianya still disagrees.

Xue Ji smiled and said, "I'm going, and your chances of winning will increase."

Cheng Shifei smiled and said, "Could it be that your martial arts are higher than Tianya?"

Duan Tianya smiled and said: "Xue Ji's martial arts are better than mine." Xue Ji's martial arts were not weaker than Tianya when she was in Dongpu, and she was taught by Dai Daojin. It must be better than Duan Tianya, but it will not be weak.

Now it was Cheng Shifei's turn to be surprised, because they had never seen this sister-in-law show her martial arts.

Seeing their reaction, Xue Ji smiled and said: "I said that the chance of winning is increased, not because of me, but because of my elder brother."

Duan Tianya is very smart, his eyes flashed, "You mean, if you go, your elder brother will go too?"

Xue Ji smiled and nodded.

Yun Luo suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand, your elder brother will never look at the adventure and ignore you, so if you go, he will go too."

Cheng Shifei didn't understand, "Why must sister-in-law go? Tianya is Xueji's husband. If Tianya is in trouble, doesn't sister-in-law's brother care?"

After hearing this, Yun Luo was a little confused, and it sounded right.

Xue Ji smiled and shook her head, "That's not necessarily the case. My elder brother once said that Tianya's martial arts were poor, and he wanted him to live a stable life. He also disagreed when he came back this time. If Tianya is the only one to go, elder brother may not be sure." Go, maybe he will persuade me to find another husband."

Duan Tianya smiled wryly.

Everyone looked at each other, slightly speechless.


The night before the battle, Dai Daojin received news from Xue Ji.

Xue Ji even saved her hand, lest she be subdued by her elder brother, so she sent someone to send the news.

Looking at the note in his hand, Dai Daojin couldn't laugh or cry.

After thinking about it, he threw the note aside, picked up the long knife, and went out.

The moon is extraordinarily round tonight, but there is no wind.

In Hulong Villa, Shenhou was writing something in his study, his eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly, "Come in."

Dai Daojin pushed the door and walked in, dressed in black, with a long knife in his arms, walked in, looked at Tie Dan Shenhou and said indifferently: "I will come as promised."

Shenhou showed a smile on his face. He naturally received the news of Shangguan Haitang's disappearance. He understood that it was the hand of the servant in front of him. He put down the pen in his hand and said with a smile, "Very good."

Dai Daojin's eyes fell on his desk, and he asked curiously: "Tomorrow, they will come to kill you, you can't prepare well, what are you doing?"

Shenhou picked up the booklet on the desk, raised it, and said with a smile: "This is a memorial from Shaanxi and Gansu. I am reviewing it and handling government affairs." Hulong Villa.

Dai Daojin's eyes were slightly condensed, he took a deep look at Tie Danshenhou, and said silently, "If you really become the emperor, you should be a good emperor."

Shenhou laughed, walked around the desk, came to the door of the study, looked outside, and said domineeringly: "I was originally the Son of Heaven."

The rest of his right eye is full of arrogance that the world is in my hands.

He didn't take tomorrow's decisive battle to heart at all, and he never paid attention to those people, so he dealt with government affairs until late at night.

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