At night, Cao Zhengchun sat cross-legged on the couch in the bedroom.

The eyes are slightly closed, and the sunflower qi in the body is bubbling, dense, clear and silent.

"Heaven-human transformation..."

The manuscript of the invincible oriental in my mind, the experience and experience slowly flashed across my heart, practicing the spirit of the void to cleanse the turbidity, Qi is the master of life, shape is used for the body, heaven and earth can be reversed, yin and yang are interchangeable, people also have the ability of male and female transformation Tao, so nature and heaven have the same way, fate and people have the same desire, and fate is in harmony with nature.

The sun is good at doing things, and the light of virtue is directed at the outside, and the body of the moon is used to do things, and it is inherited from the sun.

Yin and Yang are intertwined and gods are born.

The sunflower qi in the body is like boiling water, flowing along the meridians, transporting the Great Zhou, the skin of Cao Zhengchun's whole body at this time exudes a jade color, and the temperament of the whole person is completely different from just now.

At the same time, hot air rose above his head, which was obviously because the true energy in his body was running to the extreme.


Hulong Villa, inside the Hulong Hall.

Tiedan Shenhou told everyone about the matter one by one.

Su Xin said worriedly: "Ignore it, I heard from Fei'er that Eunuch Cao is very good at martial arts, I'm a little worried, why don't you go."

Before Shenhou could speak, Haitang smiled and said, "Miss Suxin, don't worry, although Bandit Cao's martial arts are high, he is by no means a match for foster father."

Tie Dan Shenhou smiled and comforted: "Su Xin, don't worry, I will definitely bring you back the third piece of Tianxiang cardamom."

Su Xin opened her mouth and didn't say anything, but the worry on her brows didn't fade away.

Cheng Shifei also walked to Su Xin's side at this time, and said loudly: "Don't worry, Ganniang, that Cao Jiegou will never be the opponent of Shenhou. When the time comes, Fei'er will also go, and will help you look after Shenhou."

Su Xin smiled and nodded.

Among the people present, except for Su Xin who was worried because she didn't know martial arts, no one thought that the God of Tie Dan could not beat Cao Zheng Chun.


Three days passed in a flash.

On this day, Shougu Mountain on the outskirts of the city.

The sun was shining brightly and the weather was perfect.

Lord Tiedan stood with his hands behind his back, and the people of Hulong Villa stood on the mountainside not far away to watch. Su Xin didn't come, but Shangguan Haitang, Guihai Yidao and Cheng Shifeiyunluo came.

After waiting for a while, Cheng Shifei scratched his head and said impatiently, "Why hasn't Cao Jiegou come yet?"

Yun Luo took Cheng Shifei's arm and said, "Could it be because you're afraid that you're not coming?"

Gui Hai's eyes froze, and he said in a low voice, "Here we come."

Cheng Shifei and Yunluo yelled, "Where? Where?"

Everyone looked at the platform, and saw a red shadow flickering in the distance, crossing several hills in a few breaths, and it came in a flash, pulling out afterimages.

The afterimage disappeared, and the visitor stopped about ten feet behind him.

When Cheng Shifei saw the person's attire, his eyes widened immediately, and he stammered, "This...this...this is Cao...Cao Zhengchun?" I don't know what he saw, but he even forgot to bark the mantra Cao Jiegou.

Yun Luo was also stunned for a while, unsure: "It should... isn't it?"

Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai glanced at each other with strange expressions.

Tie Dan Shenhou's expression froze, and his heart tightened suddenly. At this time, Cao Zhengchun's figure had shrunk by more than a little. Although the original Cao Zhengchun was an eunuch, he was tall and tall. Still a man with a protruding Adam's apple.

But at this time, his figure was much thinner than three days ago, and his Adam's apple disappeared. He was dressed in a red shirt, holding a long sword, and stood there quietly, looking at Tie Dan with a half-smile.

The brilliance in the eyes is faintly visible, and the divine light is flowing, and the whole person gives people a strange feeling that men and women cannot be distinguished.

Shenhou frowned slightly, looking at the red figure in front of him, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart, why did he become like this in three days?

Seeing the change in his complexion, Cao Zhengchun smiled softly and said, "How is it? Before I went out today, I chose this shirt for some reason. At first I was a little uncomfortable, but when I looked at the bronze mirror, I liked it more and more. , so I wore it."

"After all, facing an opponent like you, I need to be in the best condition. Joy is also a condition for me to fully display my strength."

Shen Hou slightly mo, suddenly said: "Very good."

I don't know whether Cao Zhengchun's clothes are very good, or his attitude towards this fight makes him praise.

Cao Zhengchun smiled faintly, turned his head to look at a few people standing not far away, and nodded.

Cheng Shifei and the four looked at each other.

Cao Zhengchun turned his head, slowly drew out his long sword, and threw away the scabbard.

The sword points to Shenhou.

"Zhu Tiedan, come on."

Shenhou said quietly: "When did you use the sword?"

Cao Zhengchun smiled and said, "Recently, I just learned the name of the sword to ward off evil..."

As soon as the voice fell, the person disappeared.

When the red figure reappeared, it was already behind Shenhou, and the sword tip stabbed at Shenhou's back heart.


Shenhou protects his body with strong qi, and the invisible but qualitative qi wall blocks the sharp sword tip.

The tip of the sword stopped three inches from the back of the heart, and the body of the sword was squeezed hard and bent.

The red figure disappeared again.





In the eyes of Cheng Shifei and others, a red figure surrounded the front, back, left, and right sides of Shenhou's body and the top of his head, constantly swaying sword energy. Voice.

Several people frowned, and found that things were beyond their expectations. They thought that Shenhou's defeat of Cao Zhengchun would be a sure thing, but at this time, something happened. Their martial arts are not weak, so naturally they can see Cao Zhengchun's physical skills The speed is above the gods.

While worrying, there was a sudden crisp sound.

Cao Zhengchun stopped and looked down at the hilt in his hand, but the long sword couldn't withstand the long-term internal strength and collision, reached its limit, and broke.

Sighing, he threw away the hilt of the sword in his hand, and looked at Lord Tiedan with a smile.

At this time, Shenhou put away his protective energy, and for the first time there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Good swordsmanship."

Afterwards, his body sprinted and arrived in an instant, and he slapped Cao Zhengchun's face with a palm.

The strong wind paved the surface, blowing Cao Zhengchun's black hair back.

Without the long sword, Cao Zhengchun didn't care. Seeing the slapped palm approaching him, it suddenly disappeared and appeared beside Shenhou. With five fingers gathered together, they silently pointed at Shenhou's waist.

Shenhou withdrew his right hand and punched out with a fist.


The two fists clashed, and there was a muffled sound.

Afterwards, the two of them used their unique skills, fist, palm and kick, and collided with each other. The two figures followed each other like a shadow, almost entangled together. Not clear.


The two parted, and Shenhou knew that the current Cao Zhengchun, in terms of body speed, definitely surpassed him, his eyes flashed, and he made a decision.

Immediately, the zhenqi in the body surged like a big river, running along a strange trajectory.

The fingers of his right hand were gathered into claws, pointing at the red figure.

"Suction Dafa."

Cao Zhengchun only felt a huge suction force coming from in front of him, as if covering the whole world, and the movements of his movements also became sluggish, and he immediately calmed down, became clear and peaceful, perfectly round as one.

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