The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 312 "The Power Absorption Dafa"

Immediately afterwards, the huge intelligence agency of Hulong Villa began to operate.

Cao Zhengchun has held the power of the two major institutions of Dongchang and Jinyiwei for many years, so naturally he has a set of secret channels, and he is not incompetent, after all, he has been able to confront the God of Tiedan for so many years, so there is naturally no lack of means, and he can hide it The intelligence of Hulong Villa hijacked people.

Under the command of Shangguan Haitang, the owner of the No. [-] Villa in the World, the No. [-] Villa in the World also started to take part in the search.

Xu Shi made a mistake, Cheng Shifei and Princess Yunluo did not meet the team that hijacked Suxin from Dongchang, and Suxin was secretly sent to Dongchang.


A hidden place where the East Factory is located is brightly lit.

Cao Zhengchun paced slowly, but his expression was a little more leisurely than before, which surprised the confidants who followed him a little.

When you get there, open the door.

Cao Zhengchun stepped into the door, walked in, looked around the room, and saw a pair of red coffins lying there quietly.

The subordinate next to him respectfully said: "Master, the person is inside."

Cao Zhengchun nodded lightly, "Yes."

Then, he walked up to the coffin and waved his hand.

His own men opened the coffin.

He leaned over to look down, and smiled slightly, "Although the appearance is not stunning, it is still quite upright."

Then he turned his head and said: "Go, send a letter to Hulong Mountain Villa and tell Zhu Tiedan that the governor mainly invites him to a banquet."

"Yes, Governor." The subordinates should be.

Cao Zhengchun then turned and left.


Hulong Villa, inside the study.

Shenhou was dealing with things when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

He didn't lift his head, kept writing in his hand, and said in his mouth, "Come in."


"Report to God, Cao Zhengchun has a letter."

The tip of Shenhou's pen paused, and then continued. After filling a piece of paper, he said: "Submit it."

The subordinates held the letter in both hands and brought it up.


After opening the letter, he didn't read a few lines. He stood up suddenly, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and his brows were full of sternness.

"You go down first."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

Tie Dan Shenhou read the letter, with gloomy eyes, pacing in the study, wondering what he was thinking.


Three days later, in front of the East Factory.

Cao Zhengchun stood in front of the door with his eyes slightly closed, and the old god was standing there waiting for them.

"Da da da"

Cao Zhengchun slowly opened his eyes, looking at the person coming on horseback not far away, with a smile on his lips.

He raised his feet and walked forward a few steps, when the person came close, he cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty is here, welcome."

Shenhou dismounted from his horse, threw the reins in his hand to the factory guard, walked up to Cao Zhengchun, sized him up carefully, his eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"It seems that Eunuch Cao has made a lot of progress in martial arts during this time."

Cao Zhengchun said with a light smile: "My lord is just joking, who doesn't know that my lord's martial arts is the best in the world, how dare Zhengchun use his axe in front of the true god."

Shenhou smiled and said nothing.

Cao Zhengchun waved his hand sideways, "My lord, please."

"Please, Eunuch Cao."

The two looked at each other, entered the gate of the mansion together, and walked in.

While walking, Shenhou passed the long corridor, looked around, and said with a smile: "The layout of the East Factory is quite elegant."

Cao Zhengchun said modestly: "How can Dongchang be as majestic and luxurious as Hulong Villa, the prince appreciates it."

Shenhou waved his hand, "I have heard that Dongchang didn't spend money on the appearance of the house, but it has the most dangerous secret passage in the world. Almost no one dares to trespass on Dongchang."

Cao Zhengchun smiled, "My lord was joking, here we are, my lord please."

The two were walking while talking, but they arrived at the banquet hall. When the two arrived, there were indeed two people present.

There were two people, a man and a woman. The man was dressed in white and held a folding fan. If the fierceness between his eyebrows did not destroy his temperament, he would have looked elegant. The other stood beside him, dressed as a woman from the Western Regions. You know it's not easy to be with.

Cao Zhengchun introduced with a smile: "Let me introduce to Shenhou, these two..."

Shenhou interrupted Cao Zhengchun's next words with a wave of his hand, and said with a smile: "No need, I guessed well, these two should be Luo Jusheng and his wife."

Luo Jusheng took a step forward, his eyes moved, and he arched his hands: "Wan Sheng has seen the Marquis of God."

There was no wind in the hall, and the air flow was self-generated, making the clothes of everyone present move slightly.

Shenhou's complexion remained unchanged, his heart moved slightly, Shaolin authentic Bodhidharma's inner strength turned his body's true energy, turning the opponent's offensive into invisible, and said with a smile: "Brother Luo is a Jinshi, but he can become the guest of Cao Eunuch. This king opened his eyes."

Seeing that his offensive was ineffective, Luo Jusheng's face tightened immediately, and he said with a smile, "Cao Governor is a virtuous and virtuous corporal, but I am very grateful."

At this time, God Lord Tiedan was thinking of nothing, he was not interested in talking about these things, so he said directly: "Eunuch Cao, there are still many official affairs that have not been dealt with in this king's estate. If Eunuch Cao does not open the meeting, this king will leave first."

After hearing this, Cao Zhengchun immediately said: "Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry, here is the banquet, please."

After everyone was seated, after drinking for three rounds, Shenhou said: "Eunuch Cao, if you have any conditions, just ask."

Cao Zhengchun was surprised at once, the God of Tiedan that he knew, thought he was a scheming man, he made a decision before acting, he was never so impatient, but he urged him twice today, it seems that the woman's position in his heart is not ordinary high what.

When he thought of this, his eyes flickered, and he smiled slightly: "Since the lord is urging, it's not easy for Zhengchun to push."

After waving their hands, Luo Jusheng and his wife immediately got up and left.

After the two left, Cao Zhengchun smiled and said, "My lord, please follow me."

Tie Dan Shenhou's expression changed, and he stood up without changing his expression, and walked out.

The two came to a heavily guarded place, and after entering, Shenhou saw a coffin.

Before Cao Zhengchun could speak, Shenhou impatiently walked up, waved his big hand, and the coffin lid flew out.

He looked down, his face was full of joy, he hurriedly helped the person in the coffin up, checked with his true energy, it was still the same as before, there was no serious problem, he put the person back gently with peace of mind.

Turning around, looking at Cao Zhengchun with sharp eyes, he said solemnly: "Eunuch Cao, do you know that there are some people in this world who can't move?"


The strong wind hit his face, causing Cao Zhengchun's eyes to narrow slightly.

At some point, Shenhou's pair of iron claws had strangled Cao Zhengchun's throat, and with just a light pinch, he could kill this guy who had been against him for a long time.


"Release the governor quickly."

The factory guards next to him were shocked and drew their swords out one after another, shouting loudly.

Although the danger of death was imminent, Cao Zhengchun didn't change his face, instead he waved his hand to stop the factory guard, and said with a light smile, "What is the Lord of God doing, this woman was accidentally discovered by Zhengchun's men from Tianshan Mountain, and she was in a strange state. It is like a living dead, and it is specially dedicated to Zhengchun as a strange object, Zhengchun dare not enjoy it alone, so I invite the Marquis of God to have a look."

Shenhou ignored his words at all, and said coldly: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Cao Zhengchun still smiled and said: "Zhengchun is naturally afraid of death, but Zhengchun once asked a doctor to examine this woman, guessing that she must have taken Tianxiang cardamom, so she fell asleep and could only recover after taking the remaining two Tianxiang cardamom. .”

"And it just so happens that Zhengchun has two pieces of Tianxiang cardamom in his hand."

Shenhou's body shook, he was startled and suspicious, he was silent for a while, and slowly let go of his palm.

Cao Zhengchun smiled and looked at Lord Tie Dan.

Shenhou was silent for a while, before saying: "Speak, what are the conditions?"

Cao Zhengchun clapped his palms and said with a smile: "Okay, my lord speaks quickly, Zhengchun doesn't hide anything anymore, and Zhengchun doesn't want anything else, but I have heard for a long time that Tianchi strange man has two magical skills, "King Kong is not bad" and "Suction Dafa" , and heard that the prince knows one of the "Suction Dafa", Zhengchun was very curious, so he wanted to borrow it to watch, so that the prince can take this girl away by himself."

"I hope the lord will fulfill Zhengchun's heart towards martial arts."

After hearing this, Tie Dan Shenhou narrowed his eyes and stared at the other party expressionlessly.

Cao Zhengchun's face remained unchanged, and he looked at Shenhou with a smile.

Shenhou suddenly said: "Okay, my king agrees."

Cao Zhengchun turned his head and ordered: "Come here, bring a pen and paper."

The factory guard next to him turned around and brought the pen and paper. The ink dripped thickly on the pen, obviously he had prepared for it long ago.

With a decision in mind, Shenhou no longer hesitated, took the pen and paper, waved his hand and began to write.

About half a stick of incense time, Shenhou stopped writing, threw away the pen in his hand, and looked up at Cao Zhengchun.

Cao Zhengchun took the stack of papers presented by his subordinates, glanced at it casually, and said with a smile: "After Zhengchun observes it carefully, there will be another feast of 'Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom'. At that time, I hope the prince will welcome you."

The implication is that this "Suction Dafa" will be checked, and if there is no problem, then we will talk about Tianxiang cardamom.

In fact, Cao Zhengchun didn't care whether Zhu Tiedan had secretly manipulated the "Suction Dafa". This is the "Sunflower Collection".

Shenhou naturally understood the meaning of the other party's words. He attached great importance to Su Xin's matter, and did not leave any hidden hands in the practice. Although Zheng Chun's methods are lowly, his martial arts should not be underestimated.

Shenhou said indifferently: "In this case, the king will wait for Eunuch Cao at Hulong Villa, so now, can I leave?"

Cao Zhengchun turned sideways, "My lord, please do what you want."

Shenhou walked to the coffin, carefully picked up Su Xin, turned around and walked out.

Cao Zhengchun looked at Shenhou's back with a smile on his face, raised his hand and said, "Send Shenhou off."

"Yes." The factory guard under him immediately took the order.


Hulong Villa.

Seeing a person holding a person in his arms, the guard hurried towards this side from a short distance away. When he got closer, he realized that the person was the Lord Tie Dan, the Lord of Hulong Villa.

He hurriedly went up to greet him, cupped his hands and said, "Shenhou..."

Shenhou directly interrupted: "Go to the No. [-] village in the world, and ask the genius doctors Sai Huatuo and Sai Shennong to come over."

"Yes, Shenhou." The guard immediately took orders, then turned and ran away.

Shenhou entered the village, hurried all the way, and went straight to his residence.

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