Seeing that the other party was silent, Cao Zhengchun's face darkened, and his figure flew towards him, surrounded by gangster energy, as sharp as a knife, but he struck a heavy hand.

Dai Daojin's true energy roared in his body, and he clenched his fist violently with his right hand.


The airflow in the palm exploded, like a thunder on the ground, the airflow rolled up and scattered.

Armed with the tremendous power of the "Nine Yin-Yang Turns" of the sixth turn, a fist slammed at Cao Zhengchun.


The bluestone slabs on the ground were rolled up one by one and thrown into the distance.

And the bluestone slabs on the ground between the two were shaken into rubble.

With a soft "clang", he drew his knife out of its sheath.

A white saber light rolled towards Cao Zhengchun like a horse.

Cao Zhengchun held one of his hands, and moved his hands in rotation, a layer of stellar energy spread around his body, protecting his whole body.

The saber energy hit the stellar energy shield almost instantly.

As the white light flickered, the saber energy disappeared, and the gang energy was also put away.

Dai Daojin put the saber back into its sheath, turned around and flew away, "Come again next time to learn about Governor Cao's martial arts."

Feiying and the others came over in a hurry and were about to give chase.

Cao Zhengchun raised his hand to stop him, with a solemn expression, "There's no need to chase."

Feiying looked at the direction where Dai Daojin was leaving, and asked suspiciously, "Master, this man's saber skills are so strong, could it be Guihai's sword?"

Cao Zhengchun shook his head, "It's not him, Gui Hai Yi Dao's martial arts is not so high."

Feiying said, "Then who is this mysterious man? Could it be that he came here just to fight the governor?"

Cao Zhengchun thought about something in his heart, and said casually, "How does the governor know who it is? He broke into the palace..."

Immediately, his complexion changed drastically, "Oops, I fell into a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, Yudechi... let's go."

When Cao Zhengchun and others arrived at Yude Pond, there was no abnormality outside Yude Pond. He directly opened the door and entered the hall. The emperor was sleeping on the soft couch, and the place where the Tianshan snow lotus was stored was already empty.

Cao Zhengchun looked at the empty box on the ground, furious in his heart, snorted coldly, and shouted, "Come here, let me search for the governor."

He was so loud that he woke the emperor from his lethargy.

The emperor rubbed his eyes, "What's the big noise, disturbing people's dreams, what about Xiao Dezi..."

Cao Zhengchun hurriedly bowed and walked over, saying, "Your Majesty, there are thieves who stole the Tianshan snow lotus, and the slaves are organizing people to arrest them."

The emperor was disturbed and had a bad temper. He pointed at Cao Zhengchun's nose and scolded, "Slave dog, didn't you tell me that with you and the people from Dongchang around, no one can sneak into the palace?"

"Your Majesty, forgive me." Cao Zhengchun quickly knelt down.



Outside the city, with the sound of horseshoes, Dai Daojin and Shangguan Haitang galloped away.

Before a stick of incense, in the dense forest outside the city, Shangguan Haitang smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Brother Dai, thank you this time, and lured Cao Gou away, otherwise Haitang would not be able to steal the snow lotus out so smoothly."

Dai Daojin held the long knife in his arms, and said with a light smile, "You're welcome."

Shangguan Haitang smiled and said, "The snow lotus is already in hand, brother Dai doesn't need to be with Haitang anymore, go back to No. [-] Villa in the World to rest, wait for Haitang to rescue Cheng Shifei, then come back and have a drink with Brother Dai."

After finishing speaking, he turned and mounted his horse.

Dai Daojin's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile, "Send the Buddha to the west, what five poisons you mentioned, it is very likely that you are still chasing Cheng Zhengfei and the princess, how about me and brother Shangguan, so we can take care of you."

Shangguan Haitang looked happy, she is not afraid of the martial arts of the five poisons, but she can't deal with those poisons that are hard to guard against. It would be great if the person in front of her can follow. She knows Dai Daojin's martial arts is very strong, if he follows, it will be even more difficult to save people confident.

Haitang thanked and said, "Then I will trouble Brother Dai."

Dai Daojin waved his hand and got on his horse.

The two shook the reins and ran forward.


The two galloped on horseback for three hours, and finally arrived at the ruined temple where they had agreed to hide.

As soon as he stepped into the temple, he saw Princess Yunluo talking with a man in white and was about to walk towards the man.

Seeing Haitang, she hurriedly said, "Princess, don't go over there."

Princess Yunluo turned around, was taken aback, turned her head to look, a little dumbfounded, and said, "Two begonias? Which one of you is real?"

The man in white also looked like Haitang, and said anxiously, "Princess, I am Haitang, he is fake."

Shangguan Haitang's face became anxious, and she just wanted to defend herself.

A figure came in, and the voice sounded, "Who is alive, who is real."

In the ruined temple, the light of the knife flashed, as fast as lightning.


Shangguan Haitang and Princess Yunluo glanced at the other "Begonia". There was a red mark on its neck, and its eyes had lost its luster. It was obviously dead.

Shangguan Haitang clicked her tongue, this gentleman with thousands of faces is not weak in martial arts, it is not enough to slash with a single blow.

Princess Yunluo was a little taken aback, this man killed him without saying a word.

The knife light disappeared, Dai Daojin turned around and looked at the two of them, "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you save people quickly?"

When the two came back to their senses, Shangguan Haitang took out the snow lotus from her bosom, and said to Princess Yunluo, "Princess, the snow lotus has already been obtained, what is right or wrong?"

Princess Yunluo showed joy, "Haitang, you got the snow lotus, you will be saved, come with me."

The three hurriedly walked outside the ruined temple.

Dai Daojin's complexion changed slightly, and his figure froze.

Shangguan Haitang noticed it, turned around and said, "Brother Dai, what's wrong?"

Dai Daojin looked dignified, looked around, and said, "It's murderous, you go to save people first, and I'll finish it off."

Princess Yunluo urged in front, "Hurry up."

Shangguan Haitang gritted her teeth and said, "Brother Dai, be careful."

Dai Daojin waved his hand, signaling him to go first.

The two hurried away, Dai Daojin looked at their backs, stroked the long knife with his right hand, his expression was inexplicable.


Shangguan and Haitang finally arrived at the hidden valley and found Cheng Shifei who had passed out.

Cheng Shifei has long passed out and cannot eat snow lotus.

Princess Yunluo ignored the danger of poisoning and fed him with his mouth, and finally saved Cheng right and wrong.

Seeing Cheng Shifei wake up, Princess Yunluo wept with joy, holding Cheng Shifei and not letting go.

Shangguan Haitang stood by, looking at the two with a smile on his face.

Cheng Shifei woke up, and because he had taken Tianshan Snow Lotus, his energy was multiplied, his energy was extremely vigorous, and he regained his laughing and joking appearance.

The three walked out of the house, when Haitang suddenly stopped, "It's so quiet."

Princess Yunluo listened carefully, "Really, even the sound of birds has disappeared."

Cheng Shifei said with a smile on his face, "I said, why is it so stinky? It turns out that there are three bedbugs." He has the highest martial arts, and he sensed the murderous aura around him earlier than Haitang and the other two.

Haitang and Yunluo looked forward, only to see two men and a woman appeared in front of them, they looked strange, they were the scorpion, centipede and spider among the five poisons.

The centipede said negatively, "Today, I want to avenge my two brothers."

Haitang's expression froze, she took a step forward, but was stopped by Cheng Fei.

Cheng Shifei smiled and said, "You've been exhausted for the past two days, so you rest first, and I'll hand over their three bugs." Now he only felt that after taking Tianshan Snow Lotus, he had inexhaustible strength in his body.

Haitang thought for a while and said, "Then be careful, I will protect the princess."

Cheng Shifei nodded, took a few steps forward, looked at the three of them, and said with a smile, "I'll send you three bugs down today, and reunite the five of you brothers."

When the two parties were confronting each other, Dai Daojin was looking down on a tall tree in the distance, observing intently.


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