At the dinner, Duan Tianya also came back, and expressed his warm welcome to the uncle's arrival.

Apart from Duan Tianya, among the other three of the four major spies, Haitang was present, Cheng Shifei and Princess Yunluo liked to join in the fun, and they also came to the dinner party, but Guihai Yidao did not come.

At the banquet, toasts were mixed.

After drinking for three rounds, Dai Daojin looked around and said with a smile, "Hulong Villa is full of talents. The four spies met three of them today. In addition to Tianya, the No. You can tell at a glance that you are not an ordinary person..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Cheng Zhengfei, the No. It’s been a while since Da Nei spied, but in terms of ability, he is one of the best in Hulong Villa, except for Shenhou.”

He interrupted Dai Daojin, and Dai Daojin was not angry at that mouthful. He looked at him with a smile and nodded from time to time. He was very interested in this person, with an unrestrained personality, but he had a big sense of right and wrong. He is even more interested in "King Kong Is Not Bad".

The people at the table should know this person's temperament very well, Duan Tianya and Haitang smiled wryly, and Shenhou also felt a little helpless.

Cheng Shifei talked there for a long time, felt someone pulling his sleeve, turned his head to see, it was Princess Yunluo.

Princess Yunluo was quite embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "Cheng Shifei, this person's surname is not Liu, his name is Liusheng Shibingwei."

Cheng Shifei scratched his head, looked at Dai Daojin and said with a smile, "Haha, my surname is not Liu, what about that Liu Shengshi, I, Cheng Shifei, didn't study much since I was a child, forgive me, I'll toast you first and apologize."

Shenhou said next to him, "Cheng Shifei always speaks outspokenly, don't take offense." After speaking, he gave Cheng Shifei a look.

Cheng Shifei shrank his head, he was still a little apprehensive about the God of Tiedan, and he sat down only under Princess Yunluo's tugging.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Detective Cheng has a straightforward personality and a genuine temperament. I like to make friends with such people."

After he finished speaking, Cheng Shifei shook his head happily, raised his wine glass and cupped his hands to show his politeness.

Dai Daojin smiled, raised his wine glass, and responded to him.

Afterwards, Dai Daojin looked at Haitang, and said with a smile, "Shangguan secret agent led the way today, thank you here."

Shangguan Haitang hurriedly picked up the wine glass, "Brother Liu Sheng, you are welcome, just call me Haitang."

Dai Daojin finished his drink and nodded with a smile.

Next, everyone had another drink and exchange, and the host and guest had a good time.


In the dead of night, Dai Daojin was preparing to rest in his room, but Liu Sheng but Ma Shou came to the door.

After the two sat down, Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou glanced at him and said, "Did you fight the Marquis of God today?" He vaguely felt it in the Dragon Hall during the day.Dai Daojin said lightly, "It's not a fight, it's a test of each other."

"How?" Yagyu Tamma Shoudao.

Dai Daojin said softly, "The strength is very strong."

Yagyu Tamma Shoudao, "Compared to you?"

Dai Daojin thought for a while, and replied, "I haven't fought, I don't know."

Liu Shengdan Ma Shouluomo, thought for a while, and reminded, "Shenhou seems to be very interested in you, you have to be careful."

Dai Daojin chuckled, he was interested in me, and I was also interested in the "Sucking Power" in his hand.

He glanced at the person in front of him, and said casually, "How is your cooperation with Lord Tiedan going?"

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou looked at him and said, "Aren't you unwilling to get involved? Why are you interested in knowing?"

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "I'm not interested, I just want to remind you that this man, Tie Dan Shen Hou, is not easy to deal with, so be careful when you cooperate with him."

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou heard the words, nodded, got up and left.

Dai Daojin glanced at his back, closed the door, and went to rest.


On the fifteenth day of the next month, the wedding took place as scheduled.

Although the marriage of the two was known to many people, not many people came to the wedding banquet, only relatives and friends were invited, and no one in the official circle was invited to attend.

On this day, on a good day, Tie Dan Shenhou and Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shougao sat on the throne.

Do as the Romans do, all the etiquette is Chinese style, and the gods will invite the full-time personnel in the palace to handle it. Although the scene is not big, it is still grand and lively.

With the master of ceremonies shouted loudly, "Bow to heaven and earth."

Duan Tianya and Xueji faced the outside of the hall and bowed.

"Two thanks to the high hall."

Duan Tianya was all smiles, Xue Ji was wearing a red hijab.

"Happy husband and wife."

Tie Dan Shenhou and Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou, two deep-minded guys, also smiled and nodded at this time.

"Send to the bridal chamber."

Those present were all friends of Duan Tianya, as well as people from the No. [-] village in the world, they all booed after hearing this.

After the banquet, it was natural to drink and talk, and the sound of drinking and talking could be heard endlessly.

a corner.

Guihai held the long knife in his arms, looked at the banquet table not far away, and the man in white forced a smile, his heart felt a little sour.

At this time, a tall, thin man with a flushed face came over with a wine jug. It was Zhang Jinjiu, the number one detective in the world.

Gui Hai withdrew his mind, glanced at Zhang Jinjiu, and frowned slightly when he smelled the alcohol on his body. Alcohol can distract the mind, and for a person like him who is absolutely in control, he doesn't like it.

"How did the investigation go?" Gui Hai said softly.

Zhang Jinjiu hiccupped, "Hero Guihai, you asked me to find out the cause of your father's death for you, but the matter was too long ago. I just got a clue, and it will take time."

It wasn't surprising that Gui Hai took the knife, and asked, "What about the other thing?"

Zhang Jinjiu took another sip of the wine, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, "You asked me to find out who your mother had been in contact with during this time? I have found out whether outsiders have entered Shuiyue Nunnery."

Gui Hai stared at him closely, "Who is it?"

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Yes, I don't know."

"In this world, is there anyone you Zhang Jinjiu can't find?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jinjiu's eyes were inexplicable, "There are some things in this world that I can't check, and some things I dare not check. And knowing too many things, you may not live long."

Gui Hai frowned sharply, he didn't come to listen to the truth, so he said directly, "Tell me, what did you find?"

Zhang Jinjiu stretched his waist, and said, "I found out that a man in Tsing Yi went to the Shuiyue Nunnery that your mother Qingxiu built more than two months ago, and he left soon."

Gui Hai said silently, "And then?"

"Then I found out that after the man in Tsing Yi left Shuiyue Nunnery, he rented a small courtyard in a nearby town, which is the town you pass by every time you go to Shuiyue Nunnery, lived there for more than a month, and then disappeared. gone."

Gui Hai frowned and said, "Disappeared?"

Zhang Jinjiu nodded and said, "Yes, it disappeared."

For some reason, Guihai Yidao suddenly remembered that time when he went to Shuiyue Nunnery, he passed by the young man in Tsing Yi that he met in that town.

His face suddenly changed slightly, his eyes turned cold, "It's him?"

Seeing his expression, Zhang Jinjiu asked curiously, "Have you seen him?"

Gui Hai thought for a while, and said, "When I went to Shuiyue Nunnery last time, in that small town, I saw a young man in Tsing Yi. At that time, he stared at me a few times, but I didn't care."

Hearing the words, Zhang Jinjiu took a sip of his wine and said with a smile, "Life is really amazing."

Gui Hai Yi Dao didn't smile, his face was cold and serious, "Thinking about it now, the way that man looked at me at that time...he knows me."


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