The yin and yang zhenqi adhered to the power of mind and spirit, followed the meridians of Tianchi strange man, and carefully felt every part of the corpse inch by inch.

The meridians have shrunk slightly, but they are still wider and tougher than those of ordinary masters. Besides the eight extraordinary meridians, some relatively hidden meridians have also been opened up. Dai Daojin can only roughly infer the person's line of work from these.

Afterwards, he carefully sensed the five internal organs, flesh and bones of the corpse, and found that the five internal organs of the corpse had been frozen by the millennium black ice, but it could still be seen that the five internal organs were powerful, and the density of the bones and flesh was greater than his current physical body.

Perceiving this, Dai Daojin was slightly shocked, and he felt the flesh and bones of the corpse more carefully.

Back and forth, carefully perceived three times.

Dai Daojin withdrew his palm, opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of thinking. He found that the Tianchi strange man's physical body was stronger than his, but according to his guess about "King Kong Immortal Magic", he would become a golden body if he didn't get lucky. Under the circumstances, it is not so strong.

He also thought of the mutual generation and mutual restraint between "King Kong Immortal Art" and "Suction Dafa", and he couldn't help wondering whether Tianchi strange man had integrated the two martial arts in the later stage to have such an effect.

Although some of this person's corpse has been found, there is still little known about it. If you want to know whether the "Vajra Indestructible Magical Art" and "Suction Dafa" can be combined to produce even more unimaginable effects, you still have to experience these two for yourself. Only martial arts will do.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin remembered one thing. The Marquis of Tiedan absorbed the martial arts of more than a hundred people from the eight major sects on the bank of Taihu Lake. The ancient three links must come from the best players in the school.

In addition to these people, the four great gods of the imperial court were also sucked to death.

Each of these people has at least 20 to 1000 years of martial arts, and the number of them is more than a hundred. Dai Daojin couldn't help but jump in his heart when he thought of this. In this way, the internal strength of the god of iron courage must have [-] years of internal strength at the least. .

"No." Dai Daojin shook his head and said to himself.

If Shenhou has a thousand years of internal energy, enough to overwhelm the world, what kind of conspiracy and tricks are needed? Besides, if he really has a thousand years of internal energy, even if he uses the "King Kong Indestructible Magical Skill" in the end, it is enough to smash him into scrap iron.

Dai Daojin's eyes turned, thinking of another "Beiming Divine Art", looked down at the corpse of Tianchi strange man, and said in a low voice: "Then there is only one possibility, although this "Suction Dafa" can absorb people's internal energy, But the effect is not high, and the utilization rate is a bit low, which will waste most of the absorbed internal force."

Immediately, his eyes were fixed, staring at the Tianchi strange man with his eyes closed, and said quietly: "It stands to reason that "Suction Dafa" and "King Kong Immortal Art" are as famous, so there shouldn't be such a big flaw, or is it true? You dismantled the original martial art?"

"If so, why?"

Standing and thinking for a long time, he shook his head. When he experienced these two martial arts, he would naturally find the answer, and then Dai Daojin turned and left.

He turned around and walked towards another fork. There was ice everywhere, the environment was dry and cold, and there was no sign of life at all.

After walking for a while, I came to a cave that was obviously dug by humans. I walked into the cave and saw an ice coffin when I looked up.

Frowning, Dai Daojin walked to the ice coffin and looked down.

I saw a beautiful woman wearing a red dress, lying peacefully in the coffin, with her hands on her lower abdomen, as if she was asleep.

With a sigh of emotion in a low voice, "The word love..."

Then he turned and left.


In the capital, three days ago, Minister of War Yang Yuxuan was executed for collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country.

Immediately, all the officials in the capital became even more afraid of Cao Zhengchun who was in charge of Jinyiwei and Dongchang at the same time.

Cao Zhengchun's power between the government and the opposition has grown stronger.

The infighting between the top is still too far away for the ordinary people at the bottom, and the ordinary people still live as usual every day.

As the sky turned dark, a group of people stuffed a young man into a jar in a gambling house in the capital, came out from the back door, put on a carriage, and headed towards the back door of the palace.

The young man only had one head exposed. Seeing them dragging him to nowhere, he felt flustered, and hurriedly said to a man in the carriage, "Hey, hey, where are you taking me? Why did you put me in the In the jar?"

The man had a mysterious smile on his face, "You should just keep quiet, we have already found a good place for you, you will have no worries about food and shelter for the rest of your life, you will have a lot of fish and meat every day, and you will be accompanied by beautiful women."

The young man panicked: "There is such a cheap thing, my father told me not to be greedy for cheap, you should go first, brother."

The man slapped the young man on the head, "Stop talking nonsense, it's up to you whether you go or not."

Not long after, the car stopped, and the young man saw a few people in green clothes carrying himself to a place.

After a while, the young man felt himself tossing about, and when he was about to vomit, the jar was put down.

Feeling dizzy, the young man saw a man with willow brows and red cheeks, his head moved close to his face, which startled him.

The man had a high-pitched voice, and was obviously dressed as an eunuch from the imperial palace. He stuffed a wooden stick into the young man's mouth, looked at it and said with a smile, "Not bad, not bad."

The young man was a little confused, this group of people felt weird, and smiled apologetically: "Uncle, uncle, where is this place, can you let me go back?"

The eunuch stretched out his palm and said with a smile, "I paid 50 taels of silver, now you are mine."

The young man was puzzled: "You are?"

The eunuch said sharply, "I am Eunuch Sun."

"Eunuch? Who is your grandson?"

"I'm Eunuch Sun from the palace, and I'm in charge of newcomers."

"Who is the newcomer?"

"You, my dear boy."

The young man was startled, with a mournful face: "Is there some misunderstanding between us? I don't want to be a eunuch?"

Eunuch Sun looked at him, smiled and said nothing.

The young man immediately shouted, "Help me."

The little eunuch next to him blocked his mouth casually.


After Dai Daojin left Tianshan Mountain, he came eastward.

Three months later, Dai Daojin, dressed in a green shirt, walked slowly among the bamboo forests with a long knife in his hand.

The bamboo is tall and the leaves are dense, and the wind blows by, making the rustling sound endless.

After walking along the path for a while, he finally arrived at the destination, which he also searched for a long time before he found it.

Looking at the bamboo house in front of him and listening to the sound of chanting scriptures coming from the house, Dai Daojin stood silently in front of the house for a while.

After a while, the chanting stopped.

Dai Daojin said softly: "Those who pass by, I am here to ask for a sip of water, can the friends in the house help me?"

With a soft sound, a middle-aged woman in plain clothes walked out of the house, holding a Buddhist bead in her hand, walked down the steps, came to the gate of the courtyard, opened the door, saw Dai Daojin holding a long knife, her expression was fixed, but her hands were still clasped Said: "Amitabha, the door of Buddhism is wide open, please come in, almsgiver."

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "It turns out that it's a teacher, I'm bothering you."

The woman shook her head with a smile, and waved her hand sideways, "Please benefactor."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile to express his thanks, and walked into the courtyard.

Walking to the bamboo house, I looked up at the plaque on the bamboo house.

Turning his head to look at the woman with hair and practicing, he smiled and said, "Shuiyue Temple, it turns out that the master is worshiping Guanyin Bodhisattva."

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