After Duan Tianya left, Xue Ji came to Dai Daojin's residence.

Xue Ji sat on her knees, looked at Dai Daojin and asked, "Brother, what do you think of Tian Ya?"

Dai Daojin glanced at him with a smile, and said lightly: "A good-looking talent, quite a gentleman."

Xue Ji relaxed her expression, and said with a smile: "Then brother, do you object to me being with Tian Ya?"

Dai Daojin glanced outside the house, where the cherry blossoms in April fell with the wind, and said softly: "It's fine if you like it, but he is a Han, and he will return to Middle Earth sooner or later, have you made up your mind to live with him back in Middle Earth?" ?”

Xue Ji looked hesitant, with gentle eyes, and said: "He said Tianya, we will go back to Central Earth together and meet his adoptive father when the time comes, and let his adoptive father officiate the wedding for us, and we will come back to see you often .”

When Dai Daojin heard her mentioning Duan Tianya's adoptive father, his eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly: "You can decide for yourself, but I want to remind you that his adoptive father, Tiedan God, Hou Zhu, ignores it. The city is extremely deep, and it is not easy. Duan Tianya is his adopted son, it is not so easy to live a normal life."

Xue Ji asked suspiciously: "Brother, how do you know this, and you haven't seen his adoptive father?"

Dai Daojin took a sip of his tea without explaining, but said: "As long as you are prepared to accept the twists and turns in life in the future, you can do this matter according to your own will."

Although Xue Ji was puzzled, she didn't dare to ask further questions, she bowed and thanked, "Thank you brother for your support."

Dai Daojin shook his head, "When do you plan to return to Middle Earth?"

Xue Ji smiled and said: "Tian Ya still has to learn martial arts for a while in the Iga School. We plan to leave for Zhongtu after this year is over. Brother, are you going?"

"I heard from Tianya that there are so many masters in the middle-earth martial arts forest, and there are many magical skills. Brother, you like to practice martial arts so much, you must like it very much."

Dai Daojin chuckled, but didn't answer whether she was going with her or not. He got up and walked into the house. Not long after, he came out with a book in his hand.

Pass the book to Xue Ji.

Xue Ji took the book, opened it casually, and said in surprise: "This is..."

Dai Daojin said: "This is the essence of thirteen schools of martial arts, including Jiahe, Zhongerliu, etc. When you get married, this is my brother's wedding gift for you."

Xue Ji said happily: "Thank you brother."

Dai Daojin glanced at her, and said with a smile: "Duan Tianya has a good character, I think he will treat you well, but his martial arts are too poor, you should urge him to practice martial arts, don't go back to the Middle Earth and compete with others, because his martial arts are not good enough , was killed, it would be bad for you to be a widow."

Xue Ji saw that his words were harsh, but she also knew that her elder brother was concerned about herself. People in the martial arts world might encounter accidents that day. It is always a good thing to practice martial arts well, so she smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother, Xue Ji will definitely urge him to practice martial arts well." .”

"Your martial arts are not good, you have to practice hard. You should also look at the martial arts above." Dai Daojin added.

Xue Ji nodded, her face was full of joy, she didn't know if she had listened.

Looking at the back of Xue Ji leaving, Dai Daojin thought to himself, the brave god Hou is loyal and treacherous, and the city is deep. Duan Tianya was raised by him since he was a child, and he spent a lot of effort. He just wanted to live a stable life when he was able to do things for him. , I'm afraid it's not that easy.


Not long after, Liusheng Danma Shou sent someone to invite him over.

When Dai Daojin arrived, he found that there was no one else in the room, only to realize that he was seeing him alone, and he didn't know why.

Dai Daojin glanced at Liu Sheng but Ma Shou, and sat cross-legged in front of him casually, with the long knife on his lap.

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou glanced at him, then glanced at Dai Daojin's black long knife on his knees.

Dai Daojin said lightly: "Come to me, what's the matter?"

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou was accustomed to his attitude, nodded, took out a letter from his pocket, and handed it to him.

After receiving the letter, Dai Daojin glanced at the envelope, "Sovereign Liu Sheng personally signed it", glanced at Liu Sheng Dan Mashou, then opened the letter and looked down.

He frowned slightly, a little surprised at the contents of the letter.

After reading it, holding the letter in his hand, he asked doubtfully, "Da Ming Tiedan God wants to cooperate with you?"

After reading the letter, Dai Daojin was a little surprised. He had only mentioned God of Tie Dan a few days ago, and a few days later, the letter from God of Tie Dan arrived.

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou said in a deep voice: "That's right, he said that our Liusheng Xinyin Sect will work for him, so he will help our Liusheng Xinyin Sect to take a step forward and help me ascend to the position of the leader of the Eastern Martial Arts."

"Oh, what do you think?" Dai Daojin regained his composure.

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou glanced at him, "You are the leader of Liu Sheng's new generation, and sooner or later you will take over the Liu Sheng family, so I want to hear your opinion."

Dai Daojin didn't express his opinion directly, but asked instead: "Do you want to be the leader of the martial arts in Japan?"

Liu Sheng stayed silent and did not speak.

Dai Daojin understood it, and said casually: "Since you have made a decision in your heart, why are you asking me?"

Liu Sheng, but Ma Shou saw that he was so casual, and felt a little angry. He said in a deep voice, "This matter is related to the future of the Liu Sheng family. You are the eldest son of the Liu Sheng family and the future head of the family, so my father hopes to hear your thoughts."

Dai Daojin laughed, and put the letter in his hand on the ground, "I don't believe you don't know about Xueji and Duan Tianya being together, but you didn't come forward to stop it. I'm afraid it's not just because Xueji asked me to support them." .”

He lowered his head and stroked the black long knife, "I have no objection if you want to cooperate with him, but I will give you a piece of advice. The God of Tiedan is far away in the middle of the earth, and he let the Liusheng family drive him, so he didn't take Liusheng. The idea of ​​a family as a pawn, and the tiger's skin, don't become the prey of the tiger."

After finishing speaking, he got up to leave, stopped and said: "It's your own business that you want to work for others, don't take me, and Xueji and Piaoxu."

Immediately, go out and leave.

Liu Shengdan Mashou's face was gloomy, and when he looked down at the letter, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.


In the following days, peace returned.

In addition to practicing the "Yin-Yang Classic" every day, Dai Daojin practiced "Yin-Yang Nine Turns" and "Life and Death Yin-Yang Knife Chapter" on the back mountain.

The practice of "Yin Yang Jing" is step-by-step, and the sixth turn of "Nine Yin-Yang Turns" will take time, but he plans to go to the sea to practice next, using the pressure of sea water to stimulate his potential, and break through the sixth turn before going to Middle Earth.

In the last three moves of "Life and Death Yin-Yang Knife Chapter", "Human Annihilation, Earth Overburden, and Sky Burial", he has already comprehended the human annihilation, but the earth overturning has not yet been practiced and needs to be pondered.

Although his martial arts are very strong, and he also hopes to go to the Middle Earth to experience how powerful the "Vajra Is Not Bad" and "Suction Dafa", but he intends to make some preparations, and then go to the Middle Earth after he is fully prepared.

On this day, he carried a black long knife, walked out of Liu Sheng's mansion, and headed for the sea.

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