The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 28 "Sunflower Treasure" Chapter 4

Dai Daojin returned to his residence with a blank expression.

Sitting on the chair, Dai Daojin thought about it. He didn't intend to hide what he did forever. Never treat people as fools, let alone teach high-level people.

Although the actions I did were secret, they couldn't be hidden from those who cared, and they couldn't be hidden for a while.

Dai Daojin himself was mentally prepared and made several plans.

Today, being called over by Xinxuanzi and pointed out face to face, Dai Daojin was not really flustered, because the deal was done, and even if Xinxuanzi wanted to change something, he could do nothing.Even if he wanted to force it, other Wudang elders would naturally stop him.

The chariots bound by interests are rolling in, and whoever stands in the way will die.

Even in the worst case, Xinxuanzi is old and fatuous, and he doesn't care about his apprentices, Dai Daojin is confident to "put order out of chaos", hold high the banner of "for the stable development of Wudang", and suppress Xinxuanzi and Qingxu people, Moreover, Dai Daojin believed that among Wudang disciples, not many people would want to see internal strife in Wudang.

However, fortunately, Xinxuanzi was still sober in his final choice.

As the head teacher of Wudang, Xinxuanzi minimized the turmoil caused by the transfer of power, allowing Wudang to pass through the alternation of two generations in an almost smooth transition.

As Qingxu's master, Xinxuanzi won the last chance for his apprentice, and he has no guilt about facing his apprentice.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin felt a little moved and admired.

Thinking of this year's Grand Competition, Dai Daojin's eyes are dark, sunflowers are full of energy, ready to move, Dai Daojin has an intuition that after the Grand Competition, before and after he ascends to Wudang, he will be able to break through to the last level of "Sunflower Treasure", which is also the last stage Floor.

Regarding Qingxu, although he has not fought against him for a long time, Dai Daojin is confident that he can beat him.

Although he has this self-confidence, Dai Daojin plans to devote himself to training for the next three months, so as to make himself the best before the competition.The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, not to mention that the opponent is not a weak rabbit.

Dai Daojin closed his eyes, his mind sank into Nebula, and silently comprehended his own martial arts.


Sun Moon God Sect, Blackwood Cliff, in a courtyard.

Several people at a table are drinking.

One of them, a big man in black attire, picked up a bowl of wine in front of him and drank it down in one gulp, very proudly.

After the big man finished drinking, he wiped his mouth and said to a young man in a moon-white gown, "Brother Dongfang, I have many brothers from the God Cult, but I still get along comfortably with you guys."

Turning to a tall thin man and a short fat man sitting on the other side, he said, "Brother Xiang, brother Tong, do you think so?"

The tall and thin man smiled: "Brother Ren is right." Tong Baixiong also nodded beside him.

The young man in the moon white gown picked up his wine glass to drink, raised his head and said: "Brother Ren, it's better not to say anything like this, if the leader and the old man hear it, I'm afraid he will be very upset." The man has a handsome face , the whole person is slightly feminine.

Dongfang Bai continued: "Brother Ren will inherit the position of leader in the future. Brothers in the religion are all brothers of our own family, but there is no distinction between closeness and estrangement."

Ren Woxing hiccupped and said, "The other brothers in the church are naturally my brothers, but you guys are my brothers."

Then he hiccupped again and said, "Even the position of leader, if you want to sit, hiccup, I can give it to you."

After hearing this, Xiang Wentian's expression changed, and he said, "Brother Ren, be careful with your words."

Dongfang Bai's eyes flickered, and he smiled and said softly: "Brother Ren has drunk too much, so he is talking nonsense."

Ren Woxing waved his hand irritably, grabbed Dongfang Bai's hand, and said, "I'm not drunk, hiccup, Brother Dongfang, do you want to be the leader? If you want, I will go to the leader tomorrow and let him In the future, the position of the leader will be passed on to you, you and I, brothers, it is not the same who is the leader."

Dongfang Bai's face darkened, and he said: "Brother Xiang, Big Brother Ren is drunk, but he can't drink any more, help him go back and rest."

Xiang Wentian stood up, helped Ren Woxing up, accused the two of you, and said: "Brother Ren, I always help you go back to rest."

Let Wo stagger around, and said in a daze, "Hi, I'm not drunk..."

Seeing Xiang Wentian help me to walk out of the yard, Dongfang Bai's expression slowly sank.

Tong Baixiong stood beside him, frowned and said: "Let me do it, is this really drunk or is it on purpose?"

Dongfang Bai looked gloomy, but he didn't answer, his eyes were cold, he didn't know what to write.

On the other side, Xiang Wentian helped Ren Woxing back to the room, just as he was helping Ren Woxing to lie on the bed, Ren Woxing suddenly sat up, his eyes were open, his eyes sparkled, there was no trace of drunkenness, but he was extremely sober .

Seeing this, Xiang Wentian was surprised and said, "Brother Ren, what is the meaning of this?"

Ren Woxing smiled and said: "I originally wanted to give the great gift of being the leader to my Dongfang brother, alas, but unfortunately my brother is unwilling." With a smile, his expression was playful.

Xiang Wentian was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he was not stupid, but he just didn't react to Ren Woxing's impromptu tentative action, and then fell silent.

Xiang Wentian sighed inwardly, the brothers who worked hard together in the early years, now have the status of martial arts, but their hearts can't get together.

However, as Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian still asked after being emotional, "Brother Ren, have you noticed anything?"

Let me go, shook my head.


Dai Daojin, standing in the courtyard, closed his eyes to experience himself.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye. During these three months, Dai Daojin did not leave the courtyard except for dealing with some important matters of Wudang foreign affairs. Apart from practicing martial arts every day, he was studying the martial arts manuscripts of Wudang seniors, or Study Taoism.

At the beginning, I still had the mentality of preparing for the big competition before, but later on, I had no distracting thoughts, left the big competition behind, and didn't think about it, and my whole body and mind became extremely pure.

Dai Daojin's mind was never so relaxed and peaceful.

The god of the human body is the spirit or mind, and the rise and fall of the god is directly related to the survival of human life.

If the spirit is scattered, it will lead to withering, if the spirit fails, it will cause weakness, and if the spirit is dead, it will lead to life and death. Therefore, the most important thing for health preservation is to cultivate the spirit.

For those who practice martial arts, the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit.

God is the mother of Qi, and Qi is the son of God.Cultivating the mind can nourish the qi, and nourishing the qi can also nourish the essence. The mind is concentrated and the qi is gathered, and the qi is gathered to generate the essence. Therefore, if you want to treasure the essence and nourish the qi, you must first cultivate the spirit.

"When the mind is quiet, the mind is at peace. When the mind is peaceful, the mind is complete. When the mind is restless, the mind is disturbed, and the mind is disturbed. When the mind is in full swing, the mind should be treated first. Therefore, if you are calm and restful, you will be at peace within yourself; if you live in a pure and empty mind, It should not be tempted from the outside. Those with seven orifices are the gates of the spirit; those with ambition are the envoys of the five internal organs..."

These true meanings flowed slowly through Dai Daojin's heart, his spirit was lively, and the true energy in his body was flowing.

Dai Daojin didn't care about him, and let the sunflower zhenqi circulate on its own. When the zhenqi reached the Ren meridian, there was a "bang" in a daze, like the sound of bubbles. Dai Daojin recovered, and the Ren meridian was cleared.

Take your time, use your true energy, and silently recall the fourth layer of sunflower.

Take the heart as the room, sweep away the dust and dirt, return to the simplicity and return to the truth, clear and quiet, can penetrate the three realms wonderfully, omnipotent, the method will raise the true energy, fold the hands together, press the left hand on the right hand, rub the top with the right hand, and self-transform after [-] kung fu god.

After a long time, Dai Daojin opened his eyes, which looked like evil spirits, as if they were breathtaking, Dai Daojin closed them again.

After adjusting his mind, he opened his eyes immediately. Although his eyes were still bottomless, they lost the strange feeling just now.

Dai Daojin thought to himself, but he understood himself. He thought he could break through at least after the big competition, but he didn't want to advance much earlier.And this time, it was my "god" who broke through first, and the spirit and aura moved, which caused the breakthrough of internal force.

The reason why Dai Daojin's eyes are like this is because he didn't control his mind to become stronger.

Dai Daojin smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and secretly said: It feels good to break through early.

Soon, a voice of helplessness and distress came from the yard.

"The skin seems to be getting better."

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