Dai Daojin suddenly opened his eyes, and looked around before he could see, only to see a fist hitting his eyes, the blade between his knuckles made his eyes twitch.

He had just regained consciousness, and it took a process to regain consciousness. The heavy feeling of his body made his reaction a little slow, and his head tilted slightly as much as possible.

He dodged the punch, but the sharp edge of the blade still brushed against the corner of his eyes, and he felt a cold touch.

Dai Daojin's face was expressionless, blood flowed into his eyes, but he didn't blink, and scanned the person in front of him.

To be precise, it was an eleven or twelve-year-old child, wearing a gray blouse, but the cruelty and ruthlessness in this child's eyes made people feel that it did not match his age.

Seeing that the blow failed, the child withdrew his fist, gathered his other hand into a knife, and struck Dai Daojin at the temple.

Staring coldly at the opponent's movements, Dai Daojin shortened his body, retracted his whole body into the opponent's body, then gathered his right index finger and middle finger together, from bottom to top, and ruthlessly inserted into the opponent's throat.

"Uh... ho... ho"

Dai Daojin took two steps back, while moving his hands and feet, he began to look around.

Only then did he realize that he was a young man of around eleven or twelve, with short arms and legs.

"Chili Gulu..." came a voice, full of shock.

Dai Daojin turned his head to look, only to find that there were five or six children around, dressed in the same gray blouse, standing around, staring at him in disbelief.

He frowned, not knowing what was going on.

Silently investigating the condition of this body, he found that this body also practiced internal kung fu, although it was still weak and rough.

Dai Daojin adapted to this body silently. He thought that the children around him would attack him, but after waiting for a long time, he realized that these five or six children were just looking at him without moving.

He didn't bother to care about them, as long as they didn't come to attack him.

His eyes were slightly closed, feeling a little bit of internal energy in his body. He originally wanted to dissipate the mixed internal energy, but considering the environment he was in now, he temporarily suppressed this thought and drove the internal energy to recover his physical strength silently.

Not long after, a group of people came over.

Xu Shi was reported the news, this group of people had a serious demeanor, presumably they were not ordinary people.

Dai Daojin opened his eyes slightly, glanced at the group of people, and saw that they were dressed, his eyes could not help but concentrate.


This group of people is all dressed up as Japanese warriors, some with double knives in their waists, some with single knives, and their eyes are sharp, obviously good at martial arts, especially the two leaders, one is wearing gray clothes, the other is wearing black and white clothes, The momentum is powerful, not much weaker than the Wujue that Dai Daojin has seen.

Among the two leaders, the man in black and white clothes glanced at Dai Daojin and saw that he was bleeding from the corner of his eye, but he was fine. His eyes seemed relieved, and then he looked at the boy on the ground who was killed by Dai Daojin. Can't help but take on a touch of dignity.

The man in the gray clothes was obviously also the leader. Looking at the corpse on the ground, he couldn't help but look furious.

"Clang" the long knife was unsheathed instantly.

The man held the knife in both hands, and slashed at Dai Daojin's face.

Dai Daojin couldn't help being moved. What moved him was not that the man was trying to kill him with the knife, but that there was a faint transparent energy and sharpness on the long knife in the man's hand, which pierced Dai Daojin's cheek with pain.

"Knife gas?"

This person is only about 40 years old, but he can emit sword energy!

Before the surprise in his heart faded away, the knife in the man's hand in black and white also clanged, and the long knife came out of its sheath.


A long knife blocked the sharp blade that was slashing towards Dai Daojin's front door, and at the same time blocked the knife energy from the long knife.

Dai Daojin couldn't help being a little surprised. He naturally knew from the situation in this body that this world also cultivates internal strength. When he opened his eyes, he met two people who could emit sword energy.

Could it be that the development of martial arts in this world is so prosperous?

The two men were talking in their mouths, emotionally, and then they fought.

Dai Daojin took a few steps back. Speaking of his several lifetimes, he hadn't learned Japanese yet, so he couldn't understand what the two of them were saying, but from the emotional reactions of the two, he also guessed that he killed the person. The identity may not be simple.

Looking around, he found that the group of people brought by the two men was obviously not simple, they should have been trained, and scattered in all directions, they even faintly surrounded the entire venue. Dai Daojin reckoned that with his current body , If you want to run out, the chance may not be great.

Therefore, he could only press down his thoughts, and couldn't help but look at the two fighting in the field, waiting for the two to decide the winner.


The two knives clashed, making an ear-piercing sound, which spread far away.

During the fight between the two, the scattered energy caused the dead leaves on the ground to fly.

Dai Daojin squinted his eyes and watched the two fight. The moves were obviously different from what he knew. It seemed that he really came to Dongpu.

While thinking, there was another change in the field, after the two men separated.

The man in black and white clothes solemnly said something to the man in gray clothes, then the man in gray clothes seemed to hesitate for a while, but he still put the long knife back in its sheath, and said a few words with a cold expression.

Hearing what the man said, the man in black and white turned his head to look at Dai Daojin, with a slightly hesitant look on his face, then he seemed to have made up his mind and walked towards Dai Daojin.

Dai Daojin looked at him with a blank expression on his face.

The man walked to Dai Daojin's side, murmured a few words, then slammed his right hand on several large acupoints on Dai Daojin's chest, and a wave of internal force invaded Dai Daojin's body.

Dai Daojin only felt a pain in his chest, and then he felt that the original internal force in his body dissipated immediately.


He still didn't respond, just glanced at the man in front of him.

This man used his family's San Gong secret skills to abolish Dai Daojin's martial arts, but the boy didn't even change his expression, he felt both admiration and pity.

Then the man turned around, looked at the man in gray clothes, pointed at Dai Daojin, and muttered something.

The gray-clothed man paused, then turned and left after saying something.

After the group left, the man in black and white looked at Dai Daojin and said some more words. Seeing that he still didn't respond, he sighed and waved his hands.

Afterwards, Dai Daojin was held up by these people and left.


Three days later, in a manor, a standard ancient Japanese-style residence.

Dai Daojin sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and quietly sorted out the messages brought to him by the remnant soul in his body.

After a long while, he slowly opened his eyes, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

He murmured, "I didn't expect it to be this world, and it was reincarnated in Dongpu."

It took him three days to completely control this body and clear away the hidden dangers in his body. As for Sangong?It was no big deal to him, if that person didn't do it that day, he would do it.

There should be no need to worry about the safety issue at this time. Dai Daojin then closed his eyes slightly, thinking about something in his mind, and planning his future actions.

"call out"

Dai Daojin let go of his index and middle fingers, and played with a wooden dagger sandwiched between the two fingers.

A girl in a pink kimono came over. The girl had fair skin, bright eyes, and was very beautiful. It was just that she was young. When she grew up, she must be a stunning woman with a beautiful face.

The girl walked to Dai Daojin's side, and said with a smile, "Xue Ji knows that even if my brother loses his skills, he is still very powerful."


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