Wanyan Honglie and others stayed in Lin'an for a few days before leaving.

I didn't get the "Wu Mu's Suicide Note", so it would be a waste of time to stay here any longer.

at the same time.

After Dai Daojin obtained "Wu Mu's Last Letter" from the Iron Palm Gang, he only stayed for three days before leaving and coming to the Central Plains.

When they arrived at Jiangling Mansion, Dai Daojin went to the mansion city and entrusted the Sifang Escort Bureau to quickly send the booklet of "Wu Mu's Last Letter" to Zhongnan Mountain. The recipient was Ma Yu, the head teacher of Quanzhen.

After dealing with the matter, Dai Daojin found a place in Jiangling Prefecture City and had a meal.

While eating, a Taoist priest approached Dai Daojin and handed him a letter.

Dai Daojin opened the letter and read it. After reading it, he stuffed it into his arms.

After dinner, I strolled casually on the street.

Dai Daojin glanced casually, beggars on the street passed by him.

Among them, a middle-aged beggar leaned on a wooden stick and held a broken bowl, and leaned forward, "Master, please do me a favor, I haven't eaten for three days, please enjoy my meal."

Dai Daojin stopped, turned his head and carefully looked at the other party's gray-black complexion, and his vigorous body, smiled, took out an ingot of silver from his arms, and put it into the broken bowl.


The sound of the silver colliding with the bowl sounded.

The beggar glanced at the silver in the bowl, his face changed slightly, the ingot of silver was at least ten taels, and he had been begging for a year, and he had met the wealthy gentry in the city, and when he was happy, he passed by as a reward They begged for silver, but no one gave ten taels of silver for no reason.

The beggar's heart sank, seeing that the other party was still staring at him with a smile, he hurriedly bent over and said, "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

Then, quickly ran away.

Dai Daojin stared at the beggar's back, his eyes flickering.

At night, in Poguan outside the city of Jiangling Mansion.

A group of beggars gathered together, eating, drinking and drinking.

Jiangling Fucheng is a big city, and there are naturally many beggars nearby. It is like a stronghold, with sixty or seventy beggars gathered here.

At this time, in a corner of Poguan, a beggar took out an ingot of silver from his pocket, held it in both hands, and handed it to an old beggar in front of him who was lying on the haystack with his eyes slightly closed.

The beggar next to him couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the silver.

One of them said, "Qi Lao Liu, you're lucky, old boy." There was envy in his voice.

The half-lying old beggar heard this, opened his eyes, and saw the silver held in front of his eyes by Qi Lao Liu, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

He turned his head and asked, "Xiao Liu, did you pick it up?"

Qi Laoliu shook his head, and then talked about what happened today.

The old beggar listened and pondered.

Seeing this, Qi Laoliu worriedly said, "Elder Guan, there won't be any trouble."

The elder Guan heard this, shook his head and said, "Take the money first, that young man may be a rich man who just came out of the rivers and lakes, and he doesn't know the sufferings of the world, so he is so generous."

Qi Laoliu nodded, but thinking of the young man's eyes, he really didn't look like a prodigal.

Seeing that he was still worried, the elder Guan smiled and said, "Don't worry too much, not everyone in our beggar gang can afford to mess with it, it's only ten taels of silver." But he felt that this little six was cautious in handling things and could be cultivated.

But then, his expression changed immediately, he got up suddenly, and said loudly to the front, "I don't know which friend in the Jianghu is joking with the Huazi. If the Huazi usually offends something, I hope the friend will take it for the sake of the leader of the Beggar Gang Hong." Come on, raise your hands high."

The beggars next to him also hurriedly got up, looked left and right, wondering what happened to Elder Guan?

Elder Guan had a dignified expression. Just as he finished speaking just now, a soft voice rang in his ear, "Oh, the Beggar Gang is so powerful, no one can offend you?" abnormal.

Although Elder Guan's martial arts in the beggar gang is not ranked high, he still has kung fu, and he has some experience at his age. He knows that this person does not know where to transmit his voice. Even the elders who teach the practice in the gang can't do it.

That's why he had the rhetoric just now.

The rest of the beggars couldn't figure it out, but when they saw that their elders looked like they were facing an enemy, they all held sticks and patrolled vigilantly from side to side.


Elder Guan's eyes suddenly protruded, and he fell to the ground, howling miserably, his voice was so shrill that the beggars next to him were startled with fright, and they hurriedly surrounded him.

Inside the broken view, it's a mess.

"Elder, what's wrong with you?"

"who is it?"


After a while, Elder Guan's screams stopped.

Elder Guan wiped the cold sweat off his head. The severe pain just now still made him feel lingering. There was a kind of fear in his eyes. Thinking of what the man said just now, he couldn't help but smiled wryly. He secretly thought that he was really unlucky. Affecting oneself is an indiscriminate disaster.

He waved his hand to let the beggars around him disperse, and Elder Guan lay down on the haystack again.

Closing his eyes, breathing slowly and steadily, thinking about the method, he had to go to the old gang leader Hong for help. With the peerless martial arts of the gang leader Hong, he couldn't believe that he couldn't solve this person's "life and death talisman".

Thinking of the pain just now, Elder Guan's eyelids trembled for a while, and after thinking about it, he decided to go to the old gang leader Hong tomorrow. He didn't want to suffer this kind of pain again in a month.

The next day, Elder Guan handed over the matter in hand to Qi Laoliu, and he hurriedly contacted him.

After half a month.

Elder Guan looked at the old man in front of him, and said worriedly, "Master, I..."

The old man raised his head, with a square face, a slight beard under his chin, thick hands and big feet, his clothes were patched here and there, but they were washed clean, holding a green bamboo stick in his left hand, As bright and green as jade, on his back was a large gourd lacquered with vermilion. It was Hong Qigong, one of the five unique beggars.

Hong Qigong let go of his right hand for the pulse, untied the big gourd from behind, took a sip of wine, wiped his mouth, and said, "Tell me about the situation that day carefully."

Elder Guan said, "Master, it's like this. That night, the little six begged for ten taels of silver during the day..."

After Hong Qigong listened, he frowned and asked, "When your body is in severe pain, how do your meridians feel?"

Elder Guan blushed, and said, "This subordinate was in too much pain that day, and I couldn't carefully understand the meridians in my body..."

Hong Qigong waved his hand, "I can't decipher this 'Life and Death Talisman' inside your body."

Elder Guan's face paled immediately, "Guard Master, then...that person said that after one month, he will relapse again, subordinate...subordinate..."

Hong Qigong smiled and said, "Don't worry, that person clearly wants to use you to find me out, let me go to see him, then I will bring you to him, and let him untie it for you himself."

Lu Youjiao next to him immediately frowned at Elder Guan, blaming him for being fooled by such an obvious trick, causing the gang leader to take risks.

Elder Guan looked ashamed, and said guiltily, "Clan leader, it's all my subordinates' fault..."

Hong Qigong interrupted again, "They are all brothers of my own family, why bother to say such nonsense, according to your description, that person can use the legendary 'sound transmission into secret', obviously his martial arts are extremely high, so it took a lot of time to find him." When I came out, I obviously made up my mind to find me, so even if it wasn't you, that person would have used other methods, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Lu Youjiao said, "Master, how does your martial arts compare with that person's?"

Hong Qigong's eyes flashed brightly, he took another sip of wine, wiped the wine stains on his mouth, "'Transmission of sound into secret' I can't do it, but whoever wins will have to fight to know, hahaha. "

He Hong Qi has been a man all his life, he eats to his heart's content, drinks to his heart's content, scolds to his heart's content, and fights to his heart's content, how can he know that he is invincible if he has never been beaten before?


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