The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 242 "Wu Mu's suicide note"

Stepping on the weeds under his feet, walking in this slightly barren place, Dai Daojin looked around from time to time.

Qiu Qianren's disciple led the way ahead, carefully looking back at him from time to time.

Dai Daojin folded his hands and said casually, "What's your name?"

The disciple respectfully said, "Go back to Mr. Huang, I'm Gong Kangping."

While chatting casually, the two walked towards the forbidden area of ​​Iron Palm Peak.

From the conversation, Dai Daojin learned that the Zhongzhi Peak of Tiezhang Mountain is where the bones of the successive guild leaders of the Tiezhang Clan are buried.

There is a very strict gang rule in the gang, whoever enters the area of ​​the second knuckle of the middle finger peak must not go down the peak alive.

If the leader of the gang dies outside, one of the disciples of the gang must carry his bones to the peak, and then kill himself and be buried. The disciples of the gang think it is a great honor.

The two finally came to the forbidden area of ​​the Iron Palm Gang.

Gong Kangping looked at the boulder standing there, turned around and cupped his hands and said, "Young Master Huang, this disciple of the Forbidden Subway Gang can't enter, so I won't go in with Young Master Huang."

Dai Daojin looked at the boulder, and the two large chiseled characters "forbidden land" on it came into his eyes, but it may have been too long, and there was very little red paint left on the original characters.

Dai Daojin nodded when he heard Gong Kangping's words, and said, "Just wait outside here."

Gong Kangping nodded.

Dai Daojin raised his foot and walked in.

There are many trees on the mountain peak, with luxuriant branches and leaves. Although there are a few scattered rays of sunlight penetrating the branches and leaves, it still looks gloomy here.

Dai Daojin didn't realize it, and walked straight forward through some scattered graves.

Finally, Dai Daojin saw a dark entrance in front of him, which was a cave.

Dai Daojin walked directly inside. The air inside was very humid. As soon as he entered, he heard the sound of rats squeaking.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Iron Palm Gang, and no one has come in to take care of it all year round, so it has become like this.

Dai Daojin walked to the end of the cave, saw a stone door, and pushed the door open.

Dai Daojin stood at the door, and walked into the stone room after the turbid air inside had dissipated. His eyes were full of energy, and he looked around the whole stone room. It was not big, and there were some things scattered on the ground. bones.

The swords and swords on the ground were presumably brought by those old former leaders of the Iron Palm Gang who entered the forbidden area and waited to die, so they must not be ordinary things.

Dai Daojin was not interested in these swords, he just looked around.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, Dai Daojin walked to the corner, bent down to look, and saw that there was also a pile of bones in the corner, and beside the bones, a sealed stone box was placed there.

Dai Daojin picked up the stone box.

"Puff" blew away the dust on the stone box and opened it.

Dai Daojin couldn't help smiling when he saw what was inside, took out a letter and two books inside, and put the stone box on the ground.

Dai Daojin opened the top letter and looked down.

After a long while, Dai Daojin raised his head, exhaled his anger, and the letter turned into dust and fell to the ground with a rustle.

Only then did Dai Daojin know that "Wu Mu's Last Letter" had gone through so many things in the Iron Palm Gang, and he looked down at the skeleton in the corner, secretly thinking that this is Shangguan Jiannan, who is also a loyal man.

Shangguan Jiannan was originally Han Shizhong's subordinate. Yue Fei was killed by Qin Hui on the groundless charges. As Yue Fei's good friend at that time, Han Shizhong was also implicated. is one of them.

Shangguan Jiannan resented the treacherous ministers in power, so he led many brothers to become bandits, and later joined the Iron Palm Gang, and even became the leader of the Iron Palm Gang.

By chance, after learning that Yue Fei had left behind a book of war after his death, Shangguan Jian Nan Dianqi, a member of the gang, went to the palace at night to get the book of war.

He got the military book, but he didn't dare to deal with it without authorization, so he went to the old chief Han Shizhong. After the two discussed it, he thought that Yue Fei's wisdom was extraordinary, and this military book must be reserved for future generations to take. The man wasted no time, so he left a painting in the palace, hid the clues on it, and concealed the sixteen words "Wu Mu's suicide note, on Tiezhang Mountain, on the middle finger peak, on the second knuckle".

Later, Shangguan Jiannan returned to the Iron Palm Clan to discuss the Northern Expedition, but he was encircled and suppressed by the imperial court and was seriously injured, and the disciples in the Clan also suffered heavy casualties.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin flipped through the second book in his hand, and a large part of it was Yue Fei's poems, scriptures, memorials, etc. in his life.

Dai Daojin read in a low voice, "Since the Central Plains were swaying, barbarians and Di were invaded, Yu was angry at Heshuo, started from Xiangtai, and joined the army. He has experienced more than two hundred battles. Just in case the country is enmity. Now we have another brigade of solitary troops to revive Yixing. The city of Jiankang has defeated the captives with one blow. I hate that the horses will not return their ears!

Therefore, let's raise our troops and rest our soldiers, and store up our strength to wait for the enemy.He should encourage the soldiers to fight again during the merit period, cross the desert in the north, slay the court with blood, and slaughter all the barbarians.Welcome the two sages back to Beijing, and take the old territory on the ground, so that the court will be safe, and the Lord will lay a pillow for the rest of his wish. "


He looked down at the skeleton again, put the book in his hand into his arms, bowed slightly, then turned and left.

Walking out of the restricted area by the same route, Gong Kangping was still waiting in place.

Seeing Dai Daojin walk out of the forbidden area, Gong Kangping cupped his hands and asked, "Can Mr. Huang handle things well?"

When Dai Daojin got "Wu Mu's Last Letter", he didn't feel much joy in his heart, and even felt a little heavy, so he only nodded when he heard Gong Kangping's question.

Seeing that Mr. Huang looked calm, Gong Kangping didn't dare to ask more questions.

The two walked back the same way.

When we got off the middle finger peak, the sun had already set in the west, and the sky reflected was red, which was truly beautiful.

Dai Daojin stopped to look at it for a while, and then went to the place where the Iron Palm Gang lived.


At night, the place where Qiu Qianren of the Iron Palm Gang handles things.

The lights were like beans, the candles flickered from time to time, and the light in the room also flickered suddenly, and it seemed unreal to the two people sitting opposite each other.

Qiu Qianren looked at the person in front of him and said in a low voice, "You said you have something to discuss with me?"

Dai Daojin glanced at him, did not answer directly, but asked, "How is your injury?"

Qiu Qianren shook his head, "It's fine, just adjust your breath for a few more days."

Dai Daojin nodded, he knew the severity of what he did.

Dai Daojin didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly, "How do you manage the forces of the Xiangxi Iron Palm Gang, please tell me in detail."

Although Qiu Qianren was a little surprised, he still said, "The Iron Palm Gang is in Xiangxi, so it's not bad..."

Dai Daojin took a sip of tea and listened carefully.

After Qiu Qianren finished speaking, Dai Daojin closed his eyes and began to think.

Qiu Qianren didn't bother, and secretly transferred her internal energy to adjust her breath, and healed the injuries she had suffered before.


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