Dai Daojin went round and round all the way to Xiangxi.

On this vast land in western Hunan, there are many mountains and rivers.

At this moment, on a tributary of the Yuanshui River, the boat Dai Daojin was riding in was slowly paddling forward towards the Iron Palm Peak.

The boatman was an old man, and while rowing the boat, he said with a smile, "Young Master, you will reach the boundary of Tiezhang Peak in about an hour." He saw Dai Daojin in Tsing Yi and nothing long, so he thought it was the son of some family, Come out to play.

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile, and stood at the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, looking at the scenery on the river bank.

The old man is also talkative, like the taxi drivers of later generations, and said with a smile, "Young master, in fact, now we have entered the sphere of influence of the Iron Palm Gang. The Iron Palm Gang is very powerful, and it is the old man's boat Son, it also belongs to their management, hand over the money on time."

Dai Daojin was surprised and said, "Oh, the Iron Palm Gang didn't let go of the small boat's business, it's too domineering."

The old man shook his head with a smile at this time and said, "Young Master, it's not good. Although the people of the Iron Palm Gang are overbearing, as long as you hand in the money on time, you can live in peace and stability. In the past, the people on this river It's very chaotic, several gangs have to collect money every month, life is impossible, now you only need to deal with one family, do you think life is much easier now?"

Dai Daojin nodded and said with a smile, "In this way, the Iron Palm Gang has done a good thing, and they have a good reputation in this western Hunan."

The old man turned his head to look left and right, and said in a low voice, "The Iron Palm Gang is overbearing. In their territory, other gangs either surrender or are kicked out of Xiangxi. They are very domineering. Those members of the Iron Palm Gang, Relying on the power and oppressing the good, how can there be a good reputation."

Dai Daojin was thoughtful.

Then he glanced at the old man and said with a smile, "Old man, I didn't expect you to know quite a lot."

The old man chuckled, showing a sense of pride, "My grandson is a little leader of the Iron Palm Gang."

Dai Daojin couldn't help laughing, and he had a relationship with the family for a long time.

Seeing Dai Daojin's strange smile, the old man became anxious, "Young master, don't get me wrong. My old grandson has never done anything harmful to nature in his whole life. Although my grandson is a member of the Iron Palm Gang, I have never used his name to bully others." , What I just said is also true, if you don’t believe it, you can ask those poor people who beg in this water.”

Dai Daojin smiled and comforted him, "Of course I believe the old man's words."

Afterwards, the old man seemed to lose interest in talking, and he was speechless all the way, but the speed of the boat was faster, and after more than half an hour, the place arrived conveniently.


The boat docked, Dai Daojin paid the boat fare, and went straight to Tiezhang Peak.


After looking up a few times at the mountain that stands there, shaped like a palm, Dai Daojin raised his foot and walked up.

Not wanting to waste time, he directly used Qinggong to sweep upwards.

Not long after, the mountain gate of the Iron Palm Gang came into view.

The disciples of the Iron Palm Gang guarding the mountain gate saw someone approaching quickly, and hurriedly shouted "He..."

"Boom" two soft sounds.

Those two disciples of the Iron Palm Gang guarding the mountain were frozen there before they could say anything.

Dai Daojin glanced forward, then stared at the disciple and said, "Take me to your leader." Then he flicked the sleeve of his right hand.

The disciple's acupoints were unlocked, and he took two steps back with a terrified expression, "You... who are you?"

Dai Daojin glanced at him indifferently, and said softly, "I don't want to kill you, take me to find your leader."

The disciple hesitated.

Dai Daojin flicked his sleeve again, brushing past the disciple.


The Iron Palm disciple vomited blood and flew backwards, falling to the ground.

Dai Daojin looked at another Iron Palm disciple.

The disciple hurriedly said, "Don't kill me, I will take you to find our leader."

Then the disciple hurriedly led Dai Daojin in, and the disciples of the Tiezhang Gang who came and went didn't care when they saw this disciple leading someone in, but the injured disciple would probably be found soon.

After walking for a while, passing through a martial arts training ground, Dai Daojin saw many disciples of the Iron Palm Gang practicing martial arts. It can also be regarded as a good player, and has a capable temperament.

Dai Daojin secretly thought that Qiu Qianren was able to dominate Xiangxi, and it was indeed some means to defeat the Hengshan faction.

Not long after, the disciple stopped, turned his head to look at the person behind him in fear, pointed to the larger courtyard ahead, and said in a low voice, "The leader is here."

Dai Daojin looked at the courtyard with the closed gate, and waved his hand to let the disciple leave.

The disciple looked up at Dai Daojin again, and quickly ran away, but he didn't run very far. When the disciple turned his head again, he found that Dai Daojin was heading for the guild master's courtyard.

This disciple suddenly shouted loudly, "Come here, someone has broken into the mountain." The nearby Iron Palm disciples heard the shout and quickly gathered here.

Dai Daojin didn't care when he heard the movement behind him, he still walked slowly towards the courtyard.

On both sides of the gate of the courtyard stood a disciple of the Iron Palm Gang, who drew their swords and surrounded them, shouting, "Stop coming."

Dai Daojin said, "Master Qiu, there are guests coming, why don't you come out to greet them?"



The sound was relatively small at first, but then it became louder and louder, and the sound waves rolled like thunder on the Iron Palm Peak.

The disciples who had just gathered around and wanted to take down this reckless trespasser of the Iron Palm Gang were really staring at the sound of inner strength.

"Hahaha, honored guests are coming, you are all scattered, please come in." A rough voice sounded in the theater, and then the door of the courtyard was opened.

Dai Daojin waved his hands and walked in.

Entering this courtyard, Dai Daojin saw a middle-aged man with slightly dark complexion who was not very tall, but his body was muscular, and he looked very strong. This man stared at Dai Daojin with sparkling eyes.

Qiu Qianren's heart sank slightly, he was quite shocked by the inner power contained in the words just now, and at the same time, he was also secretly thinking about when his crimes were so masterful.

Some thoughts flashed through his mind, and Qiu Qianren cupped his hands and said, "I don't know the name of brother Tai Gao, why did you come to my Iron Palm Gang?"

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Banglor Qiu doesn't know me anymore? We've met each other for more than 20 years."

Qiu Qianren frowned, more than 20 years ago?Thinking about it carefully is still puzzling.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Master Qiu, do you still remember what you did in the Dali Palace more than 20 years ago?"

Qiu Qianren thought for a while, his face changed slightly, and he said coldly, "I don't know what you are talking about?"

Dai Daojin chuckled, and burst out suddenly, rushing to Qiu Qianren in an instant, the yin and yang qi in his body rushed like a river, and at the same time, the power of his body also burst out, and his fist carried a powerful force, smashing towards Qiu Qianren.

The strong wind hit his face, and Qiu Qianren's expression changed drastically.


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