In a market town, Yang Kang in a gray blouse walked slowly forward with a tired face. He hadn't eaten for a day, and the dozens of pennies he brought with him had already been spent by him.

After he walked out of his home, he has been heading north for more than half a month. He didn't want to be a farmer all his life with his face to the loess and his back to the sky. He couldn't stand that kind of hard life, so he decided to go back to Zhongdu, to Wanyan Honglie. go there.


Yang Kang staggered and almost fell.

"You don't have fucking eyes, do you?" There was a voice of cursing in front of him.

Yang stood up straight, looked up and saw two policemen wearing cross-footed headbands, crew-neck shirts, calf wraps, and hemp shoes, with long knives around their waists, staring at him. , swearing in his mouth.

Yang Kang frowned, the other party was a little closer, the smell of alcohol was almost sprayed on his face, hearing this man's dirty mouth, Yang Kang couldn't help clenching his fists.

The other policeman saw it, stared at him, and shook the chain around his waist, "What? You still want to do something? Believe it or not, I arrested you and locked you up?"

Yang Kang tensed his cheeks and did not speak, the arrester who bumped into him suddenly raised his foot.

Yang Kang's body was weak, he didn't expect the other party to make a sudden move, and he was kicked to the ground. He just wanted to stand up and resist, but stopped again, laying on the ground without moving.

The arrester who kicked the man drank a little too much, kicked him again, cursed and was dragged away by another man.

Yang Kang lay there, staring at the ground, and saw an ant on the ground, struggling to carry a piece of steamed bread crumbs as big as its body, moving bit by bit.


A big foot walked by, Yang Kang was stunned for a moment, and when he looked again, he saw that the ant and the crumbs of steamed bread had been trampled into a white spot.

Yang Kang stared blankly at the white spot, slowly clenched his fists, his eyes slowly became more gloomy, and there was a gloomy look between his brows.

"Hey, are you okay?" A crisp voice came from above.

Yang Kang raised his head slowly, the first thing that caught his eyes was a pair of blue embroidered cloth shoes, his eyes moved up, and then a green skirt appeared in his eyes, the sunlight was a little glaring, which made him squint his eyes to see the person in front of him clearly .

Because he was looking up, the owner of the voice blocked some of the sunlight, making this person seem to be glowing all over. Yang Kang's eyes fell on his face, his complexion was fair, his face was clear, and his eyes were full of pity.

Yang Kang was taken aback, pity?Have mercy on whom?Have mercy on me?

The corner of Yang Kang's mouth curved slightly, and a hint of self-mockery flashed across.

Qu Lanru was also taken aback. She had seen this man's clothes, but she didn't expect him to be white and clean. She could be called Yushu Linfeng. She followed the convoy of the Sifang Security Bureau and traveled all over the world. It is guessed that this person was probably someone of some status before, and it is estimated that something happened to make him become like this.

Qu Lanru has seen such things a lot, the world is becoming more and more chaotic, such things happen every day, but I don't know where it happened.

Qu Lanru took out a few copper coins from her bosom, bent down and put them on the ground, and said softly, "Go and buy something to eat, fill your stomach first, everything will pass."

Yang Kang glanced at her again with an inexplicable expression.

"Lan Ru, let's go." The voice came from not far away.

Qu Lanru turned her head and said loudly, "Got it, Uncle Feng." Then, she turned and left.

Yang Kang lowered his head and picked up the six copper plates, carefully blowing off the dust on them, stood up, and looked at the direction in which the woman was leaving.

Seeing the woman in the green shirt walking forward with the convoy, Yang Kang caught a glimpse of the flags on the convoy, looked down at the copper plate in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Sifang Escort, Lan Ru."

Afterwards, Yang Kang bought five full heads, spent five copper coins, put the remaining copper coin in his arms, left the market town, and headed north.


In Lin'an City, Ping An Inn.

The Jiangnan Seven Monsters and Guo Jing have been here for more than half a month.

In the room, Han Baoju was a little irritable, and said loudly, "How long will we have to wait?"

Not to mention the irritable Han Baoju, even Zhu Cong couldn't bear it any longer, he folded his fan in his hand, looked at Ke Zhen'e who was sitting there and asked, "Brother, could it be Yang Kang who lied to us?"

It turned out that when Mu Nianci said that Wanyan Honglie was going to steal "Wu Mu's Last Letter", everyone asked Yang Kang what the detailed plan was.

Yang Kang was in a very complicated mood at that time, he only thought that he would have nothing to do with Wanyan Honglie in the future, so he didn't hide it even when he was depressed, and revealed his plan to steal the book of war.

The reason why Wanyan Honglie wanted to steal "Wu Mu's Last Letter" was because Jin Kingdom had repeatedly failed in several battles with Mongolia, so he wanted to obtain "Wu Mu's Last Letter" to defeat Mongolia and invade Song Dynasty.

Later, he sent secret agents to the Southern Dynasty to secretly investigate the whereabouts of the military books. The Southern Dynasty was full of treacherous people, and there were many people who bowed to the Kingdom of Jin. pawn.

Back then Han Shizhong was the privy envoy and Yue Fei was the deputy privy envoy. This old soldier was Han Shizhong's subordinate. From his mouth, it was discovered that "Wu Mu's Last Letter" was hidden in the Shuilian Cave to the east of Cuiwei Hall in Lin'an University.

That's why Wanyan Honglie summoned Peng Lianhu, Sha Tongtian, Liang Ziweng and other underworld masters to go to the water cave to steal "Wu Mu's Last Letter". To be on the safe side, Wanyan Honglie even invited Ouyang Feng and Ouyang Ke's uncle and nephew to help.

But Ouyang Feng didn't come, but Ouyang Ke did.

After Yang Kang finished talking about Yan Honglie's plan, everyone present at that time discussed and planned to go to Lin'an to prevent these people from stealing the book of war.

However, because Quanzhen Sect had something to do, Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji went back to Zhongnan Mountain, saying that the Seven Heroes of the South of the Yangtze River would go first, and they would come to deal with Quanzhen Sect's affairs.

Therefore, the Seven Devils of the South of the Yangtze River brought Guo Jing to Lin'an City, they didn't dare to trespass, they could only wait for the arrival of Wanyan Honglie and others in Lin'an.

But they have been waiting in the inn for almost a month, and they haven't waited for anyone yet.

That's why Han Baoju complained before.

Hearing Zhu Cong's words, Ke Zhen'e stroked the iron stick in his hand, and there was also a trace of doubt on his brows, Yang Kang and Wanyan Honglie have been father and son for 18 years, who knows if he is telling the truth?

Han Xiaoying hesitated and said, "Probably not. Yang Kang suffered such a short-term change that day, how could he make up such a reasonable lie to deceive us?"

Zhu Cong opened the folding fan in his hand with a snap, and while waving the fan, paced back and forth with a smile, "Seventh sister, that's not necessarily the case. This kid has been with the Wanyan dog thief for 18 years. He hasn't learned anything else. I'm afraid he's full of thoughts." If you don’t learn less, it is very likely that he will change a part of the plan and tell us, and send us away, so as to help that Wanyan Honglie do things.”

Han Xiaoying frowned, thought carefully about Yang Kang's expression that day, shook her head slightly, still did not believe that he was lying, turned to look at Nan Xiren, and asked, "Fourth brother, what do you think?"

The others also looked at Nan Xiren.

Nancy Ren doesn't talk much, but the Seven Devils attach great importance to her opinions, because in the past, her words always hit the point and hit everything.

Nan Xiren thought for a while and said, "Wait a few more days, if no one comes, just ask Yang Kang."

Ke Zhen E thumped the iron stick, and said, "Just listen to the fourth brother, wait another seven days, if Wanyan Honglie still doesn't come, then we'll go to Yang Kang to ask for clarification."

"Yes, big brother." The rest of the Seven Devils echoed.

Not long after, the door was pushed open, and it was Guo Jing who came back.

He was sent out by the Seven Monsters every day to guard at the gate of the city, watching the passers-by.

Seeing Guo Jing coming back, Han Xiaoying hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

Guo Jing shook his head, and replied honestly, "I didn't see it."


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