After listening to Zhu Cong's words, Dai Daojin glanced at him indifferently, ignored him, and didn't bother to explain anything to them.

Seeing that he ignored him, Zhu Cong's expression changed slightly.

Yang Tiexin knew that although Brother Huang seemed to be smiling and talkative, he was actually the most alienated from others and not easy to get close to. Seeing Zhu Cong's embarrassment, he hurriedly explained, "Brother Zhu was joking, brother Huang can help Yang already I am grateful.”

Zhu Cong smiled and nodded, not talking, but in his heart he had a bad feeling about this guy who appeared out of nowhere.

Dai Daojin didn't bother to argue with this group of people, he looked at the sky and said, "Twenty miles ahead, there is a village where you rest now, and I will bring people to find you when the time comes. The capital is gone."

Yang Tiexin knew that his martial arts were low, and although he really wanted to go there in person, he also knew that going would be a burden. Hearing this, he nodded in agreement and cupped his hands to express his gratitude.

Qiu Chuji and Ma Yu naturally had no objections.

Seeing that Dai Daojin had arranged for them, the Seven Devils of the South of the Yangtze River wanted to say a few more words, but they also knew that now was not the time for conflicts, so they didn't say anything, expressing their acquiescence.

Dai Daojin turned around and raised his feet, suddenly remembered something, turned to look at Guo Jing and said, "Brother Guo Jing, I have to trouble you to come with me this time to save people, and do me a favor."

Guo Jing listened, scratched his head, and looked at the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River.

Although Ke Zhen'e had a bad temper, he had nothing to say about the chivalry in his bones, he said, "Jing'er, you can go with Huang Shaoxia and beat him up."

Guo Jing bowed and said, "Yes, master, that disciple has gone."

Immediately, the two left with Qinggong.

Seeing Guo Jing's lightness kung fu, Qiu Chuji's eyes showed surprise. When did this kid's lightness kung fu become so good?This footwork doesn't look like the Jin Yangong taught by Quanzhen, does it?

He couldn't help turning his head to look at senior brother Ma Yu. He knew that Ma Yu had taught Guo Jing Kung Fu, and he thought his senior brother had taught him something else. But seeing the surprise in senior brother Ma Yu's eyes, he immediately understood that Guo Jing had learned lightness kung fu from nowhere. I don't believe that the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River have such rough martial arts, and the lightness kung fu entrusted to their apprentices can be so elegant and unrestrained.

Seeing everyone mounted their horses, Qiu Chuji had no choice but to suppress his doubts and followed, but his heart sank. With the lightness kung fu just now, he couldn't be sure who would win the martial arts contest between Guo Jing and Yang Kang.


In the afternoon, Dai Daojin, who had changed his clothes, brought Guo Jing into Zhongdu again.

The soldiers at the city gate strictly checked the passers-by, it seemed that Wanyan Honglie gave the order.

The two still returned to the Jingyang Inn.

Inside the house, Dai Daojin looked at Guo Jing and said with a smile, "Brother Guo, I don't know where you live in the desert? Turn around, if I have time, I can visit your house."

Guo Jing smiled and said, "Brother Huang, do you want to go to the desert? We're done here. I'll be your guide and take you to play." Having said that, he still told Dai Daojin the address of their residence.

Dai Daojin memorized it in his heart, found a chair to sit down, and said with a smile, "Yes, the scenery of the desert is very different from that of the Central Plains, so I want to experience it. After all, traveling thousands of miles is worse than reading thousands of books."

Guo Jing listened, pondered for a while, and felt that it made sense, and said with a simple smile, "This sentence seems to make sense, brother Huang is really talented."

Dai Daojin was speechless, and smiled, "I didn't say that."

Guo Jing scratched his head and smiled, not knowing what to say.

Later, Dai Daojin chatted with Guo Jing about Qimen gossip, some things about the Book of Changes, and Guo Jing had some things in his mind, and he said it clearly and logically.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Brother Guo, didn't you see it? You are quite a rough person. I didn't expect to have such a research on the Book of Changes."

Guo Jing blushed, and said awkwardly, "I haven't studied the Book of Changes, it was told to me by someone...someone else."

Dai Daojin smiled, and pulled him to continue the chat. Seeing Guo Jing talking there, asking what he didn't understand, Dai Daojin smiled. Secret knowledge is dead, you still have to understand memory.


On the third day, the palace of Prince Zhao was covered with white silk, and the news of Princess Zhao's assassination passed away.

At night, in a dark alley.

Dai Daojin casually threw a package at Guo Jing.

Guo Jing hurriedly caught it, his hand sank suddenly, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Huang, what is this thing? Aren't we going to sneak into Zhao Wang's mansion to save people tonight?"

In the darkness, Dai Daojin said gloomyly, "You feel it yourself and know what it is soon?"

Guo Jing groped for the package with his hand, was startled, almost threw the thing in his hand, and said in a low voice, "This... is this a person?"

Dai Daojin looked at the cold full moon in the sky, and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense, carry her on your back, and let's go."

Guo Jing heard this, although he didn't know why he carried a dead body into Zhao Wang's mansion, but he didn't ask any further questions, and carried the package on his back with some trembling in his heart.

The two of them slipped into Zhao Wang's mansion like two ghost shadows.

Dai Daojin pointed in one direction, and said in a low voice, "Go over there and wait for me, I have something to do, come as soon as you go, and hide carefully."

Guo Jing turned his head to look at the direction Dai Daojin was pointing at, and was about to speak when he turned his head, but there was no one in sight.

This palace occupies quite a large area, and he is not familiar with it, so he had to follow Dai Daojin's words and sneak over there.

Dai Daojin found Mu Nianci and explained to her the whole story.

Mu Nianci also breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, she was a little worried about her adoptive father these two days.

Dai Daojin walked to the window, looked at it, turned to Mu Nianci and said, "Get ready, we will leave together later."

Mu Nianci nodded.


When Dai Daojin found Guo Jing, he found Guo Jing hiding in a dark corner, motionless.

Dai Daojin was a little speechless, walked to his side, Guo Jing also found him, hurriedly asked in a low voice, "Brother Huang, you are here, what should we do now?"

Dai Daojin said with a slight smile, "Guo Jing, I will give you a good thing first."

Guo Jing wondered, "What a good thing."

Dai Daojin waved his hand, motioning for him to follow.

Afterwards, the two came to a courtyard quietly and walked to the door of the room.

Dai Daojin stretched out his right hand and pressed lightly on the door, exhaling Yin and Yang Qi, and without a sound, the bolt behind the door was shattered into pieces.

Dai Daojin grabbed the package on Guo Jing's back, pointed to the door lightly, and signaled him to go in.

Guo Jing didn't suspect him, so he opened the door and entered.

Dai Daojin didn't go in, and closed the door casually, but there was a soft sound when closing the door.

Just as Guo Jing entered, he found that the door was closed behind him. Just as he was about to turn around, someone in the room shouted loudly.


Then a gust of wind paved the way.

Guo Jing tilted his body involuntarily, then stepped on his feet, turned around, and came behind the person in the room.

As soon as the blow missed, the man was startled, and just about to speak, the intruder behind him slapped his back with his palm, feeling the palm wind from his back, he worked hard on his back, trying to resist the palm.

Outside the house, Dai Daojin heard the sound coming from the house from time to time, and then there was the sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground.

Hearing footsteps suddenly, Dai Daojin carried the package, stepped lightly, and swept into the dark.

"What are you going to do?"

"There seems to be some movement in Shenxianren's room, let's go check it out."

"You don't want to die. Those people in the Jianghu make a lot of noise every day. No matter what he does, he might be scolded. Go to yourself."

"Then...then I won't go, let's go, go to the front yard and have a look."

After waiting for a while, Dai Daojin stepped aside and entered the room.

Inside the house, Dai Daojin could see clearly, he saw an old man with white beard on the ground, his face was pale, lying on the ground trembling slightly, on the other side, Guo Jing was hugging a giant python to suck blood.

Dai Daojin glanced at the white-bearded old man, and then stopped looking. This man was obviously exhausted.

He turned around and walked to Guo Jing's side, only to see that he was still biting the python tightly and would not let go.


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