Han Xiaoying was the only woman among the Seven Heroes, and she was very concerned about Guo Jing when she was in the desert. When she heard Guo Jing say that something was wrong with his body, she hurriedly asked, "Jing'er, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Guo Jing thought for a while, then briefly talked about what happened that night, as well as some changes in his body.

Hearing this, the Seven Heroes looked at each other in blank dismay. They have been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and they have never heard of such a strange thing. They can imprint martial arts into other people's minds. The few martial arts that Guo Jing said just now are just a few words. , but the principles of martial arts are extremely subtle, obviously it is a very good skill.

Zhu Cong always spoke funny, he said with a smile, "Jing'er, could it be that a fairy entrusted him with a dream?"

Han Baoju's temper was the most irritable, and he said loudly: "Jing'er, come here, I'll show you." After speaking, he walked to Guo Jing's side in a few steps, grabbed Guo Jing's left hand, and passed through with a ray of inner breath.

Everyone in the Seven Heroes watched his reaction.

Han Baoju used his internal energy to check Guo Jing's meridians, and felt that Guo Jing's meridians were much wider and tougher than his. When he came to the sea of ​​qi, he felt an extremely pure zhenqi hovering there. Although it is not deep, it is powerful.

Guo Jing silently felt the internal force of the three masters running in his meridians, so he didn't dare to move.

Han Baoju checked and saw that there was nothing wrong with it, so he planned to withdraw that ray of internal energy. It was fine to withdraw that ray of internal energy honestly, but it just circled around in the sea of ​​​​qi before leaving.

The Beiming Zhenqi in Guo Jing's dantian qi sea suddenly, like a cat smelling fish, suddenly pounced on Han Baoju's ray of internal energy.

Han Baoju's expression changed suddenly, he felt the hard-working internal energy in his body flowing into Guo Jing's body in an endless stream, he wanted to speak but couldn't speak.

Guo Jing also noticed this abnormality at this time, he swung his right hand suddenly, and opened the hand held by the third master. Because he forcibly interrupted the exercise, he couldn't help but shake his true energy, his chest and abdomen hurt, and his face turned pale.

Han Baoju stepped back a few steps, looked at Guo Jing with a look of astonishment.

Guo Jing didn't care about himself, and hurried forward to help the third master, but Han Baoju hurriedly avoided.

Han Baoju stared and didn't speak, Han Xiaoying asked in surprise: "Third Brother, what's wrong with you?" The rest of Nan Xiren and the others also looked on in surprise.

Ke Zhen'e was blind and couldn't see the reaction of the two of them. Hearing Han Xiaoying's exclamation, he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong, what happened?"

At this moment, Han Baoju's shock had calmed down a bit. Just for a moment, he thought that his internal energy would be gone for the rest of his life. Looking at Guo Jing, he said in amazement: "Jing'er, what kind of evil skills have you practiced?"

Guo Jing also had a look of fear, looked at the third master apologetically, and said, "Third master, I don't even know that this mysterious person taught this to me, and I can't..."

The rest of the Seven Heroes were dying of anxiety, so they hurriedly asked Han Baoju and Guo Jing what was going on.

Han Baoju said: "Just now I used internal force to check Jing'er's body, and there was nothing abnormal in Jing'er's body. Just when I was about to withdraw this internal force, I suddenly felt a strong suction force coming from Jing'er's body. It only took three or four breaths. , the internal force in my body has decreased by nearly one-third."

The rest of the Seven Heroes were also shocked, and Han Xiaoying exclaimed even more, "Jing'er, is that so?"

Guo Jing kept silent, his face was ugly, and he nodded.

Ke Zhen'e said angrily: "Sucking people's internal energy is a crooked way, Jing'er, you are not allowed to practice this kind of demonic technique."

Guo Jing looked puzzled, and said in a shy voice: "Master, I don't want to practice. I woke up that day and wanted to practice the original mental method, but it didn't work. My meridians were in severe pain, and I wanted to forget it. But that martial art seems to be engraved in my disciple's heart, and I can't forget it no matter what..."

Ke Zhen'e got up and shouted angrily: "Since this is the case, if I don't prevent you from causing trouble in the world, I will kill you when I see the sun."

"Hoo!" The iron stick swung and hit Guo Jingtian's spirit cover.

"No, brother."

"Brother, wait a minute."

"Wait." The rest of the Seven Heroes exclaimed to stop them.

"Dang" an iron fan supported the iron staff, but it was Zhu Cong who made the move.

Han Xiaoying quickly pulled Guo Jing aside and stood behind her.

Zhu Cong shook his numb arm, knowing that his elder brother was serious and wanted to kill Jing'er, so he said, "Brother, take it easy."

Although his words are witty, his thoughts are the most thoughtful. Among the Seven Heroes, he and Ke Zhen'e are the strongest in martial arts, and said: "Brother, it's not his own will that Jing'er practiced the Lao Shizi's "North Ming Magic Art". We watched him grow up, how could he have cholera due to his temperament and temperament."

Nan Xiren said: "Jing'er's character, what martial arts she uses is not important."

Han Xiaoying also said: "That's right, big brother, Jing'er has always been kind-hearted, even if he has learned this demon technique, he will not use it to attract people's skills." After speaking, she played a trick on Guo Jing.

Guo Jing, who had just closed his eyes and waited to die, bent his knees, knelt on the ground, and said: "Master, all masters, my disciples have learned this evil skill by accident, but they will never use it to absorb people's internal energy. After avenging the murder of my father, my disciple will forfeit his martial arts and return to the desert to serve his mother."

Ke Zhen'e acted out of anger just now, and now he regrets it, but he still said: "Okay, Jing'er, I remember what you said today."

Guo Jing said: "I will never forget." Han Xiaoying hurriedly pulled Guo Jing up.

In a room not far away, Dai Daojin, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, opened his eyes at this moment, with deep eyes, expressionless face, and softly said: "Idiot."


The next day, everyone gathered in a room.

Qiu Chuji pointed to Yang Tiexin, and said to the Jiangnan Seven Heroes: "Everyone, this is Yang Kang's biological father, Yang Tiexin."

Then pointing to the Seven Heroes of Jiangnan, he said to Yang Tiexin, "Brother Yang, these seven are the famous Seven Heroes of Jiangnan."

The two sides greeted each other.

Yang Tiexin cupped his hands, and said gratefully, "I never thought that Yang would get help from all the heroes in the rivers and lakes. Yang is really grateful." As he spoke, he bowed to the Seven Devils of the South of the Yangtze River, Qiu Chuji, Ma Yu and others A salute.

Ke Zhen'E laughed and said, "Brother Yang is the successor of Zhongliang, and besides, he is Jing'er's uncle. If Brother Yang is in trouble, the seven of us naturally have a duty to do so."

Hearing this, Yang Tiexin said excitedly, "Jing'er? Is my brother Guo's son also here?"

Han Xiaoying smiled and said, "Brother Yang, Jing'er has gone out and should be back soon."

Everyone chatted, and after a while, Guo Jing came.

Looking at Yang Tiexin who kept calling himself Jing'er and saying that he was his nephew, Guo Jing was happy, but at the same time he was a little puzzled. He saw a woman coming and going to the palace looking for this man. How could this man become his in a blink of an eye? uncle?

All the relatives present were Guo Jing's relatives, Guo Jing asked directly, "Uncle Yang, my nephew saw a woman coming and going in and out of the palace looking for you, I don't know..."

Yang Tiexin then told about his adopted daughter, Mu Nianci.

The Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River showed surprise, Zhu Cong laughed and said, "Jing'er, you silly boy, you almost took your righteous sister as a villain."

Guo Jing scratched his head and laughed a few times, feeling rather embarrassed.

Ma Yu stroked his beard and smiled, "Ms. Mu went deep into the tiger's mouth to save her adoptive mother, but her filial piety is very good." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Yang Tiexin looked at Guo Jing and said with a smile: "Jing'er, you have already met your sister, what do you think of her appearance? If she is betrothed to you, would you be willing?"

Guo Jing's face turned red when he heard this, and he remained silent.

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