The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 10 Lei Jun, you must be a master in the future!

Dai Daojin was in a bad mood. This Wudang entry-level method only had more than two hundred words. After the senior brother explained it for the first time, he should have basically understood it. This mental method has the most thorough understanding, and Dai Daojin dares to say that he has the most thorough understanding.

However, what Dai Daojin didn't expect was that after seven days, he still didn't feel angry. It's Zhongzheng and peace, but basically people with average qualifications can feel angry within ten and a half months.It has been seven days since I have cultivated according to my mind, but I still don't feel the existence of qi at all.

Among the new disciples, the most famous one these days is Li Rong. This young man from the Li family became angry within three days, and his martial arts aptitude was outstanding. Rong received it under his sect and bestowed the Taoist name "Qingxu". It is said that the real person in charge at that time chanted "Seven-colored flowers and a crane, when will I take advantage of the Qingxu", which shows that Xinxuanzi has great expectations for Li Rong.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Dai Daojin thought that his aptitude was very good, and he should be angry soon. Who would have thought that after seven days, there was still no movement. He sighed, maybe his aptitude should not be top-notch.

Martial arts aptitude is actually a comprehensive condition, which includes a person's understanding, mind, and physical condition. Understanding usually refers to a person's ability to understand martial arts and mental methods, draw inferences from one instance, and even apply them flexibly. Innovation capacity.Xinxing refers to a person's character, endurance, persistence and ability to deal with others. Physical condition refers to a person's body's ability to accept martial arts, which usually includes human body structure, bones and internal organs, whether it is suitable for martial arts training .

These three conditions are very important. Dai Daojin thought to himself, if you connect with your past and present lives, and you went to school and studied Daoist scriptures in your previous life, your comprehension should not be bad. In your previous life, you have practiced Taoism and meditated for decades. In terms of mind and nature, you can’t say that you have reached the state of being as good as water, but in the end is not bad.

Dai Daojin felt that his problem might be due to his physical condition. Dai Daojin was not considered strong. He grew up in a farming family and did not eat well.The old Taoist priest and master Daoxuanzi at the west end of the village praised himself well, and it should be his own heart.

Dai Daojin thought to himself, maybe his body is just like a human being, and it's only been seven days.

Dai Daojin stood up, patted the dust off his buttocks, and walked to his residence.

In the days that followed, Dai Daojin could not be shaken every day. Every day at noon and midnight, he would practice for two full hours. At other times, he would take out the borrowed Taoist scriptures to study.


Today is the one-month period Yan Shouhua agreed upon, and all the disciples gathered in the square, but Dai Daojin was not among them, because he had already been taken under by Daoxuanzi Daoxuanzi, so today is the day when Wudang elders choose the best to accept disciples. Did not participate, Dai Daojin didn't even come to join in the fun, firstly, Dai Daojin himself is not a person who likes to join in the fun, and because he is not in a good mood now.

Yes, Dai Daojin was in a bad mood. He thought that he didn't have top-notch aptitude, but at least he had to be a middle-aged man. Who would have thought that it would be like this.

Dai Daojin sat cross-legged on the bed. The excitement of practicing the sense of qi yesterday had long since passed away. His face was depressed. His physical aptitude was really average. During this month, among the new disciples, many disciples started to feel the sense of qi intermittently. But he couldn't give birth for a long time, and he was anxious, but he could only suppress his emotions and practice honestly. Finally, yesterday, one month away, he felt angry. Dai Daojin almost cried at that time. He was afraid that his body was not suitable for martial arts training. , is a "martial arts insulator".

Dai Daojin tidied up his emotions, cheered up his spirits, and thought, it's okay, as long as he can practice, poor aptitude means poor aptitude. He doesn't believe that he can't practice martial arts well if he puts in ten times and a hundred times more effort than others.

Think about Guo Jing, dull and stupid, but with great perseverance, he didn't become a super master in the end, Dai Daojin thought to himself, he didn't want to fight for the number one in the world, he just wanted to appreciate the mystery of martial arts, and feel the untouchables in his previous life The charm of the rivers and lakes, as long as you work hard, it should not be a big problem to have the ability to protect yourself in the rivers and lakes.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin completely calmed down.

"Bang" the door was suddenly opened.

A tall and strong boy with a black face barged in and shouted, "Senior Brother Chongxu, why didn't you go to the square to watch the ceremony?"

Hearing this loud voice, and looking at the simple-faced black boy in front of him, Dai Daojin said helplessly, "Da Zhuang, can't you knock on the door before you enter?"

Hei boy scratched his head, his face full of indifference, Dai Daojin looked at it, a little funny, hei boy's surname is Lei, his name is Lei Dazhuang, he is a disciple in the same group as him, he heard that his family is a butcher, he just came here This guy is not like this. I remember seeing this guy for the first time. Although he is taller and stronger than his peers, this guy has a little inferiority complex and dare not communicate with others. Don't dare to ask the brothers who lead the team and the brothers who are in the same group.

Once, he guessed that he really had no other choice. Seeing that Dai Daojin usually showed no aggressiveness or pride, and he didn't look contemptuous in his eyes, he bit the bullet and asked Dai Daojin a question. Dai Daojin didn't care, so he answered casually. After coming and going, this guy has become acquainted with Dai Daojin. Compared with other disciples, the two are closer.

The black boy grinned and said, "Brother, I have been accepted as a disciple by Daoist Priest Lie Xuanzi."

Dai Daojin's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he was sincerely happy for him: "That's very good, the real Lie Xuanzi is the elder of Wudang, and his martial arts are extremely good. If he teaches you martial arts in the future, you will definitely become a master in the world.", Although Dai Daojin was surprised by this matter, he also understood that although this guy is stupid and thick, his martial arts aptitude is very good. He became angry within six or seven days, and his aptitude is more than his own 01:30 point.

"That's right, the master touched my whole body at that time, and said that my bones are easy for ordinary people, suitable for learning some tough martial arts, in line with his style, so he accepted me." Hei boy said with a smile.

After hearing this, Dai Daojin smiled and said to himself, Uncle Lie Xuanzi must have touched your bones. This guy should be in good physical condition, and his bones are different from ordinary people. Uncle's fierce way.

Seeing that Dai Daojin didn't speak, Hei Xiaozi said again: "Besides, the master also changed my name, saying that Lei Dazhuang's name is not good, and he won't be able to get on the stage. He said he was the one who threw him out."

After hearing this, Dai Daojin asked curiously, "Then what did the uncle change your name?"

"Lei Jun"

Dai Daojin was silent after listening, without commenting.

"Lei Jun" was on the side, muttering: "I also think this name is nice, much more exciting than Lei Dazhuang, hehe."

Dai Daojin was silent for a while, and said to "Lei Jun" seriously: "Lei Jun, you must be a master in the future." He added in his heart, although you don't know how to make a mobile phone.

Lei Jun nodded fiercely after listening.

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