The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 1 Iron Head, let's compare who pees farther

At noon, the sky was scorching hot, and the sun swayed the heat without hesitation.

After lunch, at the east end of Daijia Village, there are towering trees with luxuriant branches. Under the shade of the trees, the villagers of Daijia Village are lying or sitting, some are sleeping, and some are chatting softly.The weather was hot, and it was unbearable to stay at home, so after dinner, the villagers all came out to enjoy the coolness. Although the leaves were drooping and there was no wind, it was better than staying at home.

The stream next to it seems to feel the heat of the sun, without any waves, it flows slowly, and the calm water surface is like a mirror.

Only the sound of children playing in the water from the downstream seemed to bring a little vitality to this dull afternoon.

Under the shade of trees beside the stream, Dai Daojin quietly looked at the figure in the water.

Reflected on the surface of the water is the figure of a seven or eight-year-old child, with messy hair and an ordinary face, which is the type that is difficult to find in the crowd. The body is thin and malnourished. Can't see any look.

"Bang", Dai Daojin was startled, and turned his head to look.

"Tietouba, why don't you go play in the water with those children?" Uncle Fa Cai, who was sitting not far away, threw down the dirt in his hands, clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"Ah, I just had dinner, take a break, let's go now, hehe," Dai Daojin said with a dry smile, stood up, and walked downstream.

Dai Daojin thought as he walked, it seems that he has come to ancient times, but he doesn't know if it is the ancient times of the original time and space, and if so, which dynasty, this question has to be clarified slowly, and it is not good to ask the village directly My lord, a little kid who has never been out of the village, suddenly asked my lord, what dynasty is it now, who is the emperor, I am afraid that the one who greets me is the witch at the west end of the village, so I have to think carefully.

I don’t know how much I have read Daozang. For the sake of my thoughts, Dai Daojin has also read some ghosts and strange tales. I have also read many modern online novels. The system, the national art system, I have also studied it myself, and even discussed it with the branch presidents of various provinces, but I didn't come up with anything after that, but I did find a lot of information on various aspects.

Dai Daojin thought to himself that other people who travel through time travel are either rich or expensive, either they are golden fingers, or their qualifications are against the sky.

Touching my face, I thought that I have been here for almost a month, and I don't have golden fingers, nor does the system. As for this appearance, I refer to my father, and it should not belong to the category of longer and more handsome.

Dai Daojin, ah, no, it should be called Dai Tietou now. There is a story about the origin of this name.

There are six members in Tietou's family. The father wears a cow, the mother wears Tianshi, and four children. The eldest wears Dazhu, the second wears Erzhu, the third wears Sanhua, and the youngest Tietou himself.When Dai Tietou first came to this world, when he heard his name, he rejected it in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it, and the name might stay with him for the rest of his life. Changing back to the name of the previous life is simply nonsense.You know, no matter in ancient times or modern times, population management is the most important thing, which is related to taxation and local government achievements. Even though the transmission of information in ancient times was slow, a seven or eight-year-old child like Tie Tou must have been registered in the government. How can the name be changed as soon as it is said?

But later, Tietou got used to it, and the name was pretty good in the countryside, but I have to say, why didn't Tietou follow the number of the eldest, the second, and the third, and then go down, called Dai Sizhu, it turned out to be Tietou's father , I feel that the family's population expansion plan has almost been implemented, and it has almost reached the limit of this family. I am afraid that the regeneration will be overwhelmed, so after a drink, I gave the youngest a strong name, and I don't plan to continue After the birth, until now, every time Tietou's name is mentioned, the illiterate father is very proud.

As for why there are so many children when the family is poor, you must know that in ancient times, the emphasis was on the prosperity of the population, and people meant labor force, and there were no entertainment activities in ancient times, especially for poor people, so whenever the sun went down, they would rest early , the rest are those things.

Walking downstream, I saw a few kids from the same village playing and playing in the shallow water, but the iron head didn't join in. They found a place to sit under the shade of a nearby tree and continued to be dazed.

It has been more than a month since I came to this world, and I have gradually started to adapt. A few days ago, Tietou carefully went back and forth in the village to understand the basic situation of Daijia Village.

Daijia Village is a small village with less than [-] households, arranged in two rows from east to west.

To his disappointment, there is no teacher in the village. If he wants to go to school, several nearby villages have to go to the school in the town. However, one leg was broken, but it was not broken by killing an enemy on the battlefield, but by the blacksmith who swung his hammer when he was young, and he was not good at learning skills. .

The hope of finding the hidden expert was shattered.

Sighing, it seems that he can only rely on himself in the future, Tie Tou thought to himself, he must find a chance to go to the town to have a look, otherwise it will not be a problem to stay in this small mountain village all the time, farming the land for a lifetime, but It's not what I hoped. I didn't have any accumulation of agriculture in my previous life.

Tie Tou murmured in his heart, going to the town is the first step, first to find out what dynasty it is, so that he can avoid unnecessary risks in doing things in the future, the second step is to see if he can study, no matter which dynasty, scholars are always affected Respectable, but I don't think there is much hope. There are six mouths to eat at home, and there is no spare money for my own education. It is possible to force my father. I guess it will make the family more difficult, so forget it.If it doesn't work, at least find an apprentice in the town. With my life experience, there will always be a bright future, anyway, I can't spend my whole life eating.

"Tie Tou, what are you doing?" Tie Tou raised his eyes, and there was a brat standing in front of him with bare buttocks, and the little bird in front of him trembled with the brat's movements, as if welcoming him into this world.

"Don't be in a daze, let's go, Tietou, let's compete together and see who pees farther," said the bear child with a grin.

Tietou raised his eyes to look at the river. Four or five brats were standing by the river in a row. Everyone had their hands on their hips, their competition tools upright, and were ready at any time.

"Hurry up, Tietou, or they won't wait for us," said the brat in front of him anxiously.

Tietou's eyelids trembled, he was a little speechless, he pursed his lips, and said, "I'll be the referee for you."

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