She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 321: Sunshine boy becomes decadent boy

These words of Chu Han made both Chu Yuheng and Meng Qingyan look shocked.

It turns out that the second sister and father still have such plans!

Chu Yuheng was shocked for a while, and soon realized the benefits of this method.

Haisheng Group and Danfei Group! Chu Chengxian and Chuci's huge property!

Compared to repairing the relationship with Chu Chengxian Chuci, Chu Yuheng even thinks it is easier to get rid of these two people!

Chu Wanyuan solemnly warned Chu Han: "Xiao Han, you can just talk about these things here. You can't mention half a word when you are outside. You only need to remember the tasks that your aunt gave you. You don't care about other things."

Chu Han shed tears and his eyes were blank: "I would rather live a little harder, be poorer, than my home would become like this, I don't want you to become like this! You look like monsters now!"

"Smack--" Chu Wanyuan slapped Chu Han, "If you have the ability, help the Chu family save the situation. If not, just do as we say, don't be full of family love and family, and you haven't had a hard day. You are not qualified to say this!"

Among the three sisters and younger brothers, only Chu Wanyuan had seen their biological mother, the nameless woman. Although she received money from their father, she lived so humble and painful that Chu Wanyuan would never forget her.

The woman told her that she had followed their father for money at the beginning, because the family owed money, debt collectors came to the door, and every day she was harassed and threatened by debt collection and lived in fright.

With money, she at least need not be afraid.

In order to live a stable life, she is willing to betray her body and her principles.

Chu Han, who was slapped in the face, stood still, motionless.

The cheek hurts, but the heart hurts even more.

Meng Qingyan rushed up and hugged Chu Han, "Second Sister, don't hit Xiaohan, he didn't do anything wrong! Don't hold Xiaohan for what you want to do! He is just a child!"

Chu Yuheng and Chu Wanyuan united the front: "Qingyan, don't make trouble. The second sister fights Xiaohan for his good. When is it now? Xiaohan needs to figure out the reality as soon as possible!"

Meng Qingyan looked at her husband, opened her mouth, and couldn't say anything to refute.

Slowly lowered his head, acquiescing to the behavior of her husband and aunt.


He was about to set off to the provincial capital to participate in the competition, but Lu Xing could not contact Chu Han.

"This kid, when it's so important, where did people go?" Lu Xing stomped anxiously.

"Something happened to the Chu family, he shouldn't be in the mood to participate in the competition, right?" said a student next to him.

Lu Xing patted his thigh, "Why did I forget about this! You continue to train and I will go to the Chu family."

Lu Xing found the current residence of the Chu family. After visiting, he met Chu Han.

The moment he opened the door, Lu Xing was stupid.

Suspect that I came to the wrong room.

How about that clean and optimistic boy?

There was only one decadent boy curled up in the corner of the room with messy hair and hollow eyes.

There were a lot of empty beer cans scattered around him, and there was a smell of alcohol when he approached.

"Chu Han! Are you crazy! You are only sixteen years old! You just learn to drink from others! Have you forgotten that you are a basketball player? How can you drink yourself like this?"

Lu Xing went forward to help Chu Han, but Chu Han was like a puddle of mud, lying on the ground and couldn't help him.

"Leave me alone..." Chu Han's voice was low and decadent, and his mouth became more alcoholic.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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