She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 305: Lin Nuo is not a good thing

Knowing that her father was in a hurry, Chu Wanyuan moved quickly, but within half an hour she contacted the person and prepared a gift.

Called Chu Yuheng to go to the destination with himself.

The destination is in the alleys of the old town.

"Is it a mistake? This place is very shabby. Does Mr. Huo really live in this place?" Chu Yuheng was a little suspicious, afraid that Chu Wanyuan would be fooled.

"Follow well, don't talk too much nonsense."

Came to the gate of a classical house.

Chu Wanyuan stepped forward and knocked on the door while pulling the copper ring.

For a while, no one opened the door.

At this moment, Chu Ci and Lin Nuo appeared in the sight of Chu Wanyuan and Chu Yuheng.

They also came to see Mr. Huo.

Chu Yuheng shuddered instinctively when he saw Chu Ci.

Chu Chengxian's warning rang in his mind again.

But soon he calmed down.

He also went there the last time Dan Fei Company had a party. Isn't Chu Chengxian doing anything to him?

So Chu Chengxian should just scare him, it wouldn't be true that he would do something to himself when he saw Chuci.

Then thinking of his father's advice to him, Chu Yuheng rarely looked at Chu Ci with kindness.

"It's such a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here, did you come to see Mr. Huo too?" Chu Yuheng greeted Chu Ci on the initiative.

Chu Wanyuan silently praised Chu Yuheng's performance today.

Immediately after Chu Wanyuan also expressed good to Chuci: "Aci, how are you doing during this time?"

Chu Ci and Lin Nuo's reaction were the same, and they didn't want to talk to these two people.

They also know the purpose of their coming here.

Chu Ci's cold reaction did not persuade Chu Yuheng and Chu Wanyuan to leave.

Chu Wanyuan continued to ask Chu Ci: "Aci, are you here to find Mr. Huo? Is there anything I need Mr. Huo's help? Are you sick or your father who is sick?"

Before Chu Ci could speak, Lin Nuo stopped in front of Chu Ci.

"No comment." Lin Nuo gave the two a warning look.

Lin Nuo's attitude annoyed Chu Yuheng: "What are you? Is there a place for you to speak?"

Chu Yu can't afford to provoke it, but Chu Yuheng can still afford it.

Chu Yuheng has suffered enough anger recently, and it doesn’t make sense to suffer from a flat anger!

Lin Nuo curled his lips and smiled: "What am I?"

Chu Yuheng looked contemptuously: "Don't think I don't know who you are. Your name is Lin Nuo. You are a poor student from Huagao High School after two years. You are still in high school at the age of 20. Son, bad conduct, and a lot of history."

Chu Wanyuan pulled Chu Yuheng a little, and smiled and said to Chu Ci: "Aci, although your uncle said something extreme, his starting point is good. He is afraid that you will be with this person. Be involved."

Chu Yuheng hurriedly seconded: "Yes, my second uncle cares about you. The sentences my second uncle just said are true. This boy is really not a good thing."

"Can you get out? I'm very busy." Chu Ci didn't have time to listen to Chu Yuheng and Chu Wanyuan's nonsense.

The reason why she came here with Lin Nuo was to get things.

I don't know if Lin Nuo did acupuncture on purpose, but didn't bring the acupuncture bag on her body. She had to come with her to get it.

What else is the natural fragrance of the trees planted in the yard good for her body?

Put it all together.

In short, I want her to come here in person.


Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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