She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 239: Meng Yuxin's careful thinking

"You can rest assured that I will not harm her. I just want her to help persuade your uncle not to do anything to our own family."

"But why can my sister convince the uncle? She has never seen the uncle."

"I have my reason, anyway, I won't hurt her." Old man Chu said firmly.

Chu Han thought about it and felt that it seemed impossible to harm Chu Ci.

Coupled with the old man's bitter pleading, he chose to agree.

"I see, I will persuade my sister."

Chu Han was in a depressed mood. Meng Yuxin saw Chu Han and hurried over to comfort him: "What's wrong with you, Xiao Han?"

"It's okay." Chu Han couldn't explain the current situation. He himself was still confused, so how could he explain clearly to Meng Yuxin.

"Xiaohan, did something happen to the Chu family? Tell me something. I will work with you to find a way. Although my surname is Meng, I believe in my heart that the Chu family is my family and there is no trouble in the Chu family. I won't stand by and watch anything!"

"Sister Yuxin, I know you care about everyone, but we shouldn't be able to do anything about this. I only know that my uncle is not dead. He is back. He is the president of Haisheng Group. He wants to retaliate against the Chu family."

"Your uncle... is the president of Haisheng Group?" Meng Yuxin looked at Chu Han in surprise.

"Yeah." Chu Han nodded.

"He... why did he take revenge on the Chu Family?"

"I don't know very well either. I vaguely heard that neither my father nor my third uncle is the child of my grandma, but the lover my grandpa is looking for outside." Chu Han explained.

His mind is buzzing now.

"Then... Then there is no need to retaliate against you? After all, it is all the grievances of the previous generation... Then Grandpa Chu is still his biological father, and his uncle is also his half brother. Is it to be read?"

"Then I really don't know, it seems that there are other grievances." Chu Han said, "The uncle would do this, it should be his reason, otherwise he wouldn't have appeared in 18 years. ."

Meng Yuxin frowned and gave Chu Han a gentle hug: "Xiao Han, don't be sad, I will always be with you, no matter what happens to the Chu family, no matter what difficulties you will encounter in the future, sister Will be by your side, we are family forever."

Meng Yuxin's comfort poured into the heart of Chu Han who was at a loss at the moment.

"Thank you Yuxin sister..."

"Stupid boy, I am your sister, thank you for what you say." Meng Yuxin patted Chu Han on the back.

Hugging Chu Han, Meng Yuxin's brows were slightly knotted in places that Chu Han did not see.

The situation in front of her is a bit complicated. She wants to see Chu Ci's departure, but at the same time, the situation of Chu Family is something she doesn't want to see.

Chu Chengxian is the president of the Haisheng Group. She has heard about how large the Haisheng Group is. Ten Chu family can't compare it.

If there is a way to resolve the conflict between Chu Chengxian and the Chu family, will the future Chu family be more brilliant than it is now?

Meng Yuxin knew very well that she and Chu Chengxian were not directly related, but Chu Chengxian and Chu Yuheng were half brothers. As long as the relationship between Chu Chengxian and Chu Yuheng could be repaired, she would Able to call Chu Chengxian "uncle" with Xiaohan.

And this uncle will be worth a thousand dollars.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish. Please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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