She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 129: All the inheritance to Chuci (4)

"Shut up!" Mr. Chu exclaimed, "You also know that these are my property. How I deal with my property is my business. I want to give it all to Chuci. You have the ability to start your own business. Go to the family property!"

Mr. Chu lost his temper. When he lost his temper, he coughed violently.

The old housekeeper immediately came to help Mr. Chu's luck.

Followed by the old housekeeper on behalf of the old man, he replied to Chu Muping: "Three young masters, whether Miss Chuci is from the Chu family, you can tell by her appearance, she is exactly the same as the late old lady, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

"She is Dad's granddaughter, am I not Dad's own son? And my two sons, are they not Dad's own grandchildren? All given to Chu Ci, what are we?" Chu Muping was also anxious. Now, I said everything in my heart.

The old man Chu had known his son's careful thoughts, but when Chu Muping spoke out, the old man was still very angry.

The old man coughed more severely, and the doctor hurried up to check the old man's condition.

Chu Muping aimed at Chu Ci again and questioned her: "You said, what is your relationship with that surname Huo? Did you collude to lie to our Chu family's property? Did you agree with him? Part of him after you get the money?"

Chu Han rushed to the front of Chu Ci and blocked Chu Muping.

"Sanshu, Chuci is our Chu family. It is his freedom for grandpa to leave the property to him, don't talk nonsense!"

Although Chu Han was two years younger than Chuci, he was taller than Chuci, and he stood in front of Chuci very tightly.

"Who knows? People are similar, maybe she just happens to look like our mother!" Chu Muping was very angry and dared to say anything.

Anyway, now that the property is gone, he has no scruples.

At this time Wei Wei said, "If you don't want Er uncle to take Chu Ci to do a DNA test, and the identification result is confirmed to be Er uncle's child, then we will recognize the result of this inheritance distribution."

Wei Wei's words changed Meng Qingyan's face greatly: "Aci is our daughter, don't talk nonsense."

Chu Yuheng also said with a sullen face: "Don't talk nonsense with the third siblings, Chuci is my daughter. This issue has nothing to do with today's inheritance issue!"

The couple insisted that Chuci was their daughter.

Wei Wei said: "We also want to determine the identity of Chu Ci's Chu family, so that we have no objection to her inheriting the Chu family's property."

Chu Muping hurriedly seconded his wife's proposal: "Yes, take Chu Ci to test the DNA. We need to see the inspection report of the authoritative organization to believe that she is really from our Chu family!"

Chu Muping and Wei Wei insisted on bringing Chu Ci to test their DNA.

The faces of Chu Yuheng and Meng Qingyan were extremely ugly.

"It can be tested." Mr. Chu said, "You can test it if you want, take my hair and go to Chu Ci's test to see if she is my granddaughter! If yes, just shut up! "

DNA testing can not only test the relationship between father and daughter, but also the relationship between grandfather and grandson.

"I don't verify." Chu Ci refused, "I don't need to give me the inheritance, I don't need to know the result."

Chu Ci did not want to participate in this dispute.

Only a few days have passed the beautiful days of eating and drinking, you will be involved in inheritance disputes and trouble.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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