She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 118: The power of love (2)

Chuci knew that if you want to be motivated, you must give the other party a little motivation.

What is the motivation? The driving force of Chuci is life;

So what Lin Nuo's is, Chuci still doesn't know, but Chuci intends to explore it a little bit.

Lin Nuo might be interested in the wine and wealth.

Lin Nuo looked at the delicious, sweet, loving bento made by Chuci himself, and admitted that he was a little moved.

"That's it?" Lin Nuo raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me what else do you want, as long as I can do it." Chu Ci is also really willing to give up, full of a hundred merit points.


"As long as it is reasonable and legal." She can't do it if it's unreasonable and illegal.

"I will think about it again." Lin Nuo did not immediately agree.

At noon, the gymnasium.

Chuci gave special training to the players outside, and Lin Nuo was surfing the internet in the next lounge.

Lu Xing took the time to come in and help Chuci as a lobbyist, wanting Lin Nuo to agree to accept Chuci's guidance.

This is that he and Chuci have reached a cooperative condition and must do their best.

Not only that, he also planned to report Lin Nuo's situation to Chu Ci from time to time, and to help purely drive away Lin Nuo's other admirers.

"Master, I heard that Sister Ci wants you to study hard?" Lu Xing smiled.

"has a problem?"

"No no, of course there is no problem!" Lu Xing waved his hand to deny.

After a pause, Lu Xing said again: "I said, Lord, Chuci is really to get you to consider all aspects, and to give you guidance on homework, saying that it is for your future considerations, but in fact, to have more with you. Time to get along! Rewarding your bento is just an excuse to make a loving bento for you. There is her full love for you. Why else would she give you homework guidance? It's for her again There is no benefit, is it?"

Lu Xing deeply analyzed for Lin Nuo the profound meaning of Chu Ci's tutoring behavior.

Lin Nuo stopped his work and looked up at Lu Xing. The expression should be thinking about Lu Xing's analysis.

Lu Xing strikes while the iron is hot: "Master, this speech is recognized as a beautiful woman in our school. Look at her again, how good basketball is, this nimble and agile reaching out, it is not easy for such a girl to rack her brains for you. What is this? This is the power of love! If a girl treats me like this, I think I will be worth it in my life."

"You are delusional." Lin Nuo snorted.

"Uh..." Why did Lu Xing feel that Lin Nuo despised him?

Well, he does not have this blessing.

"Master, these girls can't keep their faces cold. If you don't get a response when you love someone, then the hot enthusiasm will gradually cool off. Would you like to try to give Chuci a chance?"

Lu Xing continued to persuade, and Mou Zujin spoke nicely for Chuci.

Lin Nuo paused, and silently lit a cigarette.

He did not pump it in his hand.

Lin Nuo doesn't smoke, but he will order one and hold it in his hand, watching the ashes fall by himself.

After a while, Lin Nuo said, "Go and tell her, I agreed."


After completing the mission, Lu Xing ran outside to find Chu Ci and told her the good news.

Lin Nuo saw this scene through the glass windows in the lounge.

Although he could not hear the sound, he clearly saw the joyful expression on Chu Ci's face after listening to the good news that Lu Xing had brought her.

That kind of joy is very clean and pure, joy from the heart, like an innocent little girl, so cute and so beautiful.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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