She Became a Villainess

Chapter 899: Ye Qingchen absconded in fear of crime

Ye Qingchen was upset. Seeing this, he picked up something and smashed it: "What are you yelling about!"

The person who came was his assistant, and he knew his temper on weekdays, but the fact this time was too unexpected, he hurriedly avoided the things that hit him, and said anxiously: "Fourth Master, the company's stock is plummeting. !"

Ye Qingchen's face changed, and he stood up with a sigh: "What did you say?"

The assistant said: "Not only that, the stocks in your name, Fourth Master, have fallen in price inexplicably, been sold off, and..."


Ye Qingchen looked embarrassed. He looked at his assistant and waited for his next words, but he was in a hurry to come in, and he was in a hurry to speak. He gasped so much that he didn't speak for a long time.

Ye Qingchen was furious: "You..."

The assistant reacted and immediately said: "This month the trading company exported a batch of illegal items, and a group of law enforcement officers are coming to arrest Fourth Master!"

Ye Qingchen conditioned reflex: "Nonsense! When did the company break the law!?"

Assistant: "I don't know. That's what they said. Fourth Master, they are coming up soon. I have someone stop me, but it won't be long. Do you want to leave first?"

Ye Qingchen was silent.

Jin Chunluo, who was next to him, also followed: "Yeah, Fourth Master, you go first and go back to find someone to help you. It's obvious that someone is playing tricks on these things. Maybe there is something waiting for you later."

Ye Qingchen immediately thought of Ye Yuchen, but even if he suspected it was him, he couldn't do anything right now. Jin Chunluo was right. If he followed him today, maybe Ye Yuchen would have any other tricks waiting for him.

Ye Qingchen didn't have time to think, and hurriedly got up and walked outside: "I'll go through the back door, help me stop."

The assistant nodded.

Ye Qingchen didn't even dare to sit in the elevator. He went straight up the stairs and walked fast along the way, but in a few minutes he ran down from dozens of stories high. He didn't drive. Got a car and went straight away.

By the time the law enforcement officers went upstairs, Ye Qingchen had already slipped away.

Qin Zhizhi was so bored that he sat on the bed and swiped Weibo, and as he swiped, he swiped a message that Ye Qingchen absconded in fear of crime.

She snorted, exited, and clicked on the hot search.

Ye Qingchen can be said to be very popular recently, and the word absconding in fear of crime, as expected, has become a hot search.

Qin Zhizhi also felt strange, what did Ye Qingchen do to break the law? Otherwise, how could he flee in fear of crime? When she clicked it, she realized what had happened. It turned out that something happened to the trading company that Ye Lao gave him.

Ye Qingchen secretly collected money from people who smuggled in illegally, but did not expect that the smugglers died on the road, thirteen people, four children and two adults.

Such a big thing has become a hot search, and coupled with the scandal of his previous imprisoned people, the popularity has not only not dissipated, but has even increased.

Netizens even questioned:

Imprisoned people are not resolved, how big is this right?

However, some people said that Ye Qingchen was definitely finished this time. He first imprisoned people, and then covered up and smuggled so many people to death. Even if there was no death penalty, this time he fled in fear of crime, and he couldn't escape from prison.

Qin Zhizhi couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

What about the hero of the novel? Does Ye Qingchen still have the halo of a male protagonist now? Do you still deserve to be the hero?

Of course, before the last moment, no one knew what the result would be. Ye Qingchen might be able to turn around in one fell swoop. She smiled and quit the hot search, too lazy to look at it again.

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