She Became a Villainess

Chapter 1098: Is Liang Yi finished?

The ups and downs have made Liang Yi panic, "I don't know, I don't know..."

Liu Guo hated that iron was not steel, slapped him in the face, and said angrily: "If you don't know, you have to ask me! I don't care if you say good things, or lie to her, coax her, she must stop right now, otherwise No one can save you!"

Liang Yi hurriedly took out his mobile phone, but he didn't care about being slapped: "I'll contact her now."

The beeping sound in the receiver means no one is answering.

Liang Yi angrily dropped the phone.

Liu Guo looked at her coldly: "It seems that you can't contact her anymore."

Liang Yi was so frightened that he grabbed her hand: "Sister Liu, help me, help me! I can't just ruin it like this, you held me up, you can definitely help me, you can definitely help me!"

Liu Guo calmed down, of course she didn't want to ruin the person she had cultivated for so long: "I will arrange the company's public relations immediately, you are not allowed to speak up or acknowledge this matter, and now there is only one way, beat him to death and deny it! You know what? ?"

Liang Yi nodded.

Liu Guo was about to call someone outside, but someone rushed in and hurriedly said, "Sister Liu is not good, the video of Brother Yi hitting his assistant went viral!"

Liu Guoshuo turned around and said, "You still called an assistant?"

Liang Yi was taken aback: "I..."

Liu Guo: "Okay, no one can help you now, just wait to die."

Beating the ex-girlfriend is easy to solve. As long as the other party doesn't have a stone hammer and they don't recognize him, the popularity will pass after a while, but the video of beating the assistant is also filmed, which undoubtedly confirms his domestic abuse of his girlfriend, cheating and cheating. !

Liang Yi's reputation was notorious for a while, and everyone shouted and beat him.

Fans are de-fanning and de-fanning, Xipi-fan is de-fanning, and Zhuanwei is Zhuanwei. Some feel distressed about Ruan Tiantian, and some are down to earth.

The sunspots talk about the programs recorded by the two, talk about the secretly filmed videos, say that Ruan Tiantian must have something to do with Liang Yi, etc. Anyway, they are going to stink Ruan Tiantian at this juncture. .

At this time, the Marshmallows would slaughter the square, indicating that the two were not even friends, so don't bring up topics like Ruan Tiantian.

Until the next night, Liang Yi's assistant cried and clarified in front of the camera: "Liang Yi is a violent man who will do anything to stop it. I have been his assistant for so long, and it is common for him to beat and scold me like in the video. I like him. He must keep his eyes open. He is not only violent, but also wants to rely on women. Unfortunately, people don't care about him at all. Get off the stage and leave."

"Liang Yi is still shameless and sticks to it, and he will **** the blood of others. I have never seen such a shameless man. I really can't stand it, so I will expose him. I am also the baby of my parents, and my parents have grown up since childhood. I was reluctant to beat me and scold me, but I was beaten and scolded for a job, and my mother almost fainted when she saw the video."

The assistant choked up while wiping away tears.

Who said he didn't say his name, but who couldn't guess that the person Liang Yi wanted to **** blood was Ruan Tiantian?

The netizens' sympathy for the assistant, and even more scolding for Liang Yi, and the black scorpions of Hei Ruan Tiantian gradually subsided.

After Xiaoqing finished eating the melon, she complained to Ruan Tiantian: "It's really heartwarming, I didn't expect Liang Yi to be a violent man and beat women. I don't even look down on this kind of man, let alone fans."

Ruan Tiantian was holding her cheeks, thinking about the crystal cores she received in the game that day, and made a random hum.

Xiaoqing said: "It's all like this, Liang Yi can't turn over, right?"

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