Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 125: Surprise him

"Our… Lord Duke Byrne is really glorious, worrying about the country and the people ..."

The imperial capital of Golovin, the heavenly palace.

In the side hall next to the Yuqian cabinet, the minister of the seal of the seal holding the wine glass, Metternich Leopold, looked sharply at the letterhead that had just been sent by the messenger on the table and sent from Bayern to the entire empire. It was the expression on the wrinkled face that made him cry and laugh, shaking his head non-stop:

"I really want to know if he really doesn't know what turbulence this letter will cause in the empire, and how strong the damage will be."

"Of course he knows that it may even be the reason why he did this." Victor Hughes, former judge of the imperial court, snorted snortingly, and he stared at the letter with a frost as well:

"Break the inherent situation, destroy the original balance, take the chestnut from the fire ... Isn't it his usual style?"

Looking at Victor Hughes, who secretly gritted his teeth and forcibly calmed his teeth, there was a vicissitudes smile on the face of Minister Palm Seal.

It was not easy to let Victor, who had been disturbed by the Yuqian trial, even have to personally reverse the case of Zhao Xue forgive the "former wizard advisor".

However, Victor's advantage is that he does not put his personal emotions into his work, which is also an important reason why he can become the judge of Yuqian ... or that he will find him to discuss.

Loren Turin made the empire unprepared-and more importantly, every time the Sky Vault and the church had no preparation, they must immediately face the consequences of this incident!

The enemy of the empire was actually the devil's claw, and the empire was not aware from beginning to end. Such a slow response resulted in a powerful principality on the verge of extinction ...

What would the princes of the Principalities think, would they think that the empire no longer blessed their strength? !

The bishop of the church of Ebden, the most hottest servant ever under the gate of Holy Cross, turned out to be the running dog and apostle of the evil god, his hands covered with blood ...

What would the Holy Cross believers throughout the empire think, would their beliefs be shaken? !

This "glorious" Duke Byrne did not consider this at all. As an imperial vassal, he did not even seek the opinion of the emperor himself. In such a magnificent way, such great news was announced to the whole world, and the sky dome palace immediately fell into This is the dilemma of passive situations.

"If it was before, I would immediately suggest that Your Majesty arrested the vassals who had leaked such important information on the charge of treason and treason, and directly took the most powerful means to supervise their fiefs to deter other principalities."

Victor had a stiff expression, his cold eyes narrowed gently: "But ..."

"But this time, we can't do it." Metternich sighed and took his words lightly. "Not only that, because the Principality of Bain solved the enemy with the quickest degree, causing this evil **** apostle. Losses have been minimized. "

"The empire cannot arrest a hero or convict him; and we have to commend him and reuse him-only in this way can we prove that His Majesty Eckhart II restored Bayern's unity and made Loren Turin a Duke. correct."

"Otherwise, it will be His Majesty slapping himself!"

With a low sigh, Metternich raised the glass and sipped it out.

Justice Victor also fell into silence, gently picked up the letterhead and looked up.

"Your expression looks tangled ... problematic?"

Metternich's eyes were extremely sharp.

"It's nothing, just a bit of doubt." Victor shook his head: "There is no doubt that this time, Loren Turin took advantage of the power of the Duke of Byrne and took advantage of Poi's advantage, let us I was caught off guard; I had to face such a serious problem immediately, and I had no time to take care of his other actions. "

"But ..." Fill yourself again with a cup, and Secretary Palmetto knows that this is not what he wants to say.

"Is it possible for him to seize the opportunity so easily, does it not explain some of the problems?" Victor asked rhetorically, with a calm voice: "Faced with such a dangerous enemy and severe situation, the Yuqian cabinet and even the entire parliament first thought of it, it was all covered up And procrastinate, not solve it. "

"I admit that the empire has more problems to solve than a Principality, but the empire is also far stronger than a Principality; this time, if the empire can act immediately, it must be more than Bain Xun."

"We have an unparalleled legion, and there are invincible dragons-His Royal Highness Brandon's results of this trip are enough to prove that even if the infantry is the main, the legion's sudden progress is also inferior; at the same time, the dragon can also quickly Entering the battlefield, alone can also form a powerful combat power! "

"So many, why do we become more powerful, but so passive that we have to accept a result that we least want to see?"

Victor's voice was deeply helpless, even if he didn't show it deliberately.

In the leisurely side hall, the two fell into a certain silence.

"The times have changed, and the situation will have to change." Metternich's low-pitched voice sounded again: "We are about to face, and it is no longer an empire under which the forces of the emperor are balanced when the twelfth generation is at its peak. . "

"New forces are about to rise, and old forces are facing challenges; threats from the north, turmoil in neighboring countries, hidden enemies, and internal hidden dangers all make the original balance no longer exist." Minister Zhang Xi said lightly:

"At this time, it is more dangerous than when the empire was founded; because we not only have to fight against the enemy, but also against allies that are ambitious and profitable, and even sometimes ... we also have to fight against ourselves."

Hesitating for a moment, Victor gently put the letterhead down.

"So, in this kind of dispute between the parties ..." The Chief Justice's voice was a bit decadent: "Strategy and strength are the most important things. The law does not matter. Does it matter if it becomes a blank article?"

"On the contrary!"

Metternich interrupted him violently, pressing the wine glass on the table with a "slap!": "The more this time, the more someone needs to stand up to maintain the most basic legal principles! The more turbulent the situation, the more Some kind of rule is needed. "

"Even if it's just a superficial article, it's a pretend look, even relying on unspoken rules ... it's extremely important; otherwise the empire built by the twelfth generation will be wiped out overnight!"

"Stabilize the situation and wait and see how it changes ... This is what we have to do and what we can do." Minister Zhang Xi's expression was solemn and he looked at Victor with four eyes:

"It is so much like our Majesty Eckhart, who hopes we can do it!"

Victor Hughes slightly bowed, but his expression was a little unwilling.

Minister Palm Seal sighed and said lightly: "What's more, the person who is most anxious about this matter is not you and me, but the Holy Cross Church; the resurrection of the evil god, the bishop's apostasy, and then the previous Red Blood Fort's Heretic Order ... "

"Huh ... At the beginning, a small wizard who proposed the" Topography Nature Theory "made Archbishop Innocent furious, and he would have to perform a heretical trial and torture against his majesty; this time, I was afraid that he could be directly killed for half his life!"


"It's not just ... he's still alive, and it's amazing to me not being called by Holy Cross."

Ebden, the wizard tower of the nine-pointed star.

In the chamber, Corona, the first veteran of Eboden's consul and wizard tower, glanced at the letterhead on the table and glanced at Freswalk, who was sitting opposite him, holding his pipe in a cloud.

Since the appearance of this letterhead by Byrne, the Wizard Tower has also obtained it for the first time; it is just that the attitude of the Wizard Tower is much easier than that of the fierce enemies of the Heavenly Dome Palace and the sacredness of the Holy Cross Church.

It even includes two people sitting opposite each other in the Chamber, and there are even a few faces on their faces ...

"Fresh Walker, you really make me jealous." Corona, who was still not smiling, raised his eyes with a sigh of emotion:

"Isaac Grantham, Ain Rand, and then Loren Turin ... How can you, the old and immortal Hode, let the entire generation of wizard towers' hope be concentrated under your door?"

"Before accusing others, please clean your buttocks first!" Freswalk snorted while holding his pipe, without giving any face to the ruler:

"When some people pried the disciples from me, I didn't say a word!"

"That's because you already have Isaac Grantham, and your Freswalk school has very few achievements in curse science, which is not enough to compare with our Corona!"

"Is it? I think some people are using power for personal gain, holding the wizard tower for hundreds of years to build their own school. In order to make their faces shine, they know that the Chamber of Commerce investment is pitted by their disciples, and they must pretend to be Take care of juniors! "

"But you also have to see the good side of things-we have curbed the momentum of the Jodhpur Chamber of Commerce and established a good friendship with Byrne; how important is the relationship network, how can you, an ivory tower wizard, understand?"

"Yeah, I don't know how to do business with Robert Freswalk; but I know that some people fail to invest when they fail to invest; if it doesn't count on ocean trade, your Corona family's assets have shrunk by a third? "

"Even if it is reduced to one-tenth, it is one hundred times more than your Freswalk house."

... the two of you, I derogated each other from one word to another, and the bickering was full of excitement;

The unification of Byrne, or the birth of the first "duke of wizards" in hundreds of years, had a huge impact on the wizard tower and the entire empire; the help to the wizard world is self-evident.

Because of this, they will be so happy when they receive the news of the victory of the Centaur War-this signifies that Loren Turin has completely stabilized his position and power, and that Ebden has a potentially powerful ally.

The most important thing is to be able to rapidly expand the influence of the wizarding world in the entire empire ... If Byrne, as the empire of the empire, can establish a complete system of wizards, can completely abandon the traditional concept of wizards, then improve the wizards in The status of the empire will be of great help.

Of course, these are the future things, it is impossible to see the results immediately, and it takes more than a decade or even decades to hundreds of years ... but even if it is just a hope, it is worth squeezing tightly.

"I heard that Ain Rand was also involved in that war in Byrne's army." Corona said softly: "Harlem van Ashamai, he will not let go of such a good opportunity of."

"Of course he won't, but I don't care--as you said, I already have Isaac Grantham." Freswalk is very "grand" Aung:

"Twenty years later, three of the twelve schools of the Wizarding Tower all came out of Freswalk; even if you are not happy then, my portrait is definitely the one in the middle."

Seeing the smug Fres Walker still suffocating, the entire chamber was smoky, and Corona frowned slightly: "You continue, you don't have to wait for twenty years, we will see you Portrait. "

"Accurately, four months." Freswalk whispered.

Corona was slightly startled and frowned, "You already have a hunch?"

"In predictive science, only Albold is slightly stronger than me." Freswalk's expression of indifference: "In half a month, I can only see you on the bed."

"There is no way to save?"

"Of course, but I gave up-living too long does not increase wisdom, it will only make you feel further away from living people." Freswalk murmured:

"I don't want to become a monster that is like the evil god, it's better to close it earlier ... wait another ten years, and you will feel the same as me."

Corona looked at him without saying a word.

"What's more, the things that have been arranged have already been arranged. There will be successors, and the future is promising; what else can I regret?" Freswalk shook his head and suddenly remembered something like:

"Negotiations with Byrne ... How are you preparing?"

"It was finalized half a month ago, and now it's just ahead of time." Corona sags slightly, her mouth lightly raised: "It is expected that when Loren Turin returns to the Red Blood Castle, he will meet us and prepare for him carefully Present. "

"A full two months of planning, repeated discussions with the Holy Cross Church, the Sky Dome, the Round Table Council of the Red Blood Castle, and the Imperial Capital Wizard College, and compromise, just for this moment ..." Freswalk murmured:

"I hope this Lord Duke Byrne ~ ~ can understand our good intentions for preparing this 'surprise' for him."

"Well, he will understand ... after all, he is very smart, and we have spent so much effort." Corona nodded: "And it will be very shocked, but this is a surprise he can't even think of."

"Of course, it's not necessary to laugh."

"I think it can't be laughed."

"Well, it makes sense."

The words fell, and the two of them staring at each other nodded. ...

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