Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 123: Crown of Horses

Thousand Account City.

After converging with Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle from the South, and the dwarves of Silverhelm Mountain, Loren finally returned to the only city on the Great Green Sea.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar scene in front of him, the dark wizard ’s eyes were extremely complicated; although the traces of damage on the wall were still there, almost no blood or charred traces were seen, and the corpses and broken walls were basically cleaned up. The residential houses in the city have basically been repaired, or temporarily replaced by tents most commonly used by horseback people.

Bustling figures, tent camps around the city walls, cattle and sheep, and horses and carts that constantly shuttle between the streets and the city gates ...

I ca n’t believe how fierce blood wars broke out here just a few months ago. The piles of corpses even blocked the flowing river outside the city.

Of course, the changes in this city are far more than that ... The dark pupil stared at the iron crown banner on the city wall, Loren could not help but sigh.

The reaction of the empire was unimaginable. If Brandon did n’t lie, this army was ordered and officially promoted during the time before and after the capture of Silver Helmet, and their march was nearly twice as fast as Byrne. .

Moreover, under the premise of doubling the strength and focusing on infantry ... In less than two months, it has passed through the small Boi collar, occupying and controlling one third of the thousand account city city ​​defense.

This is because Sallyka led her troops back to Thousand Account City in a timely manner, and the result of some negotiations; otherwise, now the wall is not standing by Poe's hussar samurai, but the legionnaires of the Empire!

In a sense, this is also the capital of Brandon and his "lion's big opening" ... indeed, even the proudest Bion Knight has to admit that the quality of the Empire's Legion is higher than that of Bine.

Even if Brandon turned his face and did n’t recognize anyone, there was no force in Poi ’s territory that could contend with the 50,000 Legion, plus a giant dragon; besides, Loren ’s purpose was to pull them together and make them truly Allegiance to the army.

This is very important for Brandon, and also for Loren; especially when Poe is already half disabled, the newly unified Byrne is good, and he will face Serel ’s next round of chasing himself at any time. Well, all need a strong enough ally.

When the Byn Boye coalition and the dwarves arrived, the castle of the Duke of Thousand Accounts was ready for the coronation of the new Grand Duke; when all the guests arrived, the official start was announced.

In this respect, the Boi people seem to have many similarities with Baien's "hometown": the ceremony is very simple, but the banquet is very grand; the same is true of alcoholism, almost no difference.

After the thoroughfare, the group entered the Duke Castle of Thousand Accounts, but only Loren, the Earl of Braha, Master Achamai, and even Brandon were rejected.

According to the rules of knighthood established at the beginning of the empire's establishment, the princes of the principalities were only one order lower than the highest emperor. They were at the same level as the princes of East Sakland.

So even if a prince stomped his feet in anger, he could only stand outside helplessly, watching Loren with a jealous face, and letting a dark wizard roll his eyes.


The quiet atmosphere of the main hall, Loren standing in front of the door can still vaguely hear the noise and noise outside;

Several Boi warriors and empire officers made a quarrel, Count Braha was mediating as much as possible in the middle; Master Ashamai stated that he must say a few words as an elder. The wizard exclaimed again and again; Brandon seemed to be mischievous again by the dragon Milasis, making him yelling without any image ...

Shaking his head, Loren with a long sigh turned his gaze back to the main hall.

Tieqi symbolized the Mithril Blade of the Grand Duke of Poi, and he was placed in front of him.

"Listening to Braha they said that several Varna family soldiers dug out of a corpse somewhere." The voice of the girl echoed between the walls, with a strong sense of laziness and decadence .

The black wizard frowned slightly, and the sulky Salika sat on the stone steps beside the knife holder, still holding the pot of marshmallows in his hand, and a pair of tranceless eyes looked straight. Take yourself:

"They also said that when the knife was 'digged', because there were too many bodies and they were piled up together, it was impossible to tell which was which; in the end, even the remains of the old thing in Las Lovarna I do n’t know where. "

"Probably ... hiccups ... have already swelled up and become nothing like stinky mud?"

When she finished, she picked up the hip flask again and poured it hard; before waiting to put it down, she was taken forward by the silent Laurent.

The girl who was snatched away from the hip flask did not resist, but just pouted and stared at him, grunting unpleasantly.

"Unhappy?" He placed the snatcher on the table, and Loren sat silently beside her.

"how come?!"

The sulky Salika retorted what she didn't want, and arrogantly propped up her neck: "I'm going to be Grand Duke Poi's man soon! For hundreds of years, the Grand Duchess of the whole empire can use both hands Count it! "

"Boy, big and small, Thousand-account City, and the horseback people of the entire Great Green Sea are my people; at the order, there will be another 100,000 Qiaoqi response tomorrow; whoever wants to fight, who wants to go, where to go! "

The girl with linen braids with open teeth and claws is short of breath, the more irritable, the heavier the blush on her face, and even the freckles with cheeks and wings become pink.

"The Jonah family has been hoping for so many years, hoping for the stars and the moon; from my grandfather to my father, my gang of uncles have not been able to have this good luck; when I haven't done it yet, that Laszlovarna himself He voluntarily died and gave up the position of Duke! "

"Yes, and Laszlovarna ... I hate that old thing, you can't imagine how happy I knew he was when he died!"

"So what can I be unhappy about? When I became a Duke, I got a bitter revenge and won a Centaur War. The barbarians did not dare to come over for a hundred years. I am happy! The joy is broken! Who Not as happy as me! "

Sally Cahystery screamed, sulked with rage, and then fell down on the stairs behind her; she gasped heavily, her chest kept rising and falling, her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

The long silence can only hear the panting of the girl.

The alcohol and anger on the face gradually dissipated, and Sallyka's expression gradually calmed down.

"You traitor ..."


Surprised Loren turned his face, and saw Salika lying on the steps with a pair of cold eyes; it seemed that a hungry wolf was staring at his prey.

"Why, still trying to be stupid?" The girl snorted angrily: "Blaha told me before I came in. You and the prince had already hooked up in private in a long time, and you want to have the imperial army stationed in Poi."

The black wizard stopped talking.

"Such a big thing, you actually agreed to come down without telling me in advance ..." Sallyka said more and more angry, her mouth trembling constantly:

"My lord Duke Byrne ... In your eyes, are the Boys the dog legs of your Bone, who can be called and swept away, can they betrayed if they want to betrayed ?!"

"What do you think of me, what do you think of Boe ?!"

Looking at the angry eyes, the trembling corners of the mouth, Loren was stunned, and all the words he had thought were blocked in his throat.

Can only bow his head, not to look at those eyes.

He wanted to explain to Sallyka that the necessities for Brandon ’s garrison in Poi could bring benefits to Poi; he wanted to tell her that it was a way to do nothing, but ...

It's always her, not herself, who is injured; such words can only be used to comfort and comfort yourself.

As the Grand Duke of a country, he controls the entire Great Green Sea and holds the power of life and death, but he has to accept that his capital and territory are garrisoned, supervised, and even monitored; how uncomfortable this feeling is ... not unimaginable .

At this time, it is also necessary for the other party to consider herself, to understand how significant her sacrifice is, and how crucial it is to herself or the "big picture". This is too ...

"... I actually know."

The girl who spoke in silence suddenly interrupted the dark wizard ’s contemplation, with a sullen expression: "The empire has already shot against Boe, but they never had a chance because of the black prince and Laslovana in the past. . "

"Since it's already doomed, let Brandon, who has a good relationship with himself and weak, come to the garrison. It is always stronger than the emperor or the Connor Crown Prince ... you must think so, right?"

Loren's face changed, and she looked at her incredulously.

"But don't think that I don't hate you anymore, you don't owe me more than that!" Sallyka suddenly looked up, staring at the black wizard indignantly:

"You promised me that you should leave me the man who killed my warrior with me, the last one?"

The black wizard's expression stiffened.

"And the Chacar ... I have heard ears coming out of my ears these past two days; the Lord Duke Byrne, who fell from the sky, beheaded a monster that could not help even the dragon ... It ’s so powerful. ! "

Looking at the pair of eyes that really wished to kill himself, Loren remembered that Lucien had asked similar words before, and his expression was extremely embarrassing.

After being stared at by the girl for five seconds, he held back a word.


"I'm sorry ..." In the end, he could only say so: "I'm breaking my word."

He really didn't know what else he could say.

At this moment, staring at the black wizard Salika, "crack!" Clenched his wrist.

Loren was slightly startled and subconsciously wanted to draw his hand back.

"Why, don't you agree?"

As he said, Salika squeezed him hard in the palm of his hand, and a pair of extremely aggressive eyes looked up and down: "How many people want it, no chance!"

"Still say ... you made me pay so much, even this request can not be agreed?"

"This has nothing to do with the request?" The black wizard widened his eyes: "And I think ... doing this doesn't seem to compensate you!"

"I can do it!"

The nail-cut girl, the girl's wrist, once again, the distance between the two people is only inches, almost the tip of the nose is close to the tip of the nose.

Salika, who had flushed cheeks, closed her eyes slightly, trembling slowly.

The stunned look of Loren's eyes was extremely complicated.

In my mind, a cliché "dilemma" of my previous life came to mind.

Well, since she insists on doing this, then ...

The next second, Sallyka suddenly opened her eyes.

Then bite on Loren's lower lip!


When the severe pain came, Loren, who suddenly shook his head, immediately covered his mouth and saw a red mark in his hand.

"you you……"

"Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... !!!!!!"

Answering her was Sallyka's unabashed laughter.

"How about, not surprised, not surprised ?! I tell you, no matter who asks you what is going on after you go back, you have to answer truthfully, and then we are even!"

Loren didn't know what he was supposed to do, and Salika was still laughing unscrupulously, clutching her stomach and rolling back and forth on the stairs.


At this moment, the door opened.

With those sturdy, slow, heavy and light steps, the guests outside the main hall door flooded in.


Suddenly aware of the bad black wizard, he turned around immediately, and then surprisedly screamed Salika, who had just rolled her eyes and was still standing in the middle of the main hall, behind her hands.

When did she walk past?

The inexplicable Loren was thinking sideways while standing on the side to give way to the central road; before he understood it, Brandon gently patted his shoulder and looked at him up and down in surprise.

However, when those surprised eyes stopped on his lips, it immediately turned into an empathetic smile, and the corner of his mouth could not help grinning behind the ears, and nodded still there.

Loren had to roll his eyes at him and ignore it.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

A heavy footstep came from outside the door.

Following the eyes of everyone, a veteran dressed in the priest's clothes slowly entered the hall after everyone, holding the holy cross sculpture in his hand ~ ~ and the one who was on the top, Heraldic banner of the Jonah family.

Bishop Calvin is also one of the oldest bishops of the Holy Cross Church.

Seeing the old man slowly approaching himself, even Sallyka, who had never been afraid of the sky, clearly showed a tense expression, her tight lips seemed to stop breathing.

"In front of you, I would like to tell Boye in the name of the Holy Cross that even the Duke of Laszlovarna, the princes of the empire, had died in the glorious battle on the battlefield and was promoted to heaven!"

For a moment, the main hall was dead, and only the voice of Bishop Calvin could be heard:

"Under the testimony of you and Holy Cross, the coronation ceremony of the new Grand Duke Poi officially began!" ...

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