Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 119: Monsters war

"Loren ... Turin-!!!!!!"

On the battlefield with no blood, the only roar of Chakal Changxiao is still echoing.

Chakar, like a **** flame, covered the fire, and the charred shell on his body continued to shatter and fall, turning into the sky of smoke and ashes; the new tentacles protruded from the body, scattered differently from the original. , Bright red color.

Like a resurrected Chakal, the huge and fat Evil God's body is as large as the original; waving the tentacles in the sky, screaming in anger and madness, and the dull echoes disturbing the disturbing fear.


The heavy tentacles slammed down, leaving large swaths of gully on the battlefield that had turned into scorched earth, and the diffuse smoke and dust swept up around his huge body.

"Loren ... Turin-!!!!!!"

It is difficult to say whether the current Chakal still has the meaning represented by this name; or it may not matter to Chakal that the Evil God's body has been eroded by the power of the void.

There is no longer the concept of "vengeance", no longer will consider the future of the deceased Centaur tribe, and will never think about whether they can survive.

The body was destroyed, the consciousness was corroded, and the last little bit of "self" was also destroyed in the previous battle, completely wiped out by the "poison" injected by Master Ashamai.

Instead, it is "destroying" and "killing", the instinctive desires of beasts and monsters.

boom--! boom--! boom--! boom--!

The tentacles are constantly pounding on the ground, and a new head in the rising smoke "stretches" out of Chakal's body.


Along with the thunder that sounded again, the wings of the flying dragon Milasis roared down from the sky, and the raging wind swept toward the body of the evil **** on the earth.

The violent wind pressure constantly swept the ground, and Milasis continued to hover in the sky, using his inherent advantages to look down on Chakal under him, proud of the dragon.

Chacar, who snarled violently, roared angrily at Milasis above the dome; the tentacles all over his body were trembling and dancing; the sound of tearing flesh and pus was constantly heard from the fat body .

The dragon flying in the sky is almost an innate "natural enemy" to the body of the evil god-as long as it spreads its wings, it will be helpless to the dragon, and the boiling dragon flame is fatal to all life in the sky.

Even in melee combat, the dragon's power is no less than any void creature; the strong and powerful dragon claw can easily tear the flesh of the body of the evil god;

The large mouth of the blood basin covered with fangs can also easily bite off any of its tentacles.

The only advantage may be its incredible vitality, which can withstand the most serious fatal wounds; and the dragon that has been cut through the bore is absolutely dead.

Mirases hovering in the air, amber eyes reflected Chacar's mad figure; no less than human wisdom, thinking of her tactics;

Although the reason is not clear, the previous confrontation has proved that it is impossible to destroy this monster with Dragon Flame alone; and if the distance is too far, it will also weaken the power of Dragon Flame.


With a roar of dragons, Milasis with his wings spread out into a beautiful arc in the sky, wrapped in a fierce wind and rushed towards the body of the evil god.

Almost at the same time, all the tentacles on Chacar's body stopped shaking; from different directions, they stabbed into the sky one after another!

puff--! puff--! puff--! puff--!

The tentacle, which was only a few tens of meters long, continued to extend its length like infinite flesh and blood, like a crossbow arrow rising from the sky, constantly rushing to the sky; at the same time, a sharp bone spur grew on the top of the tentacle.

With one blow, you can penetrate the Dragon Wings of Milasis!

The dived Milasis immediately noticed the dark shadow pounced on him; slowly opened the large mouth of the blood basin, and the deep part of the larynx gleamed with dazzling light.

Under the dome, the black shadows on both sides gradually approached.

Intersect, only for a moment ...


The golden-red fire burst in the air, and the burning tentacles fell weakly, hitting the ground heavily.

At this moment, the figure of Milasis suddenly flipped over, evading the surprise of two left and right tentacles; the elegant and slender figure turned in the air, constantly crossing the walls of the tentacles.

With the afterimage of Milasis diving down, there was a continuous burst of fire in mid-air; between the electric light and stone fire, the dragon kept evading, flipping, and reversing under a siege with a tentacle.

Elegant figure, smooth movements, Milasis in the sky does not seem to be fighting, but dancing; and her partner is the gust of wind that whistled beside her.

As for Chakal ’s tentacles, they are completely reduced to the rhythm of her “dancing steps”, which is a stage to show her high dance skills.


There was another flame in the air, and the last three tentacles continued to shrink and melt in the flames and could no longer be waved.

Chacar snarled painfully, venting his anger weakly.

Milasis, who was no longer obstructed, swooped straight towards the body of the evil god.


Unexpectedly, the tentacle that was first shot down by Milassis' Dragon Flame came back to life again; and without warning, she slammed her dragon back.

No, that's not "live" again ...

But in the dead tentacles, the reborn flesh and blood ... The "poison" planted by Master Ashamai in the body of Chakal has completely become a part of the body of the evil god.


The earthquake shook.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind swept through the dust; on the **** battlefield filled with smoke and dust, there was an abrupt pit.

The snarling Chacar turned his head and aimed his gaze in the direction of the rising smoke; the tentacles shook one by one, excited like a python preparing to eat.

Amidst the turbulent smoke, Miracis slammed the dragon and got up from the pit; the amber eyes flashed like real anger.


There was another dragon roar, completely thought that he would be annoyed by the dragon that was shot down from the sky; his wings were opened again, and the turbulent wind blew away the surrounding smoke and slowly lifted up the huge body of Milassis.

However, at this moment, the two tentacles were suddenly shot and rushed to Milasis' dragon wing.

With a backhand wave, Milasis shot down the incoming tentacles with a speed that was completely out of shape; but also lost the opportunity to take off, he had to spread his wings and flew up toward the same roaring demon shell.

On this unmanned battlefield, the two behemoths launched a final fight with an unimaginable attitude!

No longer dodge, rush towards each other face to face.


The dragon claw clenched into a "fist" slammed on the side of Chakal's skull; the huge figure flicked slightly, as if entangled with the right claw that Milassis swung, and pulled a tentacle to sweep across Giant dragon.

A long whip was left on the dragon wing on the left. Milasis, who growled, grabbed the tentacles of the Evil God's body and slammed his right foot towards the ground.

Great tremor!

The wings of the dragon's claws continued to force. At the same time as Chacar screamed in anger, the dragon Milassis bit by bit and raised the huge figure of the body of the evil **** above his head.

The wailing Chacar struggled desperately, but he couldn't get rid of the dragon's powerful and terrifying power anyway.


The earth-shattering loud noise seemed to collapse the entire world.

Under the setting sun, two extremely large figures fell to the ground at the same time; under them, the flat battlefield had completely changed its shape, and there were potholes and depressions everywhere, and no one was intact.

Even so, in the loud noise that was enough to vibrate the eardrum, Chakal and Milasis had already climbed from the ground and pounced on each other again.

They wave their claws, tentacles, strike with their body strength, or even bite with their fangs ... use any way they can be used to cause damage to the other party to fight.

The stunned little wizard was completely speechless when he saw the behemoths fighting each other in the distance.

Is this ... fighting between monsters?

Brutality, brutality, savageness, horror ... words in front of such a scene suddenly become pale and weak; the various adventures that I have encountered before, battles and even tens of thousands of fighting, compared with the pictures in front ...

It pales in comparison.


Milasis' right paw stabbed into Chacar's torso, and the chapped Chacar waved his tentacles, continually beating the dragon's back; the crisp collision sound was extremely harsh, every It seemed to be possible to hear the vibration between the tentacles and the muscles once.

But no matter how hard the tentacles of the sky beat, Milasis showed no signs of pulling out his right paw.


The gray-blue pus squirted, and the sharp dragon claws directly tore the flesh of the Evil God's shell, and penetrated the whole.

puff--! puff--! puff--! puff--!

Close to Chacar's body, Milasis turned his right paw into a sharp blade, and madly spurted on Chacar's torso; each piercing was accompanied by pus that spewed out, and was cut off. Tentacles and Chacar's painful wailing.

With such a crazy tear, the front end of the Evil God's body was gradually torn apart, and countless rips were turning his body into a rotten pocket full of holes ... Continue, Milassis will directly tear Chacar alive. In half!


The straightly pierced dragon claws penetrated the torso of the Evil God's shell completely, and the claw tips covered with pus and minced meat protruded from Chakal's back, with a tentacle of rotten meat in his palm.

But in the next second, a tentacle suddenly caught the protruding dragon claw!

With a low growl, Milasis, who was trapped in the body of the Evil God's body, failed to break free of the tentacles ... even at the same time, countless tentacles swept over her and spread all over her body.

The neck, the head, the limbs, the torso ... large and small tentacles entangled Milasis' body as if to twist her directly.

"Loren ... Turin-!!!!!!"

The excited Chacar yelled again at an unknown meaning.

The tentacles composed of carrion and pus are tighter and tighter, and the desperately struggling Milassis, the whole body is constantly making a "click" sound, as if it will be broken bones in a second.

Finally, the dragon no longer struggled.

The trembling tentacles, like a group of pythons, lifted Milasis from the ground to the sky.


With wide-eyed eyes, Lucien clenched the sword in his hand, his shoulders trembling.

"Your Highness Brandon, if you continue this way, the dragon may just ... His Royal Highness?"

The gray pupil raised his head, but the royal prince on the side was holding his shoulders, and there was no expression under the reddish tip, and there was not even a little waves.

Milasis still showed no signs of resistance, still wrapped around his body.

Until Milasis was parallel to Chakal, a huge dragon floated in Chakal's sight.

But what Chacar saw was not a dragon, but a large mouth of blood basins covered with fangs, and ... a little dazzling light in the unseen darkness.


The golden red dragon spewed out.

Accompanied by the scorched smell in the air, Chacar, who screamed in pain, was burned in the golden-red dragon's blaze; the tentacles that bound Mirasis were almost flammable.

Almost the distance from face to face, the tentacles originally used to restrain Milassis, it also made Chakar impossible to evade, and completely received the fatal blow of Dragon Fire!

No matter how angry Chakal was, he could no longer wave his tentacles, and he could only let the tentacles that bound the dragon twitch, shrink, and finally turn into ashes in the dragon inflammation.


Taking advantage of the opportunity, Milasis spread his wings again, roared in the huge wind, and soared into the air.

The painful Chacar extinguished the burning dragon, and he howled unwillingly in the air.

It's time to decide the outcome ...

The gray pupil holding his breath narrowed his eyes and stared at the giant dragon swooping down from the air again.

Once again, Chacal will surely be fully prepared;

Milasis, with his wings folded away, no longer dodges and screams towards Chacar.

Roaring Chakal, as always, stretched out countless tentacles to block Milassis from the sky.

Constant contact, dodge, and flip ... leaving behind a piece of fire, constantly breaking through the tentacles, rushing towards the roaring Chakal, and diving down.

At the moment when the two figures were about to touch, Milasis opened his wings abruptly, and the huge figure suddenly stagnate in the air.

A figure fell from the dragon's back.

Chacal's eyes suddenly widened.

"Loren ... Turin-!!!!!!"

The wind screamed, and the black wizard who jumped from the dragon pulled out the "Dawn" sword, held his hands in opposite hands, and pointed the blade of the sword under him.

Time at this moment ~ ~ has become slower.

He could even see Chacar's startled expression, as well as the wide open mouth of a blood-bath filled with fangs.


The moment the black wizard's figure fell fiercely, the "Dawn" sword penetrated Chakal's head at the same time.

Very good, forced landing success.

Without hesitation, the gray-blue magic circle centered on the sword and opened instantly.

"Nice ... the dream!" ...

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